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Assignment :- 1

Vision, mission, objectives and goal of 5

4. GOOGLE Assignment submitted by :
bharat rai 22bba10031
5. JIO
• Vision: To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy.

• Mission: Tesla’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable

energy through increasingly affordable electric vehicles and energy products.

• Objectives: • Goals:
1. Lead in electric vehicle technology 1. Increase electric vehicle production
2. Develop renewable energy solutions
2. Expand renewable energy solutions:
3. Expand energy storage capabilities:
3. Achieve energy independence 4. Reduce carbon emissions:
4. Promote sustainable transportation
2. Sugar cosmetics
• Vision: To become the leading global beauty brand empowering women through
innovative and high-quality cosmetics.

• Mission: Sugar Cosmetics is committed to offering a diverse range of beauty products that
celebrate individuality, creativity, and self-expression. Through our innovative and high-
quality cosmetics, we aim to inspire confidence and empower women to express their
unique beauty.

• Objectives:
1. Product Portfolio Diversification:
1. Product Innovation:
2. Customer Engagement:
2. Customer Satisfaction 3. Global Expansion:
3. Brand Awareness 4. Brand Loyalty:
4. Market Expansion: 5. *Innovation Leadership
5. Sustainability
• Vision: “Serve consumers through online and physical stores and focus on selection, price,
and convenience.”

• Mission: "To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and
discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavor to offer its customers the
lowest possible prices.“

*Objectives:* *Goals:*
1. Customer satisfaction. 1. Maintain high customer satisfaction.
2. 2. Continuous innovation. 2. Solidify market dominance.
3. 3. Operational excellence. 3. Expand global reach.
4. 4. Global expansion. 4. Lead in innovation.
5. Diverse offerings. 5. Achieve sustainable growth.
6. Technological advancement. 6. Diversify revenue streams.
• Vision: Google's vision is to provide access to the world's information in one click

• Mission: "Our mission is to organize the world's information and make it

universally accessible and useful.

• Objectives: • Goals:
1. Provide innovative services. 1. Expand internet connectivity globally.
2. Improve search accuracy. 2. Develop artificial intelligence capabilities.
3. Improve data security and privacy.
3. Enhance user experience.
4. Foster digital literacy.
4. Promote internet accessibility.
• Vision:"To digitally empower India and transform it into a leading digital society
• "Mission:"To provide affordable and innovative digital services and solutions to all
segments of society, revolutionizing the way people communicate,
work, and live.“

• Objectives: • Goals:
1. Provide affordable digital services. 1. Increase internet penetration.
2. Expand access to high-speed internet. 2. Offer innovative digital solutions.
3. Revolutionize communication and 3. Foster economic growth through technology.
connectivity. 4. Lead in digital infrastructure development.
4. Drive digital transformation in India. 5. Empower individuals and businesses
5. Enhance the quality of life through with digital tools.

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