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What Is An Interview?

An interview is a discussion or conversation between a potential

employer and a candidate. It is a selection process designed that helps
an employer understand the skills, scrutinise their personality and
character traits and check the domain knowledge. In this formal
meeting, the employer asks questions to get information from a
Here are a few types of interviews you are likely to face during a
recruitment process:

1.Structured interviews
A structured interview process is where an employer asks a fixed set of
questions to all candidates appearing for an interview. Rather than focusing on
experience-based questions, an employer prefers asking a fixed set of questions
and recording the responses of every candidate. They grade these responses
against a suitable scoring system and hire candidates based on this result.
2.Unstructured interviews
In unstructured interviews, a conversation occurs
conversationally and spontaneously. The interviewer
can ask questions related to a candidate's skills,
experience or qualification. Such interviews do not
follow any set format and the interview can go in any
direction. It is a traditional interviewing method that
organisation's uses to hire suitable candidates.
3.One-to-one interviews
It is a common type of interview where only one interviewer interviews a
candidate. It is a conversational type of interview where the employer
drives the agenda initially and a candidate asks questions toward the end.
4.Video or phone interviews
Such interviews occur on the phone or via video. An employer conducts
such interviews when a candidate cannot attend a face-to-face interview.
Rather than calling every candidate for an interview, employers usually
conduct phone interviews to screen potential candidates.
1. Do your homework
Preparation is the first essential step in the interview process, so don’t
let yourself down before it’s even taken place. Researching the
company you are meeting with will show your interest in the business
and give you an upper hand. Don’t limit your research to this alone -
make sure you research the background of your interviewers, including
their career history and specific achievements.
2. Make a good first impression
If you're going to a face-to-face interview, plan your trip there, do a
trial run if it is at an unfamiliar location and arrive a few minutes early
for the interview. Late arrival for a job interview is inexcusable. Bring
your CV and ensure you know the dates and its specifics so you can
confidently talk through your CV and give examples.

3. Listen and respond accordingly

Too often the feedback from clients is that the candidate does not
answer the question in a clear and direct manner. Don’t run circles
around the questions, listen and answer accordingly while using
examples from your experience to back it up.

1. Don’t let any past rejections infringe on future ones

Finding a new job can be taxing, make sure you approach
every interview as a new opportunity and learn from past
interview mistakes. If you have several interviews lined up,
try to leave some space between them to ensure you are at
your best.
2. Don’t speak over the interviewer
It is important to be a good listener as well as a good talker. It
shows that you are respectful and have strong interpersonal
skills. If you are interviewing via a video platform remember
that there will be a slight time delay, avoid rushing to answer a
question in case your interviewer hasn't finished speaking.
3. Don’t falsify information
Answer questions truthfully and as close to the point as possible. Explain
and describe things about yourself that relate to the position on offer, and
truly reflect your past experience. If you are being probed in an area that is
not a strength, be honest and let your interviewer know you are willing to
learn or work on and how you can up skill in this area. Follow that with
strengths you have in another area that you could bring to the table



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