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An Introduction to
Duties, Functions &
29 NOV 2023 | SB Session Hall
Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your
guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting.

Help us to engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to

grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds that bring
us together.

Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions

that affect us and our community.

Continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all

that we accomplish, is for Your greater glory.

We ask these things in your name, Amen.

• Orientation on the roles and functions
of Barangay Secretary
• Reports and barangay deliverables
• Barangay Development Plan (BDP)
• Other matters
• Orientation on the roles and
functions of Barangay
• Reports and barangay deliverables
• Barangay Development Plan (BDP) status
• Other matters
Barangay Secretary:
Qualifications, Powers
and Duties.
Barangay Secretaries
Appointment, Qualifications,
Powers and Duties

SECTION. 394. Barangay Secretary: Appointment,

Qualifications, Powers and Duties.

(a) The Barangay secretary shall be appointed by the

Punong Barangay with the concurrence of the majority
of all the Sangguniang Barangay members. The
appointment of the Barangay secretary shall not be
subject to attestation by the Civil Service Commission.

(b) The Barangay secretary shall be of legal age, a qualified

voter and an actual resident of the Barangay concerned.
Barangay Secretaries
Appointment, Qualifications,
Powers and Duties

SECTION. 394. Barangay Secretary: Appointment,

Qualifications, Powers and Duties.

(c) No person shall be appointed Barangay secretary if he is

a Sangguniang Barangay member, a government employee,
or a relative of the Punong Barangay within the fourth civil
degree of consanguinity or affinity.
Barangay Secretaries
Appointment, Qualifications,
Powers and Duties

SECTION. 394. Barangay Secretary: Appointment,

Qualifications, Powers and Duties.

The Barangay secretary shall:

(a) Keep custody of all records of the Sangguniang
Barangay and the Barangay assembly meetings;
(b) Prepare and keep the minutes of all meetings of the
Sangguniang Barangay and the Barangay assembly;
(c) Prepare a list of members of the Barangay assembly, and
have the same posted in conspicuous places within the
Barangay Secretaries
Appointment, Qualifications,
Powers and Duties

SECTION. 394. Barangay Secretary: Appointment,

Qualifications, Powers and Duties.

The Barangay secretary shall:

(d) Assist in the preparation of all necessary forms for the
conduct of Barangay elections, initiatives, referenda or
plebiscites, in coordination with the COMELEC;
(e) Assist the municipal civil registrar in the registration of
births, deaths, and marriages;
Barangay Secretaries
Appointment, Qualifications,
Powers and Duties

SECTION. 394. Barangay Secretary: Appointment,

Qualifications, Powers and Duties.

The Barangay secretary shall:

(f) Keep an updated record of all inhabitants of the
Barangay containing the following items of information:
name, address, place and date of birth, sex, civil status,
citizenship, occupation, and such other items of information
as may be prescribed by law or ordinances;
Barangay Secretaries
Appointment, Qualifications,
Powers and Duties

SECTION. 394. Barangay Secretary: Appointment,

Qualifications, Powers and Duties.

The Barangay secretary shall:

(g) Submit a report on the actual number of Barangay
residents as often as may be required by the Sangguniang
Barangay; and
(h) Exercise such other powers and perform such other
duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or
Barangay Secretaries
Appointment, Qualifications,
Powers and Duties
• Orientation on the roles and functions of
Barangay Secretary

• Reports and barangay

• Barangay Development Plan (BDP) status
• Other matters
dated 16 February 2022
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Calendar of Barangay
Mandatory Deliverables
Audits schedule…
DILG-DDB JMC 2018-001 BADAC Functionality 1st Quarter Annually
Assessment End of March
DILG MC 2017-114 VAW Desk Functionality 1st Quarter Annually
Assessment End of March
DILG MC 2008-102 LTIA Performance Evaluation 1st Quarter Annually
March - April
DILG MC 2008-126 BCPC Functionality Monitoring 1st Quarter Annually
On or before Feb 15
DILG MC 2018-001 BPOC Functionality 1st Quarter Annually
End of March
DILG MC 2017-114 BDC Functionality 3rd Quarter Annually
End of September
DILG MC 2023-103 SGLGB 3rd Quarter Annually
July - September

Da te o f Typ e o f Se ssio n Atte nd a nc e Title o f Ord ina nc e (s) a nd / o r

Se ssio n Re g ula r Sp e c ia l Pre se nt Ab se nt Re so lutio n(s) p a sse d / a p p ro ve d
(write na m e / s)


Na ture Num b e r o f Se ttle d Ca se s Num b e r o f Unse ttle d Ca se s
To ta l
of Re fe rre d to
Ca se s Me d ia tio n Co nc ilia tio n Arb itra tio n Re p ud ia te d Withd ra wn Pe nd ing Dism isse d Ce rtifie d c o nc e rne d
d isp ute a g e nc ie s

C rim in a l
C ivil
O th e rs
Na m e o f Do c um e nt Da te Po ste d Na m e o f Do c um e nt Da te Po ste d
Ba ra n g a y Bu d g e t List o f No tic e s o f Awa rd
An n ua l Pro c ure m e n t Pla n
20% C o m p o ne n t o f IRA MONTHLY
Utiliza tio n Na m e o f Do c um e nt Da te Po ste d
Su m m a ry o f In c o m e a n d Ite m ize d Mo n th ly C o lle c tio n s
Exp e n d itu re s a n d Disb u rse m e n ts


Outg o ing Ba ra ng a y Offic ia ls Inc o m ing Ba ra ng a y Offic ia ls
Hig he st
Ca use o f Da te o f Da te o f
Na m e o f Offic ia l Po sitio n Na m e o f Offic ia l Ed uc a tio na l Se x Birthda te Po sitio n
Se pa ra tio n Se pa ra tio n Atta inm e nt Assum ptio n
Ac tio ns ta ke n b y the b a ra ng a y
Typ e s o f No . o f Re fe rre d Re fe rre d Re fe rre d
Re fe rre d Re fe rre d Re fe rre d Othe rs
Vio le nc e Ca se s Issue d BPO to
fo r Me dic a l fo r Le g a l
to Co urt (Spe c ify)
LSWDO Tre a tm e nt Assista nc e
Ph ysic a l Ab use
Se xua l Ab use
Psyc h o lo g ic a l/
Em o tio n a l Ab use
Ec o n o m ic Ab use


Pe rp e tra to r Ac tio ns ta ke n b y the Ba ra ng a y/ BCPC
(Im me d ia te fa m ily
m e mb e r, Clo se
Typ e s o f No . o f Ag e / re la tive ,
Re fe rre d
Re fe rre d
Re fe rre d Re fe rre d Re fe rre d fo r Othe rs
Vio le nc e Ca se s Ge nd e r Ac q ua inta nc e ,
to LSWDO PNP to NBI Me dic a l
fo r Le g a l
(Spe c ify)
Stra ng e r, Lo c a l Assista nc e
Offic ia l, La w Tre a tm e nt
e nfo rc e rs, Othe rs)

Ph ysic a l Ab use
Se xua l Ab use
Psyc h o lo g ic a l/
Em o tio n a l Ab use
Ne g le c t
No . o f
With To ta l no . o f Esta b lishe d De sig na te d Ord ina nc e Po ste d the
re g iste re d Ka sa m b a ha y Ka sa m b a ha y Ka sa m b a ha y List o f Pro je c ts
Ka sa m b a ha y Ena c te d to
Ka sa m b a ha y De sk De sk Offic e r Flo w Cha rt a nd Ac tivitie s
re g iste re d Im p le m e nt
(1 if ye s, 0 if No ) (1 if ye s, 0 if No ) (1 if ye s, 0 if No ) (1 if ye s, 0 if No )
the La w


Ed uc a tio na l Le ve l Do c um e nt
Na m e o f Be ne fic ia ry/ Ava ile e Ag e Da te o f Birth Se x (Ele m e nta ry, Hig h Sc ho o l,
Co lle g e -Co urse , OSY) o b ta ine d
Org a niza tio n Me e ting s Po lic ie s, Pla ns a nd Bud g e t Ac c o m p lishm e nts
BBI Num be r o f With Wo rk a nd To ta l a m o unt
EO/ Re so lutio n No m e e ting Fina nc ia l Pla n a llo c a te d fo r Ac tivitie s c o nduc te d
c o nduc te d (1 if ye s, 0 if No ) the pla n


Batas Kasambahay
Republic Act No. 10361

Is the law governing the rights and liabilities of both the househelps or
domestic workers and their respective employers or “amo”.

The Batas Kasambahay requires an Employment Contract be executed

between the domestic worker and the employer before the
commencement of the service in a language or dialect understood by
both of them.

It is the obligation of the employer to register his or her domestic

worker in the Registry of Domestic Workers in the barangay where the
employer resides.
Batas Kasambahay
Republic Act No. 10361

Role of the Punong Barangay/Sangguniang Barangay

• Conduct continuous registration

• Designate a Kasambahay Desk Officer who shall:
• Manage the Kasambahay Desk
• Administer the registration of Kasambahay using the prescribed
• Maintain copies of the accomplished forms
• Update the Masterlist of Registered Kasambahay
• Submit Monthly Kasambahay Report using KR Form No. 3 through
the Kasambahay Desk Officer to the Municipal PESO
Batas Kasambahay
Republic Act No. 10361

Role of the Punong Barangay/Sangguniang Barangay

• Devise a system to ensure registration of all Kasambahay in his/her

jurisdiction, including online registration
• Post/Display the Flowchart on Barangay Kasambahay Registration
in the Barangay Hall
• Enact Enabling Ordinances
• Allocate funds as may be necessary to support the Kasambahay
Registration and other related activities
Batas Kasambahay
Republic Act No. 10361
Batas Kasambahay
Republic Act No. 10361
First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act
RA 11261

Covered Persons

The assistance provided under RA 11261 are granted only to those who
seek job employment for the first time. However, such assistance or
benefits may only be availed of once (Sec. 3 of RA 11261). In availing
of the benefits, the first-time jobseekers shall present a barangay
certification stating that the applicant is a first-time jobseeker (Sec. 5
of RA 11261).
First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act
RA 11261

Exemption to Fees and Charges to First Time Jobseekers

The First Time Jobseekers Act generally provides exemption to fees

and charges to applications for and in relation to granting of license,
proofs of identification, clearances, certificates or other documents
usually required in the course of employment locally or abroad. The
mentioned fees and charges are those imposed by government
agencies and instrumentalities, including government owned and
controlled corporations (GOCCs), local government units (LGUs) and
government hospitals (Sec 3 of RA 11261).
First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act
RA 11261

Exemption to Fees and Charges to First Time Jobseekers

Specifically, under Section 4 of RA 11261, no fees and other charges

shall be collected from first time jobseekers when obtaining the

• Police Clearance certificate;

• National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance;
• Barangay Clearance;
• Medical Certificate from public hospital. However, the fees and charges for
laboratory tests and other medical procedures required for the grant of a
medical certificate shall not be free of charge;
First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act
RA 11261

Exemption to Fees and Charges to First Time Jobseekers

Specifically, under Section 4 of RA 11261, no fees and other charges

shall be collected from first time jobseekers when obtaining the

• Birth Certificate;
• Marriage Certificate;
• Transcript of academic records issued by state colleges and universities;
• Tax Identification Number (TIN);
• Unified Multi-Purpose of ID (UMID) card and
• Other documentary requirements issued by the government that may be
required by employers from job applicants
First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act
RA 11261

Limitations and Exceptions (Sec. 9 of RA 11261)

The exemptions to fees and charges shall not apply to the following:

• Application to take a professional licensure examination conducted by the

Professional Regulation Commission;
• Application for a Philippine passport;
• Authentication and red ribbon of documents from Department of Foreign
Affairs (DFA);
• Application for a Career Service Examination with the Civil Service
Commission (CSC), and
• Application for a driver’s license from the Land Transportation Office.
First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act
RA 11261

Limitations and Exceptions (Sec. 9 of RA 11261)

Moreover, the beneficiaries of the Jobstart Program Act and other laws
which give similar exemptions to fees or charges to documents or
transactions shall not also be qualified to avail of the benefits of RA
11261 (Sec. 8 of RA 11261).
First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act
Compliance Reporting

BARANGAY _____________________________

Elementary/ Out of School
Last Name First Name Middle Name Month Date Year M F College Course
High School Youth

Prepared by: Noted by:

Prepared by:
______________________________ ____________________________________
Name, Designation & Signature Name, Designation & Signature
Name, Designation & Signature Name, Designation & Signature
________________________________ ____________________________________
Date Date
Date Date
Road Clearing Operation
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-027

LGUs shall:

• Implement a displacement strategy for those affected by the conduct of

road clearing operations which may include designation of unused spaces
for their relocation, provision of alternative livelihood for vendors and other
similar efforts
• Ensure that the cleared roads are rehabilitated and restored for public use,
through efforts such as cleaning and flushing, installation of street lights,
erection of appropriate signage, setting of appropriate speed limit and the
like; and
• Establish grievance mechanism
Road Clearing Operation
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-027

Additional Roles of LCEs:

• Punong Barangays shall

 Be in charge of the conduct of road clearing operations in barangay
roads and minor public-use streets within their jurisdiction
 Maintain other local roads turned over b the city or municipal
 Harmonize barangay ordinance with this directive
 Collaborate and coordinate with the Mayor in regards to road clearing
 Undertake information dissemination campaigns
 Submit barangay compliance report every month to DILG
Road Clearing Operation
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-027

Guidelines for Road Clearing Operations:

• Road clearing shall mean the removal of illegal or unauthorized road

obstructions along the road right of way which encompasses the entire
width of the road carriageway (including travel way for motor vehicles and
road shoulders) and sidewalk.
 Widening of the scope of the existing road right-of-way and activities undertaken
for such purpose are beyond the score of this directive

• Road obstructions are structures, materials, or activities within the road

right-of-way that impede the free and clear passage of motor vehicles or
pedestrians and/or pose danger or cause injury to motorists, pedestrians, or
occupants of nearby structures.
Road Clearing Operation
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-027

Guidelines for Road Clearing Operations:

• Road obstructions shall include, but are not limited to:

 Vehicles parked in prohibited places per RA 4135 or in sidewalks, paths
or alleys not intended for vehicular parking pursuant to Section 52 of
the said law
 Vehicular terminals except in areas designated by the concerned LGU
 Vending sites of any kind of item
 House encroachments that obstruct the road right-of-way, protruding
gates, conduct of household activities and tents, except those being
temporarily used for funerals and other similar activities
 Store encroachments and indiscriminate signage and advertisements
Road Clearing Operation
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-027

Guidelines for Road Clearing Operations:

• Road obstructions shall include, but are not limited to:

 Obstructing barangay outposts, halls, markers and directories
 Conduct of sports, sports facilities, and other related activities
 Drying of rice or other crops
 Construction materials including sand, gravel, cement, steel bars logs
and the like
 Debris, waste materials and other junked items
 Oher structures, materials or activities identified by the LGU as
obstructions through their road inventory.
Road Clearing Operation
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-027

Guidelines for Road Clearing Operations:

• Obstructing and/or hazardous trees may be pruned or removed by the LGU

• In cases wherein structure or facilities owned by utility service providers,
such as posts, meters, instrumentation boxes, and the like, cause obstruction
to the road right-of-way, due coordination shall be made by the concerned
utility company and the LGU to remove or relocate the obstructing structure
or facility.
• LGU may coordinate with the DPWH or MMDA in conducting road
clearing operations in national roads or any other roads under the direct
management and maintenance of these agencies
• LGUs may coordinate with and request assistance from the PNP and the
BFP in ensuring security and order during the conduct of road clearing
Road Clearing Operation
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-027

Monitoring, Assessment and Validation:

• Monthly monitoring of barangay compliance shall be submitted to the Office

of the Secretary through NBOO
• LCEs shall be issued show-cause orders in case of non-compliance and
failure to provide a sufficient response shall result to filing of appropriate
administrative cases
• It must be the responsibility of all LCEs to exact accountability and impose
corresponding sanctions against non-supportive and/or non-compliant local
officials and employees

Punong Barangay
Sangguniang Barangay Members
SK Chairperson
SK Members
Barangay Treasurer
Barangay Secretary
SK Treasurer
SK Secretary
BADAC Cluster Leader
Barangay Tanod
Day Care Worker
Lupon Member
VAW Desk Officer
For APPOINTED Officials:

For ELECTED Officials: • Duly filled out BOIS (original)

• Oath of Office
• Duly filled out BOIS (original) • Copy of Appointment
• Oath of Office • Copy of Resolution of
• Certificate/Notice of Concurrence
Assumption to Office • Birth Certificate (for BS & BT)
• Birth Certificate • Marriage Certificate (for BS &
• Marriage Certificate (if BT, if married)
married) • SALN (for BS & BT)
• SALN • Copy of Accreditation issued
• Certificate of Canvass and by LHB (for BHW)
Proclamation (1 only for the • Copy of Accreditation (for
whole set) DCW)
Reports/Documents Deadline
Monthly Accomplishment Report 10th day of the ensuing month
(with attached minutes)
Kasambahay Law Compliance 10th day of the ensuing month
*only if there is registration
First Time Job Seekers 10th day of the ensuing
*only if there is availing of program
Road Clearing 5th day of the ensuing month
VAW and VAC cases 5th day of the ensuing month
BSKO Documents ASAP
• Orientation on the roles and functions of
Barangay Secretary
• Reports and barangay deliverables

• Barangay Development
Plan (BDP) status
• Other matters
• Orientation on the roles and functions of
Barangay Secretary
• Reports and barangay deliverables
• Barangay Development Plan (BDP) status

• Other matters

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