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Yoga Mobile Application development

User Story and Acceptance Criteria

Submitted by
Subash Kumar
Business Objective
An Entrepreneur is looking to build a platform that helps the
yoga institutes and trainers to get more yoga enthusiasts.

This application would be benefitable for the yoga students
to search yoga trainers and institutes with the pricing plan
as their own location preference.
User Stories
• User Story- 1 ( Student Account Registration)
• User Story- 2 ( Login Page)
• User Story- 3 ( Viewing Yoga trainers & Institutes)
• User Story- 4 ( Pricing plan)
• User Story- 5 ( Trainer Account Registration)
• User Story- 6 ( Login Page)
• User Story- 7 ( Trainer Profile Updation)
• User Story- 8 (Attendance Updation )
• User Story- 9 ( Online Payment mode)
• User Story- 10 ( Fee Automation)
• User Story- 11 ( Report Generation)
User Story- 1
As a new yoga Student, I want to register my account, So that I can login in to the

Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Account Registration
Given: The user navigates to the Registration page
When: The user selects the Sign up option
And : Entered all the necessary info ( Email, Password, Mobile no)
Then : Email verification is send to the user
When : The user verify email address
Then : Account Registration is successfully done.
User Story- 2
As a user (Yoga Student), I want to login in to my account, So that I can access the
features of the application

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Login in to the user account

Given: The user navigates to the Login Screen

When: The user entered the valid user name and password
Then : The user is directed to the Home page of the application
User Story -3
As a user ( Yoga Student), I want to view the yoga trainers and institutes near to my
location, So that I don’t want to waste my time by travelling a lot

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: View Trainers nearby

Given: The user is on the Home page of the application

When: The user select Locate Nearby Institute/Yoga trainers
Then : Use my current location and select location will be displayed
When : The user entered the location
Then : List of selected criteria will be available.
User Story- 4
As a user (Yoga student), I want to view the pricing package of the selected class,
So that I can choose it as per my affordability and choice.

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: View price package of the yoga class

Given: After Selection of yoga institute and trainers

When: The user selects the Price and packaging
And : Click view details
Then : Complete price details will be reflected
User Story- 5
As a Yoga trainer, I want to register my account, So that I can login in to the

Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Account Registration
Given: The user navigates to the Registration page
When: The user selects the Sign up option
And : Update the required mandatory infiormation ( Email*, Password*, Mobile no*)
And : Years of Experience*, Certified Trainer certificate*, Gender*, Age*, Teaching location*
Then : Trainer will be verified by Internal process of verification ( Subjected to Rules)
When : Upon Successful terms of verification
Then : Account Registration is successfully done.
User Story- 6
As a registered user (Yoga trainer), I want to login in to my account, So that I can
access the features of the application

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Login in to the user account

Given: The user navigates to the Login Screen

When: The user entered the valid user name and password
Then : The user is directed to the Home page of the application
User Story - 7
As a yoga trainer, I want to create a profile option in my account, So that the new customer can
lookout my experience , customer feedbacks and training photos

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Updating Trainer Profile

Given: The yoga student visits Trainer page

When: Click About Trainer
Then : The system reflects all the information about the yoga trainer and institute
Given: Query forms if they have any additional doubts
When : Filled up all the required details
And: Click Submit
Then: Query form sumbitted successfully
User Story- 8
As a registered user (Yoga trainer) in the application, I want to update the
attendance of each students, So that I can understand student’s attendance history
and receive feedback at the end of every session

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Attendance Updation.

Given: User navigates to the Update attendance option
When: The user mark the attendance of the students
Then : It will be updated in the student’s profile
And : Feedback screens will be reflected to the attendedies at the end of the session
User Story- 9
As a yoga trainer, I want online payment mode in the application, So that it can
reduce human resource need and reach a wider range of yoga students.

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Update Online payment method mode.

Given: After adding the preferred class to the Cart
When: The student clicks Proceed to payment
Then : Types of Online payment mode will be displayed ( Netbanking, UPI, Card Pay)
When: Students entered valid payment information
Then : Payment will be successfully completed
And : Payment receipt will be sent to the registered email address
User Story- 10
As a yoga trainer, I want to automate the fee collection system, So that the fee can
be collected on time and be benefit for easy payment tracking

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Automation of Fee collection

Given: Application have Automate Fee collection system

When: User enable Automate Fee feature
Then: SMS/ Email reminders for the payment will be sent to the yoga students
And : Students can pay their fee on time
User Story - 11
As a Yoga trainer, I want to generate report from the application, So that I can plan
future growth and improve efficiency and gather other informations.

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Report Generation

Given: The Report Generation Tab

When: User generates report
Then: The reports including Collected Payments, Upcoming Payments
And : Active students list will be displayed
And : Other Types of report option would be available.

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