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Analysis (Limit,

Differencial and Integral)

Group 9


1305621002 ADAM RAMADHAN
Table of contents

01 02
Limit Differencial

Definition of Limit Function
Limits are always associated with functions. With the limit concept, it can be determined
the value that is approached by the function if the variable is known to approach or go to a
value. In limit, the term approaching or heading is denoted by : "→".

"x → a" is read: "x approaches a" or "x goes to a", meaning that the value of x is very
close to a but not the same as a.

The limit of the function f(x) is a value that is approached by the function f(x) if x
approaches a certain value. For example, for x to approach a, f(x) approaches L, this
condition is written as follows :

lim 𝑓 ( 𝑥 )= 𝐿
𝑥 → 𝑎
(We can read : limits as x approaches a of the function f(x) equal to L)
Example 1

Find the limit value of when x approaches 1.

For x approaching 1 or written as: x → 1, we can
approach x values from the left with the values :
0; 0,5; 0,8; 0,9; 0,99; 0,999; 0,9999; 0,99999; ...
or from the right with the values :
2; 1,5; 1,1; 1,01; 1,001; 1,0001; 1,00001; ...
The f(x) values for each specified value are listed in the following table.

x 0 0,5 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 → 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,5 1,8
9 999 999 1 000 001 01 1
9 ← 1

2 2,5 2,8 2,9 2,9 2,9 2,9 → 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,1 3,5 3,8
9 999 999 3 000 001 01 1
9 ← 1
As the table shown. The closer the value of x is to 1, the value of f(x) will be closer
to 3. This situation is expressed by: limit f(x) = 3 for x approaches 1, and is generally
written as :

The limit of the function for x close to 1, can also be investigated using the graph of
the function f(x). Take a look at the graph presented below.
B. Limit function which has no limit
In the example given earlier, we can see
that there is a function limit value for x
close to a specified value. In the limit
there are times when we cannot find the
limit value of the function or the limit
value of the function is close to infinity.
For that, consider the following example.
Example 2

Find the limit value of the function for x close

to 3.

We can approach the values of x from the left with the
2; 2,5: 2,8; 2,9; 2,99; 2,999; 2,9999; 2,99999; ...
or from the right by value:
4; 3,5; 3,1; 3,01; 3,001; 3,0001; 3,00001; ...
The calculation results for each x value specified
above are presented in the following table.
The calculation results for each x value specified above
are presented in the following table.
From Left : From Right :
x f(x) x f(x)
2 -1 4 1
2,5 -2 3,5 2
2,8 -5 3,8 1,25
2,9 -10 3,1 10
2,99 -100 3,01 100
2,999 -1000,0000000001 3,001 1000,0000000001
2,9999 -9999,9999999789 3,0001 9999,9999999789
2,99999 - 3,00001 99999,999999344
99999,999999344 9
2,999999 - 3,000001 999999,99986022
999999,99986022 2
2,9999999 - 3,0000001 10000000,016365
10000000,016365 789
2,99999999 - 3,00000001 100000000,60774
100000000,60774 711
2,999999999 - 3,000000001 999999917,25963
999999917,25963 581
Look at the table above. If x is approached from the left, the
value of the function f(x) will go to an infinite negative
number or can be written : f(x) → -∞, meanwhile, if
approached from the right, the value of f(x) will also go to an
infinite positive number or can be written : f(x) → ∞. This
means that the limit f(x) does not exist for x approaching 3,
and in general it is written that : does not exist, or it is
called : function is divergent for x approaching 3.
Look at the graph of function A below.
C. Functional limits for x → ∞
At this point, the discussion of limits still boils down to
investigating the limits of the function for x to approach
a certain value. In the limit, it also discusses how the
function limit is when x approaches a very large number
which is usually called infinity and is denoted by : x →
∞. Investigation of function limits for x approaching
infinity, we can do like investigating function limits for
x approaching a certain number. For that, consider the
following example.
Example 3

Investigate the limit of for x approaching


Solution :

To get close to infinity, we can assign a

value to x from a large number to a very
large number. Look at the following table.
x f(x)
100 1,01
1000 1,001
10000 1,0001
100000 1,00001
1000000 1,000001
10000000 1,0000001
100000000 1,00000001
1000000000 1,000000001
10000000000 1,0000000001
In the table we can see that the greater the value of x, the closer the value
of f(x) is to 1. Thus we can conclude that :

Look at the graph of the function below.

D. Limits Theorem
Determining the limit value of f(x) for x
approaching a, by investigating as described
above, of course requires a relatively long time
and tends to be inefficient and relatively tedious.
In order to avoid such determinations, in the
concept of limits, theorems are derived that can
be used to determine the limit value of a
function directly. In this section we will present
these theorems, and will show how to use them
to determine limit values.
I) Theorem 1
For any k real number then
Example :
II) Theorem 2

Example :
III) Theorem 3
For any k real number then
Example :
IV) Theorem 4
For any k real number then
Example :
V) Theorem 5

Example :
VI) Theorem 6

Example :
VII) Theorem 7
If then
Example :
VII) Theorem 8

Example :
If we observe the examples above,
namely determining the limit value
of a function with the theorems
mentioned, then we can see that
the limit value f(x) for x approaches
a can be obtained by substituting x
= a into the formula f(x). Based on
these theorems and examples, we
can make the following formula.
“If f(x) is defined for x = a or f(a) = L, then : ”
Example 4

Determine the value of :

Solution :
Note that then . It means that f(2) is
defined and f(2) = 7.
Thus :

E. Determine the limit value with algebra
Sometimes the limit value f(x) for x → a is not
obtained by direct substitution. For example,
after the value x = a is substituted into f(x) the
form ∞/∞ or (∞-∞) is obtained. Such forms are
called indeterminate forms or abbreviated
definite forms. For such cases we need to find a
function equal to f(x) for every x except where x
= a. To find this function we need algebraic
operations such as factoring, dividing,
rationalizing and others. The following will
explain how to determine the finite values for
indeterminate forms.
I) Indeterminate Form
If the value x = a is substituted
directly to f(x) at , the form is
obtained, so f(x) needs to be
changed. With these changes we
can get rid of the form that causes .
Consider the following example.
Example 5
Determine the value of:

Solution :
If we try to directly substitute the value x = 1 then we will
get :

Obviously this is an indeterminate form. To avoid this, we

need to change the form of the function contained in the limit
by factoring, then eliminating the factors that result in an
indeterminate form, then after that determine the value of the
limit, as follows.
II) Indeterminate Form ∞/∞
For example, if f(x) is a fractional function of a
polynomial, such as for x → ∞, it will produce
an indeterminate form ∞/∞ if x = ∞ is
substituted directly. To get rid of this
indeterminate form, we need to change the form
of f(x) by performing an algebraic operation,
namely dividing the terms in the quantifier and
denominator with the highest rank x. After that,
to obtain the limit value, we need to use the
theorem, namely : . Consider the following
Example 6
Determine the value of:

Solution :
Note that if we substitute x = ∞ we get:
(3(∞)²-4(∞)+6)/(2(∞)²+(∞) -5) = ∞/∞
To avoid this or eliminate this ∞/∞ form, we
divide all terms in the quantifier and
denominator by x². This division is the same as
multiplication x²/x², meaning it only changes
the form, not the value.
Formula (alternative way) :
Let m and n be positive integers and

If m > n then L = ∞ or -∞
If m = n then L =
If m < n then L = 0
III) Indeterminate Form (∞-∞)

Within limits, we sometimes get the form

(∞-∞) if we substitute the x value directly.
Since this form is an indeterminate form,
we must modify the function within the
limit so that the indeterminate form can be
eliminated. The following will provide an
example of this.
Example 7

Determine the value of:

Solution :
If the value x = ∞ is substituted directly
into the function, the indeterminate form
(∞-∞) will be obtained. This form must be
eliminated, for that the function in the
limit needs to be rationalized by
multiplying the concurrent form as follows.
Formula (alternative way) :
Let a and p be positive integers and

If a > p then L = ∞
If a = p then L = 0
If a < p then L = -∞
Example 8

Determine the value of:

Solution :
If the value x = ∞ is substituted directly
into the function, it will obtain an
indeterminate form (∞-∞). This form must
be eliminated, for that the function in the
limit needs to be rationalized by
multiplying the concurrent form as follows.
Formula (alternative way) :
Let a and p be positive integers and

If a > p then L = ∞
If a = p then L =
If a < p then L = -∞
Definition of Derivative
Rules for
Theorem A

Theorem B
Theorem C
Theorem D
Theorem E
Example 1

Example 2

Differentiate 5x2 + 4x + 7
Quiz Time
4. Differentiate

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