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Unit 1:

Fuel or
GROUP 1 - D22A
1. Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Hường
2. Nguyễn Thị Thu Huyền
3. Phạm Lăng Minh Huyền
4. Đồng Nguyễn Thanh Huyền
5. Khưu Tú Khang
1 3
Word 2 Example
• Crowd (n)
a large number of people gathered
together in a public place - đám đông

Example :
_ He pushed his way through the
_ A small crowd had gathered outside
the church.
_ Police had to break up the crowd.
2. Referee (n)
a person who is in charge of a
sports game and who makes
certain that the rules are
followed - trọng tài

-The referee decided to allow the
-The footballer appealed to the
referee for a free kick.
3. Trophy (n)
a prize , such as a gold or silver
cup ,that is given to the winner of a
competition or race - chiếc cúp, chiến
lợi phẩm

_ This trophy is solid gold and fully
_ The footballer is rewarded with a
gold trophy.
4. Depression (n)
a medical condition in which a person
feels very sad, anxious and without
hope - trầm cảm

_ If you suffer from depression, it's best
to get professional help.
_ Every day she sinks further and
further into depression.
_ She suffered from severe depression
after losing her job.
5. Trauma (n)
a mental condition caused by severe
shock, stress or fear, especially when
the harmful effects last for a long time -
tổn thương

_The children showed no signs of
trauma after their ordeal.
_ The patient suffered severe brain
_ She felt exhausted after the traumas
of recent weeks.
6. Protest (v,n)
a strong complaint expressing
disagreement, disapproval, or
opposition - cam đoan (v)
sự phản đối (n)

_ My letter of protest was just a drop in
the ocean
_ I only went to the meeting under
_ One member of the committee
resigned in protest at the changes.
7. Lettuce (n)
a type of green plant with large leaves
used as a salad - rau diếp

_ This lettuce that day was hyper sweet.
_ In addition to lettuce, we found
crowding to increase the risk of typhoid
_ Snails were fed on lettuce immersed
in spring water for 5 days.
8. Butcher (v,n)
a person who sells meat in a shop -
người giết thịt (n) giết ,mổ (v)

_ Our local butcher is closing down.
_ The butcher prepared a rack of pork.
_ The butcher hacked off a large chunk
of meat.
9. Reliable (a)
able to be trusted- chắc chắn
>< unreliable

_ He is a reliable man.
_ The information presented is accurate
and reliable.
_ Are You Reliable?
10. Ambitious (a)
having a strong wish to be successful,
powerful, or rich - có tham vọng

_ An ambitious young manager
_ This architect is ambitious for
professional success
_ Ambitious plans to complete the
project ahead of schedule
11. Glamorous (a)
attractive in an exciting and special way
- hấp dẫn, thú vị

_ She is an intelligent and glamorous
_ He cannot stop looking at big
buildings and the glamorous architects
who design them.
_ My mum was extremely glamorous,
beautiful and very into style and
12. Retire (v)
to leave your job or stop working
because of old age or ill health - về hưu

_ If you retire at 50, you won't get your
full pension.
_ In the UK, men usually retire in their
late 50s or early 60s.
_ Everyone should have the right to a
pension when they retire.
13. Vegetarian (n)
a person who does not eat meat for
health or religious reasons or because
they want to avoid being cruel to
animals - người ăn chay

_ She's been a vegetarian for ten years
_ You're a vegetarian and you eat fish?
_ Don't tell him you're a vegetarian, it's
like a red rag to a bull.
14. Aggressive (a)
behaving in an angry and violent way
towards another person - hung hăng

_ An aggressive election campaign
_ Aggressive marketing tactics
_ Both players won their first-round
matches in aggressive style.
15. Responsible (a)
to have control and authority over
something or someone and the duty of
taking care of it, him, or her - có trách

_ The city council is responsible for
keeping the streets clean.
_ Council employees are responsible
for the upkeep of the gardens.
_ Nurseries are responsible for the
children in their care.
16. Jealous (a)
feeling angry or unhappy because
somebody you like or love is showing
interest in somebody else or you wish
you had something that somebody else
has - ghen tuông, ghen tị

_ He's only talking to her to make you
_ She's jealous of my success.
_ Children often feel jealous when a
new baby arrives.
17. Separate (a)
existing or happening independently or
in a different physical space - tách ra

_ They separate but later reunited.
_ Only death could separate them.
_ During its drying, the lake split into
separate pools.
18. Emphasis (n)
the particular importance or attention
that is given to something - nhấn mạnh

_ The school puts a lot of emphasis on
teaching children to read and write.
_ Gestures and facial expressions add
visual and emotional emphasis to your
_ The emphasis is on godly devotion,
not self-sufficiency.
19. Pinch (v)
to press something, especially
someone's skin, strongly between two
hard things - báu, véo

_ You pinch your nose when you smell
something bad.
_ Please do not pinch me.
_ I pinch my cat.
20. Predict (v)
to say that an event or action will
happen in the future, especially as a
result of knowledge or experience - dự
đoán, dự báo

_ The man predicted that it will rain
_ The company was able to accurately
predict their total sales for the year.
_ I can predict that this test will be
difficult tomorrow.
21. Argument (n)
a disagreement, or the process of
disagreeing - cuộc tranh luận

_ The children had an argument about
what game to play.
_ There's a strong argument for
lowering the price.
_ A decision was finally made after
some heated argument.
22. Inferior (a)
not good, or not as good as someone or
something else - thua kém

_ Much of the imported coffee is of
inferior quality.
_ This resulted in overpriced and often
inferior products.
_ If children were made to feel inferior
to other children their confidence
23. Failure (n)
the fact of someone or something not
succeeding - sự thất bại

_ Past failures made me hesitant to take
new risks.
_ He was ashamed of his many failures.
_ His test ended in complete failure.
24. Cheat (v)
to behave in a dishonest way in order to
get what you want - gian lận

_ Anyone caught cheating will be
immediately disqualified from the
_ He cheats at cards?
_ I suspect he cheats on his taxes
25. Biscuit (n)
a small, flat cake that is dry and usually
sweet - bánh qui

_ chocolate/ginger biscuits
_ a packet of biscuits
_ We had tea and biscuits at half past

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