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AY 2018 - 2019

• Republic Act No. 9512 of 2008 “National

Environmental Awareness and Education Act of
• “…the state shall promote national awareness on the role
of natural resources in economic growth and the
importance of environmental conservation and ecological
balance towards sustained national development.”
• OLPS Vision - to promote socially responsible
students and to ensure our stewardship among
God’s creations.
• Environmental awareness that encompasses
environmental concepts and principles.
• Tree planting (ornamental, herbal, vegetables
etc.); waste minimization inside and outside the
classroom, recycling and composting, clean and
green movement
• Bring forth partnership among other programs
(Waste Management Program and Cleanest
Classroom) and clubs (Young Scientists Society
and YES Club) and shall promote maximum
student-parent-teacher participation to attain its
maximum benefits
1. Educate and promote environmental awareness of the
importance of environmental conservation and ecological
balance towards sustainability;
2. Encourage eco-awareness and eco-friendly living among
students, parents and teachers;
3. Explain the role of plants in the aesthetic and ecological
4. Facilitate recycling of materials that can be used as
alternative pot of plants;
5. Develop awareness on the importance of a clean and green
community in the school.
6. Implement a vertical garden program that gives students
opportunity to learn basic gardening skills and;
7. Form mature individuals that are socially responsible that
cares for the environment.
• It was led by the Science and TLE Department together with
the collaborative efforts of the different clubs:
GS and HS Young Scientist Society
GS and HS Youth Earth Savers
GS and HS Red Cross Youth Club
Junior Astronomical Society
GS and HS Robotics
• aims to implement public education among students
and awareness programs on environmental
protection and conservation
• Promotes stewardship
• Use 1.5 plastic bottles where you will put
the plants.
• This will be across the level activity.
• Seminar on how to do Organic Farming.
Vertical Garden

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