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Mastering the Art of

Addition and Subtraction in

Fractions and Mixed

Michelle Santos
1. Introduction to Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
2. Understanding Simple Fractions and Mixed Numbers
3. Adding and Subtracting Simple Fractions without Regrouping
4. Adding and Subtracting Simple Fractions with Regrouping
5. Practicing Addition and Subtraction of Simple Fractions
6. Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers without Regrouping
7. Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Regrouping
8. Practicing Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers
9. Common Mistakes to Avoid when Adding and Subtracting Fractions
10. Tips and Tricks for Simplifying Fractions and Mixed Numbers
11. Conclusion and Recap
12. Thank You
Introduction to Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

In this presentation, we will delve into the fundamental

concepts and techniques of adding and subtracting
fractions. We will explore the rules and formulas that
govern these operations, providing you with a solid
foundation for future learning.
Understanding Simple Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Building Blocks of Fractions

1 Fractions

Fractions represent parts of a whole and are expressed as a

ratio between a numerator and a denominator. For example,
in the fraction 3/4, 3 is the numerator and 4 is the

2 Mixed Numbers

Mixed numbers combine a whole number and a fraction.

They are often used to represent measurements or
quantities that fall between two whole numbers. For
instance, 1 1/2 is a mixed number.
Adding and Subtracting Simple Fractions without Regrouping
Same Denominator, No Regrouping Needed

Adding Fractions Subtracting Fractions Mixed Numbers

When adding fractions with the Subtracting fractions with the The process of adding and
same denominator, simply add same denominator follows a subtracting mixed numbers
the numerators together while similar process. Subtract the without regrouping involves
keeping the denominator numerators while keeping the separating the whole number
unchanged. For example, 1/4 + denominator constant. For part from the fraction part,
2/4 equals 3/4. instance, 5/6 - 2/6 gives 3/6. performing the respective
operations on each part, and then
combining the results. For
example, 2 3/4 + 1 1/4 equals 3
Adding and Subtracting Simple Fractions with Regrouping

In some cases, when adding or subtracting fractions,

you may need to regroup or simplify the resulting
fraction. This occurs when the numerator is larger than
or equal to the denominator. We will explore the concept
of regrouping and provide practical examples to
illustrate its application.
Practicing Addition and Subtraction of Simple Fractions
Sharpen Your Skills

1 Adding Fractions

Provided with various addition exercises, you will have the

opportunity to practice adding simple fractions. Be prepared
to apply the rules and techniques discussed earlier.

2 Subtracting Fractions

You will also encounter a series of subtraction problems

involving simple fractions. Through practice, you will enhance
your proficiency in subtracting fractions with confidence.
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers without Regrouping

Adding and subtracting mixed numbers without

regrouping is similar to the process we discussed
earlier. We will reinforce your understanding and provide
further examples to solidify your skills.
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Regrouping
Handling Whole Numbers and Fractions

Adding Mixed Numbers Subtracting Mixed Numbers

To add mixed numbers with regrouping, Subtracting mixed numbers with

separate the whole number part and the regrouping follows the same principle.
fraction part, perform the operation for Separate the whole number and the
each part independently, and then fraction parts, subtract each part, and
combine them to obtain the final result. combine the results. For example, 5 2/3 -
For instance, 1 3/4 + 2 1/4 equals 3 4/4. 2 1/3 gives 3 1/3.
Practicing Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers
Refine Your Techniques

Adding Mixed Numbers Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Engage in a set of exercises designed to Similarly, practice subtracting mixed

reinforce your skills in adding mixed numbers to enhance your proficiency.
numbers. Strengthen your ability to Develop the confidence to tackle various
handle both the whole number and the scenarios involving regrouping and
fraction parts independently. simplification.
Common Mistakes to Avoid when Adding and Subtracting
Pitfalls to Watch Out For

1 Misaligned Denominators 2 Ignoring Simplification

One common mistake is adding or subtracting fractions Sometimes, simplifying the resulting fraction is
with different denominators. Always ensure that the overlooked. Take the time to simplify your answer
denominators are the same before performing any whenever possible to obtain the simplest form.

3 Forgetting to Regroup 4 Inconsistent Notation

When encountering fractions or mixed numbers where Using different notation styles, such as mixing improper
the numerator is larger than or equal to the fractions and mixed numbers, can cause confusion.
denominator, failing to properly regroup and simplify Maintain consistency in your notation throughout the
can lead to incorrect results. Pay close attention to calculation.
these situations.
Tips and Tricks for Simplifying Fractions and Mixed
Efficient Techniques for Simplification

1 Find the Greatest Common Divisor

To simplify fractions or mixed numbers, determine the

greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and the
denominator. Divide both by the GCD to obtain the simplified

Reduce Mixed Numbers to Improper

Before simplifying mixed numbers, convert them to improper
fractions. This allows for easier simplification and
Conclusion and Recap
Key Takeaways

1 Building a Strong Foundation

Throughout this presentation, we have explored the fundamental concepts of adding and subtracting fractions and
mixed numbers. By mastering these techniques, you have laid a solid foundation for future mathematics learning.

2 Practice Makes Perfect

By practicing the addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers, you have sharpened your skills and
developed confidence in applying the rules and techniques.

3 Avoiding Common Mistakes

We have highlighted common mistakes to help you avoid errors when performing these operations. Stay vigilant and
be mindful of misaligned denominators, improper regrouping, and inconsistent notation.
Thank You
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