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Energy glands

The role of the endocrine

system in the body
• The endocrine system consists of endocrine glands. They do not have ducts
for secretion, as they are organs with internal secretion.
• No process in the body occurs without the participation of the endocrine and
nervous systems. Substances that endocrine glands secrete go directly into
the bloodstream and lymph. These substances are biologically active
• The endocrine system is responsible for the hormonal regulation of all
processes in the body. In other words, the endocrine system "decides" how
life energy that comes into the body is to be distributed.
Hormones - regulators

• Hormones have a wide range of actions: they regulate cell division and
activity, organ and tissue renewal, metabolic exchange, protective
reactions, growth, and we cannot feel anything without their participation.
Hormones are fairly quickly destroyed in tissue, so maintaining a
constant hormone balance requires good functioning of each gland.

• Disruption of the hormone balance leads to catastrophe. Even if the

body receives the necessary energy for life, it cannot function properly
due to hormonal imbalance.
0 Energy glands - adrenal
glands and thyroid
Connection of energy glands

● Thyroid and both adrenal glands form a triangle. The second triangle consists
of the liver, gall bladder and colon-biliary system. The thyroid and adrenal
glands are the main energy producers in the body, supplying the body with more
than 98% of energy. If we didn't have these glands, we wouldn't have enough
energy to even blink.
● The thyroid gland, located behind the Adam's apple in the neck, is the size of a
plum. The adrenal glands are much smaller and are located on top of each kidney.
Everyone has one thyroid gland and two adrenal glands. These glands work closely
● The adrenal glands release simple sugars that serve as fuel for the thyroid gland in
the body. It then takes the sugars and turns them into energy. The thyroid gland is
like a starter, it gives the initial impulse to the fuel and turns it into power. The work
of the thyroid and adrenal glands is significantly affected by ondos minerals.
Thyroid gland
• The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck at the level of the larynx and
the upper part of the trachea. It consists of the left and right parts, which are
connected by a narrow isthmus. Its cross-section is 50-60mm, the length of each
part is 50-80mm. The mass of the thyroid gland in an adult is 16-19g. Such a
miniature governs our organism to a great extent.
• The thick substance, colloid, which is inside the thyroid gland, contains
hormones. Hormones consist mainly of proteins and amino acids that contain
• In the tissue of the thyroid gland, the concentration of iodine is 300 times higher
than in the blood plasma.
• The thyroid gland is crisscrossed with blood vessels. In 1 minute, 300ml of
blood passes through it, while only 50ml passes through the kidney in the same
• The nerves of the thyroid gland, which are very important for us, start from the
neck nodes of the right and left sympathetic column and follow further vessels.
and functions
of the thyroid
Thyroid hormones are: thyroxine-T4 with
4 iodine molecules in the molecule and
triiodothyronine- with 3 iodine atoms.
They combine amino acids with proteins.
They are collected in a colloid and when
necessary, reach the organs and tissues.
Another hormone takes part in the
regulation of calcium exchange -
Thyroid function
01 03 05
Oxidation Brain
in all activity
on of cell
tissues and and all
organs five
02 0 senses
Restoratio Heartbeat
n of rhythm
Adrenal glands
• The adrenal glands are paired endocrine glands located on the upper ends of
the kidneys. The mass of one adrenal gland in an adult is 12-13g, length 40-
60mm, height 20-30mm, thickness 2-8mm. It consists of cortex and brain
• Cortical hormones have a general name - corticosteroids. There are about 50 of
them. The main problem of the adrenal glands is related to the excess or lack of
production of these hormones. Adrenal glands secrete both adrenaline and
noradrenaline, whose effects on the body are similar.
• The sex hormones of the adrenal cortex - androgens and estrogens - are
extremely important for the proper functioning of the body.
• In general, we can say that the hormones of the adrenal glands are important
because they make oxidation processes in cells possible.
Functions of the adrenal
1. The adrenal glands regulate the oxidation of all body cells. This
gives us: glands
2. Nerve energy as a result of phosphorus oxidation in the brain and
nervous tissue
3. Physical energy and heat as a result of phosphorus oxidation in
4. Fulfilling the function of certain organs, e.g. due to oxidation in the
liver and muscles
5. Life for every cell which is impossible without oxidation
6. The adrenal glands control the tone of:
7. Productive muscles
8. Heart muscle
9. Non-productive muscles (peristalsis, tissue tone)
10. Achieve:
11. Blood clotting control
12. Control of the amount of white and red blood cells
13. Control of bodily immunity
14. Control of red blood cell sedimentation reaction
• Anatomy of the endocrine system,
Anatoly Malovichko
• The power and weakness of the
organism, Staniša Stojiljković
The end

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