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Request BY :

Ester Kharisma Turnip Shela Septiyani Meisya Royani

21140005 21140016 21140020
I Live In Bakung I Live In Kedaton I Live In GD Aer
My Hobby Is Reading My Hobby Is Watching Movie My Hobby Is Photographer
Definition Of Indirect Request

An indirect request refers to a manner of making a request or asking for something in

an indirect or subtle way, rather than stating it directly or explicitly. It involves using
polite or less direct language to convey the request. Indirect requests are commonly
used in various situations, such as social interactions, professional settings, or formal
communication, where being polite, diplomatic, or tactful is important. By framing a
request indirectly, individuals aim to be less forceful or imposing, maintaining a
harmonious relationship with others.
Example Of Indirect Request
Here are some examples of indirect requests:

01 5. Requests
Request For Help for 02
changes or
Request adjustments
For Opinions Or Suggestions
− "I want to buy a present for my sister. What do you think would be a good
- "Can you tell me how to operate this printer?" choice?"
- "I'm having trouble understanding this material. Can you explain − "I'm planning to change the layout of this room. Do you have any ideas or

− "I hope you can consider extending the deadline for this
a little?"
"Do you have a minute? I need your views on this matter."

03 Results Analysis 04 Conclusion

− "Is there any possibility to reschedule tomorrow's meeting?
"Can I leave the meeting early? I have an appointment that cannot be
− "I would like to know if there is a career development plan in this company.“
Something suddenly came up.“
− "Can you tell me about the conditions for enrolling in this program?"
− "I'm thinking of taking time off next week. Is that possible?"
Use Of Indirect
Indirect requests are often used in formal situations or in work settings, where
politeness and diplomatic tactics are important. By making requests indirectly,
one can maintain good relations with others and avoid appearing too direct or
Indirect requests can be formed using certain
grammatical structures
Here are some common grammar patterns used in indirect requests:
● Modal verbs : Modal verbs such as "could," "would," "may," or "might" are often used to soften the
request and make it more polite.
For example :
"Could you please pass me the salt?“
"Would you mind helping me with this task?"
● Question forms : Indirect requests can be framed as questions to make them more polite.
For example :
"Do you think you could lend me some money?“
"Would it be possible for you to give me a ride?“
● Polite expressions : Using polite expressions can make indirect requests more courteous.
For example :
"I was wondering if you could...“
"I would appreciate it if you could..."
● Conditional clauses : Conditional sentences can be used to present the request in a hypothetical or
conditional manner.
For example :
"If you have a moment, could you please review this document?“
"If it's not too much trouble, would you be able to help me move the furniture?“

● Subjunctive mood: In some languages, the subjunctive mood is used to express indirect requests.
However, it's important to note that English does not have a distinct subjunctive mood, so the above
patterns are typically used instead.

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