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Build Your Own Math

Grade 2
Lesson 72
Solving Problems
Solving problems 1
#1 Find the numbers that are multiples of 7:

14 42 63 49 56 16 7 21 18 28 27 35 70

#2 Determine the correct order of operations:

a × k + c ÷ (m – n) × y n – (m + a × t) ÷ k + b × c

#3 Solve the expressions:

9×4 49 ÷ 7 50 – 29 56 ÷ 8 35 ÷ 5
÷6 ×9 ÷7 ×4 ×6
+9 – 42 ×9 +5 – 3
? ? ? ? ?
Solving problems 2

#4 Write as expressions then solve:

a) How much is 42 more than 6?
b) How much times is 56 more than 8?
c) How much times is 7 fewer than 49?
d) How much is 9 fewer than 63?

#5 A rectangle’s length is equal to a cm, width is b cm. How are the following
expressions related to this rectangle?
a–b a÷b a×b a×2+b×2
Solving problems 3
#6 Create expressions from the following diagram and solve it:

18 – 12 40 ÷ 8 4 × 4

4 × 35 ÷ 21 –

– – =

#7 Solve the equations:

319 + x = 368 y – 564 = 27 800 – z = 136

Solving problems 4
#8 Solve the problems:
a) A dairy cow gave 17 liters of milk in the morning, and in the evening she gave
15 liters of milk. All the milk was poured into four-liter jars. How many jars were
needed to hold all the milk?
b) There were 17 boys and 15 girls in a class. For a game, they were divided into
teams, with 4 people on each team. How many teams were there in total?

#9 Fill in the empty squares:

Dividend 14 36 0 63 21 49 28
Divisor 2 7 5 7 3 6 7 5

Quotient 8 9 7 9 7 6 4
Solving problems 5
#10* Put the signs × or ÷ between the numbers so that you get a correct
42 7 3 9 7 14 8 7 = 56

#11* Fill in the empty squares so that you don’t #12 Draw a circle centered at
break the pattern: point D. Mark one point on its
circumference. Mark a second
one inside the circumference,
and a third one outside the
circumference. Which point is
closest to the center? Which one
is furthest from the center?
Solving problems 6
#13 Fill in the empty squares with numbers so that you get a true equality.
How many solutions does each problem have?

a) – = b) – =
1 2

#14 Solve the problems:

a) In a jar of x tomatoes and y cucumbers, how many
times fewer tomatoes are there in the jar than
b) Maria cut out n circles, and 9 fewer squares. How
many times more circles did she cut out than squares?

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