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Engagement Surveys - Q12

and others
Employee Engagement Survey Guide (and
Research-Backed Survey Questions)

Moving the needle on employee engagement begins with understanding employee

feedback. The best tool for understanding employee feedback is an employee
engagement survey.

An employee engagement survey can help you understand key business obstacles
and opportunities. Done thoughtfully and consistently, it offers critical insights that
can make or break your success as a company.
What is employee engagement?

Employee engagement is defined as the strength of the mental and emotional

connection employees feel toward their work, team, and organization. Employee
engagement measures how employees feel about their organization.

Employee engagement is important to employee, team, and business success. It

impacts key business metrics like employee retention, recruitment, productivity, and
What is an employee engagement
Employee engagement surveys help organizations measure employee engagement—
to make it more tangible. They help organizational leaders:
 Uncover employee perceptions
 Make them actionable
 Implement changes that move the needle
A traditional employee engagement survey happens once a year. It includes all
employees. This type of employee survey is helpful in understanding employee
engagement trends. It helps create organizational and team benchmarks to track
nuances over time.
Why do we need an employee engagement
 Understand where your company excels
 Shed light on where you need to improve
 Give every employee a voice
 Help connect the dots between employee engagement and your bottom line
 Build employee trust
 Compare and contrast among different employee groups
 Drive meaningful action and smarter people decisions
 Capture feedback that helps you navigate change
 Help you cultivate a competitive and engaging company culture
How to develop an employee engagement survey

1. Keep your survey focused on engagement.

 Professional Demographics
The purpose of an employee engagement survey is to measure the
 Location
connection employees have toward their work, team, and organization -
 Tenure
and examine the factors that influence it. It might be tempting to
combine multiple employee surveys or questions or to dive deeply into a  Position level
particular topic. But this can confuse employees about the purpose of  Department
the survey. It also makes it more difficult to act on employee feedback.  Employment status
2. Determine demographics to track.  Pay type
Employee demographics help you sort your data and identify trends
 Personal Demographics
among different employee groups. Set up demographics like:
 Gender
3. Choose the best employee engagement survey questions. Your
 Age
employee engagement survey questions should include a mix of
engagement outcomes and potential impact questions
 Education
4. Be mindful of your survey length.  Race
How often should one survey employees?

 Launch an employee engagement survey to all employees annually. This survey is an

opportunity to hear from all employees on key topics.
 Supplement with pulse and lifecycle surveys. These surveys capture feedback on
important and timely topics and at critical employee milestones. Combined with your
annual engagement survey, you’ll have a full picture of the employee experience.
 Aim for employees to participate in at least four surveys in a year. But do not send so
many surveys that the organization cannot take effective action.
 Only measure what you can act on. If you can’t take action on something, don’t ask
about it. When you ask your employees for feedback on any given topic, be prepared
to act.
Choosing the right employee engagement survey
What to do with employee engagement survey
 Share results with the organization.
 Empower managers to take action.
 Encourage teams to discuss results.
 Make goals and implement decisions.
 Check in and evaluate progress.
 Update goal progress and adjust as needed .
Thank you!

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