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Instructor – Faiza Sharif
What is a being

• Professionalism involves being reliable, setting your

own high standards, and showing that you care
about every aspect of your job. It's about being
industrious and organized, and holding yourself
accountable for your thoughts, words and actions.
Professional Development

• A continuous, lifelong process of exploration and

planning of career and educational goals compatible
with your interests, values, talents, personality and
Your Life Plan
• As you plan your career you should consider the big picture…your life plan.
• Your career decisions will impact your lifestyle.
– Where you live
– Your income
– Time at home/ Family
– Your work hours
– Your travels
– Job security
– Your choice of friends
– Your leisure time
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile

1. Cognitive Ability
2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Cultural Intelligence
4. Personality Preference
5. Personal Values
6. Career Orientation
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile
1. Cognitive ability is defined as a general mental capability involving
reasoning, problem solving, planning, abstract thinking, complex
idea comprehension, and learning from experience.
– Example: Processing speed - when speaking to a customer, you can
identify their needs quickly if you have a high processing speed.
– Working Memory - You could be working on a project and don't
need to keep checking the instructions to remind yourself of the
next step in the series
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile
Cognitive Ability Skills Required Example
Ability to stay
Attention Multitasking at work
Ability to recall Remembering where
information you put your keys

Deciding whether to
Logic and reasoning Problem-solving move to a new city,
take a new job, etc.

Interpreting through
Auditory and visual Deciphering a map
sight and sound
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile
2. Emotional intelligence (EI) describes a person’s
ability to identify, understand, manage, and harness
their own emotions and those of the people around
• Test your EI:
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile
• The four elements of emotional intelligence
• Self-awareness: the ability to recognize your emotions and their impact while using gut feelings to
guide your decisions. Can you walk into a room, meet a stranger, attend a meeting and quickly sense
that something is not as it seems? Formerly known as “intuition,” this instinctual knowledge is based on
emotional intelligence.
• Self-management: the ability to control your emotions and behavior and adapt to changing
circumstances. Can you adequately harness your anger, disappointment or fear so your emotions don’t
interfere with your ability to listen or problem solve? Do you know when you need help, and can you
ask for it?
• Social awareness: the ability to sense, understand, and react to the emotions of others and to feel
comfortable socially. Can you tell when you are unintentionally making another person uncomfortable
or when someone who is smiling is really upset?
• Relationship management: the ability to inspire, influence, and connect to others and to manage
conflict. Can you remain calm, energized and focused in the face of another’s distress or during an
upsetting situation? Can you defuse conflict with humor or by listen convincingly to another’s point of
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile
3. Cultural Intelligence refers to the skill to relate and
work effectively in culturally diverse situations. It's the
capability to cross boundaries and prosper in multiple
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile

4. Personality Preference - A preference is what you like. You may like, or

prefer, peppermint candy over butterscotch.
• Personality preferences, sometimes called psychological preferences,
are like any other preferences.
• For example, one pair of preferences is about whether you choose to
spend more time in the outside world or more time in your inner
• We call this a preference for Extraversion or Introversion. Neither is
wrong. You can do both. You just prefer one.
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile
• Favorite world: Do you prefer to focus on the outer world or on your own inner world? This is
called Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I).
• Information: Do you prefer to focus on the basic information you take in or do you prefer to
interpret and add meaning? This is called Sensing (S) or Intuition (N).
• Decisions: When making decisions, do you prefer to first look at logic and consistency or first
look at the people and special circumstances? This is called Thinking (T) or Feeling (F).
• Structure: In dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided or do you
prefer to stay open to new information and options? This is called Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).
• A person with a preference for Introversion may find he or she is happier doing research,
while a person who prefers Extraversion may favor a field with more interaction with people.
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile

5. Personal Values – preference for desirable ends or

goals and the process for attaining them.
Rokeach’s Personal Values Survey is a tool created by
Milton Rokeach to help individuals understand their
values. By prioritizing a list of 18 terminal values (where
you want to end up) and 18 instrumental values (how
you want to get there) you can develop self awareness.
The Essential Managerial
Assessment Profile

6. Career Orientation – preference for particular type of

work environment and occupation.
• Careers are determined by an interaction between
our personality and the environment in John
Holland's Theory of Career Choice. We want jobs
with people like us.
• Handout
GAP Analysis
Any Questions?

Thank you for paying attention!

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