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Clase de Inglés 8vo Básico

Profesor Pablo García

Jun 8th, 2020
Class Goal:
• To build questions about Social networks using
Wh- questions.
Verbs about Facebook activities:

To share:
To write:
To send:
To talk:
To change:
To receive:
To interchange:
To read:
To search (To look for):
To find:
Se refiere a la palabra que implica una
pregunta, tal como ¿Dónde? ¿Qué?
¿Cuándo?...En inglés todas estas
palabras contienen las letras “W” y “H”,
por esto son denominadas “Wh-
questions” (Preguntas con Wh)
Where do

you get more friends In Facebook

How do

you share videos by whatsApp

What do

Daniel finds a news In Twiter

How do
Jessica searchs information by Wikipedia

Now…You build your own questions
1.Gabriel and John talk with their mother by Messenger.
2.Manuel share a new photos of his summer vacations in Instagram.
3.Maria has classes by Zoom meeting. (Have: in He, She, it has)
4.I have my English class today in the morning.
5.We have our English class at eigth thirty in the morning.
6.Peter and Samuel talk around two hours by WhatSapp every day.
7.George likes watching videos by Youtube every night.

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