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• In study of reservoir field there methods used for the estimation of it,
they includes
1. Volumetric method
2. Decline curve method
3. Simulation method
4. Material balance method
Material balance method
• Is the mathematical way to express mass conservation in a reservoir.
• Is a volumetric balance equation which equates the total production
to the difference between initial volume of hydrocarbon in the
reservoir and the current volume.
• Principle that guide material balance ‘what a reservoir produced must
be replaced by other mass’.
• Volume from reservoir (also known as volume produced) includes
hydrocarbon and water volumes.
Material balance

• Volume replaced involve volume expansion, water influx, and water

or gas injection.
• Volume replaced involve all fluids and material that are injected into a
reservoir formation
• Water influx is the replacement of produced fluids by formation
water. Most petroleum reservoirs are underlain by water, and water
influx into a reservoir almost always takes place at some rate when
gas or oil is produced.the following diagrams shows water influx from
Water influx
Volume production
Oil volume production,
=Np.BO NP is cumulative oil/gas production
BO is oil volume factor at current
reservoir pressure
Gas production R cumulative produced GOR
=NP (R- R S )Bg Rs solution GOR at current reservoir
pressure (scf/stb)
 water production volume
Volume production
Water production
=Wp.B w Wp
sum of oil, gas, and water volume produced
Volume replaced
• Oil expansion
it includes oil expansion itself and solution gas expansion
condition for oil expansion is reservoir pressure should be below
the bubble point

Refers to the pressure at which the first flow of air through a liquid
saturated fabric sample occurs and it is a measure of the largest pore
throat in a sample
Volume replaced
• Oil expansion = N(Bo – B )
• Solution gas expansion = N(Rsi - Rs)Bg
Total oil expansion = oil expansion + solution gas expansion


Rock expansion =Vp . Cf . P
Connate water expansion =Vp . Swc .CW . P
Gas cap expansion
= current - Initial gas cap value
Volume replaced
Initial gas cap volume = m.N.Boi
Current gas cap value = m.N.Boi.(Bg/Bgi)
Gas cap expansion = m.N.Boi[(Bg/Bgi) – 1]


Aquifer influx volume = We
Water injection volume = Wi.Bw
Gas injection value = Gi -Bg
Material balance analysis
• The data requirements for material balance analysis are (1) initial
reservoir pressure and pressure decline as a function of time, (2)
production data for gas, oil, and water as a function of time, (3)
formation volume factors for gas, oil, and water, (4) ratio of the initial
gas-cap volume to the initial reservoir oil volume (estimated from well
logs, cores, and well-completion data), (5) quantity, or rate, or water
influx (for simplicity it is assumed that water influx is a steady-state
phenomenon in which the rate of water influx is proportional to the
reservoir pressure declineand (6) water and rock compressibility
 All relation can be put in a material balance equation based on the
following concept
• The equation above is simplified by using an expansion term.

• The equation above is simplified by using an expansion term.

• The equation above can be rearranged like this:

• The equation above is simplified

General equation for material balance
• A simplified equation can be used for a quick
estimate of initial oil in place. This equation
assumes a closed reservoir system (no active
water drive), no initial gas cap, and initial
reservoir pressure close to the bubblepoint:
Different forms of MBE

1. The graphic can be drawn based on #1 form. The line should be a

horizontal line and an intersection at y-axis is N (oil in place).
Deviation from the horizontal line indicates adding or losing enery
A slope of the curve is 1 and the intersection on the y-axis is N. Deviation
from the straight line indicates extra energy in or energy out
Assumption made for material balance
• Uniform pressure throughout the reservoir
• No variation in PVT properties throughout the reservoir at a certain
• PVT Means pressure volume temperature
• Constant reservoir volume
• Constant temperature
Uses of material balance equation
• determination of OOIP, and OGIP
• Determine water influx and mechanism
• Determination of avarage reservoir pressure
• Determination of gas cap in oil reservoir
• Predictions of reservoir performance (after a period of production
yields sufficient data for analysis)
• To determine the pressure decline trend for the reservoir.
• future gas and oil production volumes,
Condition to apply MBE
• Good quality of PVT data
• Accurate production history
• Accurate reservoir pressure information
• Applicable from initial pressure to current pressure
1. Formation volume factor Bg is 0.0038RB/SCF at initial pressure and
0.0035RB/SCF at final pressure if the formation volume factor Bo is
1.2RB/STB, What is original gas in place in the reservoir
2. A reservoir is estimates by volumetric method to contain
approximately 20 million STB of oil, saturated at initial reservoir
pressure of 3.200 psi (no gas cap). The next table represents the
fluid properties and production data:Calculate the water influx
during this time
• Given the following data:, Initial bulk reservoir volume = 415.3 MM
ft3, Average porosity = 0.172, Average connate water saturation =
0.25, Initial pressure = 3200 psia, Initial gas FVF, Bgi = 0.005262
ft3/SCF, Final pressure = 2925 psia, Gas FVF at final pressure =
0.0057 ft3/SCF, Cumulative water production = 15,200 STB, Water
FVF, Bw = 1.03 bbl/STB, Cumulative gas produced, Gp = 935.4 MM
SCF, Bulk volume invaded by water at final pressure = 13.04 MM ft3
• A) Calculate initial gas in place.
• B) Calculate water influx, We.
• C) Calculate residual gas saturation, Sgr.
• A) G = 415.3 x 106 x 0.172 x (1 - 0.25) / 0.005262 = 10.18 MMM SCF

• B) Since: G(Bg - Bgi)+W e= Gp Bg +W p Bw

• Rearranging and solving for We, we get:
• W e= Gp Bg +W p Bw - G(Bg - Bgi)
• which yields:
• We = 935.4x106x0.0057 + 15,200x5.6146x1.03 - 10.18x109x(0.0057-
0.005262) = 960,400 ft3
• C) Sw = water volume/pore volume = Vw/Vp = (connate water + water
influx - water produced)/pore volume =
• (13.04x106x0.172x0.25 + 960,400 - 15,200x5.6146x1.03)/
13.04x106x0.172 = 0.64

• Therefore, Sgr = 1 - 0.64 = 0.36 or 36%.

Difference between material balance and
volumetric method in reservoir estimation
• Volumetric estimates based on cores, well logs, fluid analyses, and
geological estimates of reservoir size provide a "rock-based" estimate
of gas in place, while material-balance relationships provide a "fluids-
based" or "pressure-based" estimate.
• Material balance is based on the mass conservation principle which
states that the sum of the weight of all inputs must be exactly equal
to the sum of all outputs, in Volumetric Method: As the name
suggests, this method requires the volume of the reservoir to be
calculated through maps and petro-physical data of the drilled wells.
• Bg= Gas formation volume factor
• Bgi= Initial gas volume factor
• Bo= Oil formation volume factor
• Boi= Initial oil formation volume factor
• Bw= Water formation volume factovolume
• Gp= Cumulative gas prodformation
• m= Ratio of gas cap HCPV to oil column HCPV
• N= Oil-initially-in-place
• Np= Cumulative oil production
• P = i pwf p - , Change in pressure
• Rp= Cumulative or average GOR since start of production
• Rs= Solution gas-oil ratio
• Rsi= Initial solution gas-oil ratio
• S= Saturation of hydrocarbon
• Sw= Water saturation
• S wi= Initial water saturation
• Swc= Connate water saturation
• Vp,V= Reservoir pore volume
• We= Water influx
• Wp= Cumulative water production
• wf = Wellbore flowing
• M. A. KARAEI and A. AZDARPOUR,year 2013, Solution of applied
petroleum reservoirs Engineering problems (by craft)
• L. P. DAKE 1st Edition 1978, Fundamentals of reservoir Engineering
• HAWKINS and B. C. CRAFT, 1959, Applied petroleum reservoirs
engineering 3rd edition by M.

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