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C Natural vegetation
A and wildlife
A presentation by Arnav Upadhyay
What are forests ?
The forests are large areas of land with many Evergreen Deciduous
trees. They are very important as animals need
forests to live and survive as well as they provide
us with wood and food to us. Forests are an
ecosystem which includes many plants and
Types of forests
animals. Temperature and rainfall are two
important components of forests. One can find
forests climates have different types of forests. In
cold climates, you can find confiners, but in
temperate zones and tropical zones forests are
mainly made up of flowering plants. Different Coniferous Mediterranean
rainfall also makes different kinds of forests :
Evergreen forests
Tropical evergreen forests :

1. The tropical evergreen forests, are also known as the tropical rainforests. They are
mostly found in the hot and humid regions of the world. Since they are found near the
equator and tropics, they are called tropical rainforests.

2.. They are located in the Orinoco and the Amazon basins of South America, the
Congo River basin in Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka in South-east Asia and the
West African coast.

3. In India, the tropical evergreen forests are found along the western slopes of Western
Ghats in Kerala and Karnataka, and the Andaman and Nicobar Island.

4. Mosses and ferns grow on the ground. Climbers and creepers like lianas grow here.
Lianas are giant woody vines that grow around the tall tree trunks. Ebony, mahogany,
rosewood, rubber and cinchona are the important trees found in these forests.

5. The trees in these forests have broad leaves and form an overhead canopy which
restricts sunlight from penetrating the forests.
Evergreen forests
Temperate evergreen forests :

1. Temperate evergreen forests are found in warm temperate regions.

2. These forests are located in the Eastern margins of the continents in

south China, South-east USA and South-east Brazil.

3. These forests contain both deciduous trees and coniferous trees.

4. A mixed variety of hardwood trees are found in these forests. They

yield valuable timber.

5. The main trees found here are fir, pine, spruce, cedar, oak,
eucalyptus, walnut, etc.
Tropical deciduous Forests
1. Tropical deciduous forests are also known as monsoon forests or tropical
seasonal forests as these regions experience seasonal changes in temperature
and rainfall. These forests usually have long and dry season followed by a
period of heavy rainfall.

2. They are less dense than tropical rainforests. 3. These regions receive rainfall
from 50 to 200 cm. These are found in northern Australia, Canada, Asia,
Europe, Japan, and in Central America.

4. The trees are of medium height and shed their leaves in the dry season to
conserve water. There is a dense undergrowth of bushes and shrubs as sunlight
can easily reach the ground in these forests.

5. The wood of sal, teak, neem and shisham, are extremely useful for making
furniture, transport and construction materials.
Temperate deciduous Forests
1.Temperate deciduous forests are found in higher latitudes in temperate

2. These forests are mainly located in the North-eastern parts of USA, North-
western Europe, China, Chile and Japan. 3. The climate in these forests is hot
summer and cold winter.

4. The trees are not very tall but have thick trunks and broad leaves.

5. The trees in these forests form a dense canopy in summers and shed their
leaves in the autumn season and remain bare throughout winter.

6. The trees found in these forests are oak, ash, maple, birch, chestnut, etc.
Mediterranean forests
1. Mediterranean forests are found around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe,
Africa and Asia. Other areas outside the Mediterranean region include
California in USA, South- West Africa, central Chile, and South-West Australia.

2. The climatic conditions in the Mediterranean region are hot and dry summers
with moderate rainfall.

3. The forests are not dense and contain broad- leaved trees.

4. The trees are widely spaced and are of medium height.

5. Most of them have thick barks, small waxy leaves and long roots to withstand
the dry summer.

6. The main trees are olive, oak, fig, laurel, pine, fir, cedar, cypress, myrtle and
citrus fruits like orange, lemon, peaches and plums. Grapevines are extensively
cultivated in this region.
Coniferous forests
1. These forests are also called Taiga forests.

2. These are found in the higher altitudes and latitudes (50° to 70°) of the
Northern Hemisphere. They have cold, long, winters and warm, humid
summers. The main areas are southern Canada, Alaska, Alps, Rockies and
Andes mountains and northern Russia.

3. The trees are evergreen, tall and straight, with small needle-like leaves.

4. They yield softwood which is very useful in making furniture,

matchsticks, paper, newsprint, plywood, sports goods, etc. The most
important occupation in the coniferous forests lumbering.

5. The important varieties of trees found in these forests are chir, pine, cedar,
Tropical Grasslands

Grasslands are flat open areas

with grass as main vegetation.
They occur in the regions Types of
where there is moderate and
low rainfall. The grasslands of
the world are categorised into Temperate grasslands
two types based on latitudes:
Tropical Grasslands
1. Tropical grasslands are also called Savannas. They are found on either side of the

2. This vegetation grows in areas of moderate to low rainfall.

3. The grass can grow very tall - 3 to 4m in height.

4. Tropical grasslands can be found in Australia, India, Africa, and South America.
Tropical grasslands can also be found in North America. The Everglades in south Florida
is a tropical grassland. Many parts of these grasslands are used for grazing and farming.

5. Tropical grasslands are known by different names in different countries. These are
known as Campos in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, Llanos in Venezuela and Parkland in

6. Tall and coarse grasses are found here. One can find smaller trees scattered throughout
the region.
Temperate Grasslands
1. Tropical grasslands are also called Savannas. They are found on either side of the

2. This vegetation grows in areas of moderate to low rainfall.

3. The grass can grow very tall - 3 to 4m in height.

4. Tropical grasslands can be found in Australia, India, Africa, and South America.
Tropical grasslands can also be found in North America. The Everglades in south
Florida is a tropical grassland. Many parts of these grasslands are used for grazing
and farming.

5. Tropical grasslands are known by different names in different countries. These

are known as Campos in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, Llanos in Venezuela and
Parkland in America.

6. Tall and coarse grasses are found here. One can find smaller trees scattered
throughout the region.
1. The vegetation found in the deserts are cacti, acacia, thorny bushes and coarse grasses.

2. Hot deserts are found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. They are Kalahari and
Sahara Desert in Africa, Thar Desert in India and the Australian Desert.

3. The Cold Deserts are found in the temperate regions. They include the Gobi Desert and the Tibetan
Plateau in Asia and the Patagonian Plateau in South America.

4. These forests receive less than 50 cm of annual rainfall.

5. Only xerophytic plants, which can adapt themselves to the hot and dry climate, are found here. In the
hot deserts, thorny bushes and shrubs are common.

6. Cactus and acacia are the main species. Date palms are found near the oases.

7. Plants here have long roots, thick barks, waxy stems and small leathery leaves to reduce the rate of

8. The cold deserts are mostly barren.

Mostly animals found in the deserts are small in size except the
camel. Camel is the most important animal. It has special body
features adapted to the desert conditions. It is also called the
'ship of the desert'. Desert wildlife consists of antelopes,
gazelles, wild asses, hares, rodents, desert foxes, hyenas, snakes,
lizards and different types of insects. Yak is found in the cold
Tibetan Plateau.
Tundra region
1. Tundra region is mainly found in the polar regions, in
Europe, Asia and northern parts of north America.

2. The long and severe winters do not allow any substantial

plant growth. 3. Summers are short and cool.

4. A few stunted trees like willow, birch and alder grow in areas
bordering the Taiga forests. The ground is covered with snow
for a long period of the year.

5. During the short summers some small flowering plants,

mosses and lichens grow.
The wildlife of the Tundra region consists of animals
which have thick fur to enable them to survive the
severe cold. The main animals found here are reindeer,
musk ox, polar bears, polar dogs, foxes, wolves, hares
and lemmings. In the seas adjoining the coasts, there
are seals, walruses, whales and different kinds of fish.
The rainforests are rich in different species of wildlife. A
variety of tree animals are found, such as monkeys, apes,
sloths, bats, tree lizards and tree iguanas. Pumas and
jaguars are some carnivorous animals found in these
forests. Hippopotamuses and various reptiles like
crocodiles, alligators, turtles and huge snakes are found in
the swamps. Colourful birds and a variety of insects are
also found in these forests.
The wildlife in the temperate evergreen forests is
not as varied as in the tropical ones. It includes
deer, antelopes, monkeys, bears, wolves, foxes and
different species of birds. The Giant Panda of
China is a well-known animal of these forests.
Common birds found in this biome include woodpeckers,
robins, jays, cardinals, owls, turkeys, hawks and eagles.
Smaller mammals in the temperate deciduous forests
include rabbits, otters, monkeys, beavers, raccoons,
porcupines and squirrels.
In India, lion, tiger, pig, deer, and elephant are some of the
animals that make these forests their homes. Outside India,
in the united states, mammals that are generally found in a
deciduous forest include bears, raccoons, squirrels, skunks,
wood mice and even deer.
Most of the forest cover has been cleared to make land available for
agriculture, particularly the cultivation of large-scale fruit orchards.
Hence, not much wildlife is found here. Only a few mammals are
endemic to Mediterranean forests: among these, the Barbary ape
(Morocco, Algeria and Gibraltar), mouflon (Sardinia, Corsica and
Cyprus), Iberian lynx (Spain and Portugal), Spanish imperial eagle,
Algerian and Corsican nuthatch, and many reptiles such as lizards,
chameleons, tortoises and snakes.
Fur-bearing animals like beavers, foxes, lynx, sable, mink and hare
are found in the coniferous forests. Many of these animals are killed
for fur. Besides these, caribou, reindeer, moose, elk, bear and wolves
are also common. Birds native to the taiga usually migrate south
during the freezing winter months. Small animals, mostly rodents,
live close to the floor. Many birds of prey, such as owls and eagles,
hunt these animals from the trees of the taiga. Moose, the largest
type of deer in the world, is able to live in the cold taiga.
The tropical grasslands are home to a variety of wildlife. Herbivorous
animals like deer, antelopes, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes and elephants
are commonly found here. Carnivorous animals include lions,
cheetahs, leopards, hyenas and jackals. Large flightless birds are
found here, such as the ostrich of Africa and the rhea of South
The wildlife of these grasslands consists of antelopes, horses, giraffes,
wild asses, leopards, wolves, wild dogs and rabbits. Flightless birds like
the Emu are found in Australia. Carnivores like lions, wolves, cheetahs
and leopards are also found in temperate grasslands. Other animals of
this region include deer, prairie dogs, mice, jack rabbits, skunks,
coyotes, snakes, foxes, owls, badgers, blackbirds, grasshoppers,
meadowlarks, sparrows, quails, hawks and hyenas.

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