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Climate Change

Climate Change
Climate Change
The Commission is an independent national government agency
attached to the Office of the President. It serves as the lead
policy- making body of the government tasked to coordinate,
monitor and evaluate the programs and action plans of the
government relating to climate change pursuant to the provision
of RA 9729.REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9729 is an act mainstreaming
climate change into goverment policy formulations, establishing
the framework strategy and program on climate change creating
for this purpose the climate change commission, and for other
purposesAs you can see the CCC Logo includes the map of the
Philippines inside the globe. This brings to mind that the
Commission is addressing climate change in the country through
local and national initiatives, and participates in the global effort
to confront the challenges caused by climate change.
Causes of Climate Change

01 Burning Fossil Fuels

o2 Using Too Much Transportation

03 Cutting Down Forests/Tree

04 Using Too Much Electricity/ Energy

Burning Fossil Fuels

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases
into the atmosphere, which trap heat
from the sun and cause the Earth's
temperature to rise. This process is
known as climate change, and it can
lead to a variety of negative impacts
such as sea level rise, more intense
weather events, and harm to
ecosystems and wildlife.
Using Too Much
02 Using transportation that relies on fossil
fuels such as gasoline and diesel
releases carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
These gases trap heat and cause global
temperatures to rise, leading to climate
change. The more transportation is
used, the more greenhouse gases are
released, exacerbating the problem.
Additionally, transportation infrastructure
such as roads, highways, and airports
often contribute to deforestation and
land use changes, which further
contribute to climate change.
Cutting Down Forests/
03 Tree
Cutting down forests contributes to climate
change because trees absorb carbon
dioxide, a greenhouse gas that traps heat
in the atmosphere. When forests are
destroyed, the carbon stored in the trees is
released into the atmosphere, adding to
the amount of greenhouse gases that
contribute to climate change.
Deforestation also reduces the amount of
trees available to absorb carbon dioxide,
which further exacerbates the issue.
Using Too Much Electricitiy

04 Using too much electricity from sources that

emit greenhouse gases like coal and natural
gas can contribute to climate change. The
burning of these fossil fuels releases carbon
dioxide and other pollutants into the
atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the
Earth's temperature to rise. This can lead to
melting ice caps, rising sea levels, more
extreme weather events, and other negative
impacts on the environment and human health.
It's important to use energy efficiently and
switch to cleaner sources of electricity like wind
and solar power to combat climate change.
Effects of Climate Change

01 02 03

Rising Unpredictable
Rising Sea
Temperatures Weather
Effects of Climate Change

04 05 06
Increase in Loss of
Extreme Land Wildlife and
Weather Degradation Biodiversity
Rising Temperatures
Nearly all land areas are seeing
more hot days and heat waves.
Higher temperatures increase heat
related illnesses and can make it
more difficult to work and move
around. Wildfires start more easily
and spread more rapidly when
conditions are hotter. Some
examples of the most commin
causes of death related to rising
temperatures are Heat exhaustion
and Heat strokes.
Rising Sea Levels
Sea level rise poses a serious threat to
coastal life around the world.
Consequrnced include increased
intensity of storm surges, flooding, and
damage to coastal areas. As our climate
warms, sea level rises mainly because
of thermal expansion ( when water
wRms up, it expands ) and melting of
snow, glaciers and ice caps ( which
increases the volume of ocean water ).
Report says that, in just 30 years, over
four million acres of land will be
increasingly threatened by routine
Unpredictable Weather

Scientific studies indicate that
extreme weather events such as heat
waves and large storms are likely to
become more frequent or more
intense with human-induced climate
change. Weather patterns that are
caused by climate changes are hotter
heat waves, drier droughts, bigger
storm sutges and greater snowfall.
Increase in Extreme
Weather Events
04 some possible effects of extreme weather
events are too much rain, it can cause floods
and landslides and too much heat and no rain
can cause droughts and wild fires another
examplr is strong winds, such as hurricanrs
and tornadoes that can cause damage to man
made structures and animal habitats. lastly,
large snowfalls which can cause avalanches
and blizzards. Extreme weather events are
occurences of unusually severe weather or
climate conditions that can cause devastating
impacts on communities and agricultural and
natural ecosystems
Land Degradation

Land exhibited to degradation as a
consequence of poor land
management could become infrrtile
as a result of climate change. Land
Degradation hazards included wind
and water erosion, loss of soil carbon,
nutrient decline mass movement, soil
structure decline, acid sulfate soils
and soil acidification.
Loss of Wildlife and
06 Biodiversity
On land, higher temperatures have
forced animals and plants to move to
highrr elevations or higher latitudes,
many moving towards the Earth's poles,
with far-reaching consequences for
ecosystems. The risk of species extinction
increases with every degree of warming.
As temperatures rise and weather
patterns changr, many species are finding
it harder to survive in their current
habitats. These species are either moving
to new areas or going extinct.

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