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SINIF:11/C 341
Language learning
Moving from one country to another helps to learn various languages


GES Your self-confidence will increase and you will be more comfortable

Earnings in foreign currency

If he moves from Turkey to America, he earns more because the currency
value is high
Dealing with different people
 We meet people of different races and this can teach us how to deal with them.

More promotional opportunities

A person with international experience has a chance of promotion and success.
Achieves early success and gets promoted due to international stamp of experience

Develops communication skills

A person can improve their communication skills when faced with language barriers and many cultural differences
By overcoming these obstacles, effective communication develops.
You become more independent
You don't have to be attached to anything and you can feel comfortable

You can travel

You see new places and cafes around you that you don't know.

Experiencing different cultures

Sees different religious and working cultures . Learns other cultures. We become aware of the world 
It takes a lot of money
It requires a heavy amount, the transportation food prices there can force you.

Feeling of loneliness

DİSADVANT The person feels lonely because the social environment is affected because he
has to move
AGES No guarantee of getting a good position in another country
The person may receive less salary than before, so he must be ready for all

Security problems
The country's crime rate may be high, or the state you live in may be bad.
Learning new laws
Every country has rules and laws that work, and you can see them as normal and commit crimes.

Different cultures
It is difficult to understand as each country has a different culture and this culture may not be suitable for you.

Living conditions
Not every country employee is in good condition and if you go to such a country, you may get bored.

People can be rude

You may not know what kind of people you will meet.
You need to learn how to deal with these people and it can be difficult
You must be highly motivated to work.
You should not give up under any unfavorable conditions, you should walk on it.

An unfamiliar language and learning it can be challenging

You can pay high taxes.

It totally depends on where you work. you should check the tax rules before moving to the new country.

Discrimination is possible
Your country, color etc. Because of this, they may have prejudices against you.

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