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The Self as a Cognitive Construct

Lateralization of brain
The lateralization of brain
- function is the tendency for some neural functions or
cognitive processes to be specialized to one side of the
brain or the other. The median longitudinal fissure
separates the human brain into two distinct cerebral
hemispheres, connected by the corpus callosum.
Language Lateralization
Hemispheric lateralization is the idea that both
hemispheres are functionally different and that
certain mental processes and behaviors are mainly
controlled by one hemisphere rather than the other.

There is evidence of some specialization of

function mainly regarding differences in language
ability. Beyond that, however, the differences that
have been found have been minor. What we do
know is that the left hemisphere controls the right
half of the body, and the right hemisphere controls
the left half of the body.
Broca Area
• This research is large support for the view that the role of
language function is localized to the left hemisphere of the brain.
Broca’s area has been found to be associated with multiple
language functions including language comprehension and being
able to articulate words.
• This region is also associated with listening as being able to
understand words requires articulating them in your head. It has
also been suggested to be active during the planning of
movements, initiating movement and understanding another’s
• Broca’s area may also contain mirror neurons as this area
appears to be involved in observing people and imitating them
• Wernicke’s area comprehends the language and chooses words, which are
then sent to Broca’s area to be articulated.
• Wernicke’s area contains motor neurons which are involved in speech
comprehension and is surrounded by an area called Geschwind’s territory.
• When a person hears words, Wernicke’s area associated the sounds to their
meaning, to which neurons in Geschwind’s territory are thought to help by
combining the many different properties of words (such as the sound and
meaning) to provide fuller comprehension.
• When a person speaks, however, this process happens in reverse as
Wernicke’s area will find the right words to correspond to the thoughts that
are to be expressed.
• This is often thought to be damaged via head trauma or disease.
• People who experience Wernicke’s aphasia may experience symptoms such
as an inability to understand spoken language and speaking using
inappropriate words.
• Lateralization of brain function is the view that functions
are performed by distinct regions of the brain. For
instance, it is believed that there are different areas of the
brain that are responsible for controlling language,
formulating memories, and making movements.

• If a certain area of the brain becomes damaged, the

function associated with that area will also be affected.
• It contrasts with the holistic theory of the brain, that all
parts of the brain are involved in the processing of
thought and action.
• The human brain is split into two hemispheres, right and
left. They are both joined together by the corpus callosum,
a bundle of nerve fibres which is located in the middle of
the brain.

• The finding suggests that cerebral lateralization enhances

brain efficiency in cognitive tasks that demand the
simultaneous but different use of both hemispheres.

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