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Nice to meet you!

Goal: To introduce ourselves using greetings, farewells and verb to be.

Evaluation criteria
Look at the picture and try to describe it.

B: Good afternoon!
A: Good afternoon! I’m
I’m Amy. Nice to
Patrick. What’s your name?
meet you!

to m eet
A: N i ce
you, to 1
Label the following pictures:
1 2 3

2 2 2

Good morning! Good afternoon! Bye!

4 5 6

2 2 2

Good evening! Hi / Hello! Good night!

- Hi/Hello! - Good morning! - Good evening! - Bye! - Good afternoon! - Good night!
Read and practise the dialogue.


A: Hi, Luis!
B: Hello, Mary! How are you?
A: I’m great, thanks! How
about you?
B: I’m fine, thanks!

Practice in pairs

Now it’s your turn! Complete the dialogues.

meet - am - are - fine - is - name

4 5
1) 2)
name is are
A: Hello,ammy _______ is Diane. What _____ your name? A: Hi, Diane. How ______ you today?
meet fine
B: Hi, I ____Pedro. Nice to ______ you! B: I’m ________, thanks. What about you?
A: Nice to meet you, too! A: Fine, thanks.
The alphabet!

How do you spell that?

A: Hello, what’s your name?

B: Hello, I’m Anna.
A: And your surname?
B: Milles.
A: How do you spell that?
B: M – I – double L – E – S.

Practice with a partner:

A: Hello, what’s your name?

B: Hello, I’m _____.
7 A: And your surname?
B: ___________.
A: How do you spell that?
B: ____________________.
Let’s talk! Read the example and create
your own conversation.
Mary: Hello, how are you ? 
Josh: I’m fine, thanks and how about you ?
Mary: I’m very well, thank you. 
Josh: Excuse me, what’s your name ?
Mary: My name is Mary. What’s yours?
Conversation time Josh: I’m Josh Pari. 
8 Mary: Pary ? How do you spell it ?
Josh: It’s  P - A - R- I .
Mary: Oh, nice to meet you, Josh.
Josh: Nice to meet you, too, Mary.
1. Ilustraciones de iStock by getting images. College students talking.
2. Images taken from the web site
3. Taken from the book SpeakOut 2nd edition.
4. Everyday conversations for English learner: Catching up after class by ShareAmerica.
5. Two students talking on the Street by dreamstime.
6. Taken from ENGLISH ALPHABET, Mayteled, from IslCollective.
7. People sitting talking Png, by VHV.RS.
8. Two Friends talking at school by Shutterstock.

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