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ICT Teacher Education in Turkey

- CS Teachers Standarts
What are we going to talk about today ?
● General Qualification for Teaching Profession in
● Standards for CS Teachers
● Making a comparison
General Qualification for Teaching Profession in Turkey

» A - Personal and Professional Values ​- Professional development

» B - Program and Content Information

» C - Getting to Know the Student

» D - Learning and Teaching Process

» E - Monitoring and Evaluating Learning, Development

» F - School-Family and community relations

It consists of 6 main competences under the heading.

A - Personal and Professional Values ​- Professional
What is expected from a teacher in this area of ​competence is primarily to
have a positive perspective about himself and his students. The teacher
accepts that each of his students is valuable, takes into account all kinds of
social, individual and cultural differences that students have and makes an
effort for their learning.
B - Program and Content Information
With this competence area, the ability of the teacher to fulfill the
requirements of the most basic element of formal education is defined as a
competence. The final task expected from the teacher is to realize the national
education goals and objectives assigned to him.
If you knew that your
software teacher do
not know much about
the software language
that she taught, what
would be your attitude
towards the lesson ?
C - Getting to Know the Student
In this field of competence, it is defined that the teacher should recognize
the characteristics of the student with whom he/she is with during the
learning-teaching process and that the teaching activities should be planned
in accordance with the student's characteristics.
Can a teacher who does not know the needs of her/his
students teach them anything?
D - Learning and Teaching Process

One of the most important

responsibilities of the teacher is to
design and implement the
teaching and learning processes
that will enable the student to
learn in the best possible way.
E - Monitoring and Evaluating Learning, Development

Measurement and evaluation, which is one of the basic elements of

teaching environments, provides the teacher with the opportunity to monitor
the development of their students and to determine to what extent the
targeted success has been achieved.
F - School-Family and Community Relations
Many scientists have done a lot of research on how effective learning can
take place. One of the common points of all these studies is the importance of
the effect of the environment on learning. In addition, they have determined a
common opinion that the family, society, school and similar social
environments in which the student lives are effective on the student's
1. CS Knowledge and Skills A - Personal and Professional Values ​-
Professional development
2. Equity and Inclusion B - Program and Content Information
C - Getting to Know the Student
3. Professional Growth and
D - Learning and Teaching Process
E - Monitoring and Evaluating
4. Instructional Design Learning, Development
F - School-Family and community
5. Classroom Practice relations
Are information
teachers in
Turkey sufficient
in terms of CSTA

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