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Lesson 7
How to pronounce?
Speech organs position:
Starting with an open /a:/ sound flat tongue, open jaw, then moving
to /i/ as in pit, the jaw closes and the tongue rises for the second part
of the sound.
Sky fly cry supply terrify deny
Idle slide shine wild advertise design mind
Might high nigh delight right
Quite guide
1. Try to find a bright idea behind the rhymes of Oscar Wilde.
2. The sun is no longer high in the sky as the day declines.
3. “His wife is quite mild and kind.” What? Are you blind?
4. There are some guys in St. Ives who have up to seven wives.
5. Holding their chins quite high nine Knights were riding by.
6. Try not to be frightened of spiders, just hide when they come in
sight – they won't bite!
7. Nine men with fine tenor voices decided to sing quite high in the
choir on Friday night.
There was a lady loved a swine,
She kindly asked:
Pig-hog will you be mine?
I would build you a silver sty,
in which you will idly lie.

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