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-My dog barks whenever I leave the house. Additionally, he makes a mess of my house when I’m not there.
-Emily is a graceful dancer. Moreover, Emily is also an agile runner.
-I studied for hours last night from 8:00 until well after midnight. In addition, I took several practices tests the night before to
help me prepare for my exam.
-I always do yoga in the mornings. In addition, I drink two cups of the when I wake up.
-I enjoy studying English. In addition, I like studying Spanish as well.
-I studied linguistics in college. Furthermore, I studied math.
-Last year I went to India. In addition, I also travelled to Canada.
-Vitamin D can be absorbed through the sun’s rays. Furthermore, it is found in fatty fish.
-Alaska is the state that is the farthest west. Additionally, Alaska is also the state that is the farthest east because it crosses
the International Date Line.
-This city gets a lot of rain in the spring. In addition, there is sometimes hail.
-Wearing sunscreen every day can prevent you from getting skin cancer. Moreover, it can delay the visible signs of aging.
-Zinc helps boost the immune system. In addition, taking too much zinc can cause an upset stomach.
-Kevin received a score of 100 on the test. Likewise, he aced his test last week as well.
-I studied Spanish in Spain. Likewise, I studied French in France.
-With fewer than 1 million people, Wyoming is the least populous state. Likewise, Vermont has
under 1 million people.

-My dog barks whenever I leave the house. In fact, last Monday he barked for 2 hours nonstop,
according to the neighbour.
-Emily is a graceful dancer. In fact, Emily has been a dancer for many years.
-Jake swims frequently. In fact, she swam five out of seven days last week.
-I don’t like cantaloupe very much. In fact, I dislike all melons.
-Kevin received the highest score on his test. In fact, he received a score of 100.
-I studied linguistics in college. In fact, I studied it for eight years.
-The USA is a vast country. In fact, it is 4,488 kilometers from Los Angeles to New York.
-My father is fluent in German and Italian. Therefore, he often chooses to go to Germany and Italy on vacation
instead of Spain.
-My dog barks whenever I leave the house. Therefore, I have to take him with me everywhere I go.
-Jake swims frequently. Hence, she has a strange tan from her goggles.
-I studied for hours last night from 8:00 until well after midnight. As a result, I aced my test.
-I always do yoga in the mornings. Therefore, my body is very flexible.
-I enjoy studying English. Thus, my English has improved a lot in the last year.
-I ate a large breakfast. Therefore, I am not hungry for lunch.
-I studied linguistics in college. Consequently, I speak three languages.
-Rachel does not live far from her office. Therefore, it is easy for her to ride her bike to work.
-Argentina is south of the equator. Thus, the summer season starts in December, and winter starts in June.
-A new restaurant opened up in our neighbourhood. As a result, there has been a lot more foot traffic.
-Mary spent hours at work on Facebook and Instagram. Consequently, she was fired.
-Sally’s car broke down halfway to work. Consequently, she had to call a taxi and ended up arriving late.
-My father is fluent in German and Italian. However, my mother is monolingual.
-My dog barks whenever I leave the house. 'Conversely, when I’m home, he doesn’t bark.
-Emily is a graceful dancer. In contrast, Jake is a clumsy dancer.
-Jake swims frequently. However, Michael Phelps swims more than she does.
-I studied for hours last night from 8:00 until well after midnight. However, I still failed my exam.
-I didn’t go to the gym last night. Instead, I went shopping.
-I always do yoga in the mornings. However, I don't like it much.
-I enjoy studying English. In contrast, I do not enjoy taking English tests.
-I studied linguistics in college. However, I don't speak any foreign languages.
-Seals are very slow on land. However, in the water they are fast swimmers.
-Mercury is the planet that is closest to the sun. However, it is not the hottest planet in the solar system.
-California is the largest state in terms of population. However, Alaska is the largest in terms of area.
-Phillip is an avid stamp collector. However, he just started collecting them, so he doesn’t have a lot of stamps yet.
-I love to try new and exotic food. However, I won’t try pork.
-Helen is not good at swimming. Nevertheless, she tries to do it anyway.
-In Spain, it is common to eat dinner around 9:00 P.M. However, families generally eat dinner much earlier in the United States.
-Dangerous sandstorms are common in Dubai. However, they are not common in Los Angeles.
-Louisiana is a very humid state. New Mexico, in contrast, has a rather arid climate.
-In Los Angeles, most working individuals drive cars to and from their places of employment. Fewer people, however, travel to
work on their bikes.
-I studied for hours last night from 8:00 until well after midnight. Afterward, I went straight to bed.
-First, I realized I didn’t have my luggage. After that, I found out that I had left my passport as well.
-Alaska became a state in January of 1959. Afterward, Hawaii became a state in August of 1959.
-When I wake up, I brush my teeth. Next, I do yoga.

-Emily is a graceful dancer. In particular, she dances Salsa and Merengue very well.
-I always work out in the mornings. For example, I swim, stretch and jog.
-I studied some of the romance languages. For example, I studied Spanish and French.
-There are many ways for people to contribute to the betterment of their community. For
example, they can have a fundraiser.
-Many languages have influenced the English language. Latin, for example, has had a great
influence on English.
-Many words and expressions that are common in American English actually came from
the Spanish language. For instance, the word “saloon”, which is an old western bar, came
from the Spanish word “salón,” which is simply a meeting place.

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