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Presented by: Shreya Rai

• Essential substances that your body needs in order
to grow and stay healthy.
• Component of food that is used by the body to
provide energy, aid in growth, repair tissues, etc.
• There are two types:
 Micronutrient
 Macronutrient
• The nutrients that are essential for the body in
lesser amounts are known as micro-nutrients,
whereas the nutrients that are required by the
body in greater amounts are known as macro-
Difference between;


The body’s primary source of energy and

plays various roles in overall health; Support various metabolic
Role carbohydrates provide 4 calories per processes, such as cell
gram, protein provides 4 calories per function, development, and
gram, and fat provides 9 calories per growth.

Types Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats Vitamins and Minerals

Required In Relatively larger amounts Relatively smaller amounts


In case of Deficiency In case of Overconsumption

Deficiency of micronutrients
• Overconsumption of
results in anemia, goiter, vitamins leads to lever and
scurvy, etc. nerve damage.
• Over consumption of
Deficiency of macronutrient
macro- nutrients result in
results in Kwashiorkor, Marasmus, cardiovascular disease,
Malnutrition, etc. diabetes, obesity, etc.
• The excessive consumption or
the deficiency of both the macro
and micro-nutrients have a
negative impact on the health .
CONCLUSION Therefore ,it is important to
have a balance diet which
includes an equal and required
quantity of both macro-nutrients
and micro-nutrients.

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