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Promotion of your catering business is a key part of your
operations, helping to spread awareness of your culinary services
and attract new customers.
Use public-relations campaigns and traditional advertising
methods spiked with social media to show how your food is one
of a kind and your service is top-notch, and you may soon find
that you are booking all the events you can handle.

Press Release

Pen a press release whenever your catering company

achieves something noteworthy, such as starting a culinary-
school scholarship fund, adding a new employee, providing
food for a large or notable event, donating catering services
to a charitable cause, such as a charity fundraising dinner, or
expanding your food offerings.

Reach out to local and regional media members who cover

food, weddings and events, depending upon your market niche.
Targeted Brochures

Create brochures targeting the specific concerns, needs

and desires of each of your customer types.

A brochure for individual wedding clients, for example,

should include information about your venue needs, pricing,
private tastings and menu options, whereas a brochure aimed
at event planners might address your event catering capacity,
bulk pricing and referral bonuses, if applicable

Referral Bonus

Offer a bonus of some sort to existing and previous customers

for referring event-catering clients to you.

For example, offer a ₱100 gift card to a local retailer or a

discount on future services for each referral that turns into actual
business. This promotional strategy is particularly appropriate if you
cater weddings, because people holding weddings are likely to have a
social group that includes others who will soon marry. Alternatively,
offer incentives to wedding and event planners for each client that
they steer your way.

Rent a booth at a regional event that is relevant to your

catering niche to reach people who might be in the market
for your services.

For example, if you run a company specializing in down-home

barbecue catering for weddings, rent a booth at a local bridal
show; if you run a high-end catering company for corporate
events, get a booth at an event planners’ convention. If booth
rental is pricy, consider splitting the cost with a
noncompeting company; for example, partner with a Thai
catering company if your specialty is traditional Italian.

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