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Constructivist learning theory

Dr Harry Kanasa
Learning objectives
Define schema, assimilation and accommodation

Describe the major tenets of constructivism

Justify constructivism as a theory

Explain the implications of constructivism for teaching

An interconnected system of ideas, with internal and external logical
consistency, and supported by multiple lines of evidence, that has
explanatory and predictive powers

Explanatory power: can explain established phenomena, what we

already know
Predictive power: generates (testable) hypotheses, “based on what we
know, we predict the following”
Constructivism: Piaget

Jean Piaget

Schema, assimilation and accommodation

Learning according to constructivism

Assimilation Accommodation

Adding more and more material to your schema You have a fundamental shift
makes it larger and more richly connected if your understand and your
new understanding is
completely transformed
Aha moment
Mind blown
Clouds part
Moment of pure

The getting of wisdom

Penny drops

The way you now see and think of the world has completely changed
Play from 1:50 – single neuron

How do neurons connect to each other?

Firing neurons: play from 1:20

Learning at the cellular level

How memories form and fade
How boredom helps you do your best thinking
See Bisra et a., (2018)
Tenets of constructivist teaching

• Learners move from being a novice to an expert in

everything they do

• How fast you move depends on your ‘time on court’ Ericsson

• 10,000 hours to become an expert…(with deliberate


• The role of the teacher is to help ALL students move along

their developmental continua
Constructivist implications for sequencing
Simple ideas Complex ideas
Easy tasks Hard tasks
Slower pace Faster pace
Fewer ideas More ideas
We move students
Simple vocab along their Rich vocab
Everyday language continuum by Technical language
Familiar scaffolding Unfamiliar
Concrete Abstract
Single factor Multi factor
Dependence Independence
The Zone of proximal development
The ‘zone’ just beyond what a learner
is currently able to achieve, and is achievable if they
possible with adequate scaffolding push
big push

Lev Vygotsky

achievable if they x
coast x x x
x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x
x xx x x x x x x x
novice expert
Wilson et al. (2019)
Yes, but how will
constructivism help
ME in my learning?
Learning objectives

Define schema, assimilation and accommodation

Describe the major tenets of constructivism
Justify constructivism as a theory
Explain the implications of constructivism for

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