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Exercise Exposure Tracking Tool

Describe Plan: Intentionally engage in exercise for set time and observe outcome

Things that may interfere: Automatic thoughts such as “not today…it would be better to do a different exercise first”
*practice allowing the thoughts and imagine setting in corner of room while continuing with exposure

Date/Time RATINGS (0-10)
and Motivation Duration of What happened? Did I do the exposure
Avoidance prior Energy/mood rating exposure(minutes)
Description prior to
to starting after exposure
starting Benefits? Challenges? Discoveries?

Striking Dummy
(Bob) 10 minutes
Wed. afternoon

Resistance Band 10
minutes Thurs.

Multi-Joint exercises 10
minutes Fri. afternoon

5-10 minutes on Bike

Saturday afternoon

5-10 minutes Core on Sunday


Observations after trying the exposures for a few days?

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