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May Thet Htun
Meiktila University

Exploring Barriers and
Perceptions of Teachers
on Deploying ICT Tools
in Classroom
1. Introduction (cont;)
➢ The term ICT refers to the forms of
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) that are used to
communicate, transmit, store, create, share
or exchange information.
➢ Any communication device or application,
encompassing: radio, television, mobile
phones, computer and network hardware
and software, satellite systems , as well as
the various services and applications
associated with them, such as video
conferencing and distance learning” are
included in ICT.
1. Introduction(cont;)
➢ In the 21st century, ICT tools develops to
supplement teaching materials, such as
finding resources, printing them and bringing
them to the classroom. In fact, innovative use
of ICT tools can facilitate student centered
➢ Hence, every classroom teacher should use
learning technologies to enhance their student
learning in every subject because it can
engage the thinking, decision making,
problem solving and reasoning behaviors of
1. Introduction (cont;)
▸ Ab Jalil (2013) propose that educational
systems around the world are changing more
and more and the new ICT tools are
deploying in their curriculum to provide
students with the knowledge and skills that
they need in the 21st century.
▸ ICT tools can run most of the teachers and
learners to be familiar with digital
classrooms as the vital role of education
system during Covid-19 pandemic period.

1. Introduction (cont;)
➢ However, some developing countries
including Myanmar are facing with some
technical barriers that can delay to be able
to use ICT tools in the classroom or to
develop supporting materials through ICT.
➢ Idowu & Esere (2013) propose that some
teachers are still holding traditional habit,
as most university staff are in their mid-
age and as such tend to be shy away from
modern technologies, with the excuse that
they are of the older generation and have
no time to learn the new generation’s ways
of doing things.
1. Introduction
➢ Raman and Yamat (2014) observe that most
of the teachers are reluctant to integrate
ICT tools in class and do not want to
incorporate ICT tools in their teaching
process because of their workload,
inadequate time, teaching experience and
age and lack of ICT skills.
➢ And also, most of the people want to hold
old ways in doing activities, want to stay in
comfort zone and do not want to learn or 8
Aims & Objectives

➢ The purpose of this study is to explore the barriers of Myanmar

1 University teachers and their perceptions on using ICT tools in their
➢ The objectives of this research are to identify the barriers when the
teachers use ICT tools in the classroom and observe the perceptions of the
teachers on deploying ICT tools in their teaching process.

2. Methodology
 This study employed the quantitative data and the total population

of the study is 45 university teachers from Myanmar.
 And the questionnaire was distributed randomly to Myanmar
University teachers including Meiktila University and others via
emails, viber and Facebook messenger.
 The questionnaire was divided into two sections.
 In section “A”, there are 9 items to express the barriers of the
teachers in using ICT tools in classroom and also 9 items
contained in section “B” which display the perceptions of teachers
on deploying ICT.

▸ Each of item was scored on 5 point of Likert scale rating from 5= Strongly Agree, 4=
Agree, 3= Neutral, 2= Disagree,1= Strongly Disagree.
▸ The data from the questionnaire of teachers’ perception and barriers of using ICT in
teaching process in each item were numeracy coded and entered into SPSS-25
version database.
▸ Descriptive analysis (means and standard deviation) was used to describe each item
in the following rule: Decision rule = Multiple option/ Number of Item, where
multiple options are weighted as follows: S.A.=5, A.=4, N.=3, D.=2, S.D. = 1,
Therefore, 5+4+3+2+1 = 15/5=3

▸ Thus, for Barriers: • If the mean value of item is 3 < , then these will be
supposed barrier item.
▸ If the mean value of each item is < 3, then it will not be supposed as
barrier item (Otemuyiwa & Attah, 2020).
▸ For perception: • If 3 < is the mean value of each item, then it will be
assumed positive perception
▸ If the mean value of each item < 3, then the negative perception.
(Otemuyiwa & Attah, 2020).

2.1 Barriers Encountered by Teachers in Using ICT tools
➢ Using ICT tools in teaching and learning
process may encounter with various
difficulties and these difficulties are known
as ‘barriers’ A barrier can be defined as ‘any
condition that makes it difficult to progress
or to achieve an objective (Schoepp, 2015).
➢ Most of the previous studies also stated the
barriers which prevent the teachers’
decision to use ICT tools in the classroom.
➢ Suryani (2010) argued that implementing
ICT in classroom is not an easy and simple
matter and there are many issues which
should be addressed.

➢ Those issues range from the school culture, teachers’
barriers, finance, leadership, curriculum, and ethical

“ issues. Those problems are experienced by both

developed and developing countries.

➢ The findings of Hennessy, Harrison, and Wamakote

(2010) revealed that positive and negative perceptions
of teachers can effect on various obstacles such as
unavailability of technical support, lack of training
facilities to use ICT as a different pedagogy as well as
the integration of ICT in curricula.

➢ Gebremedhin and Fenta (2015)
identified the challenges such as

“ shortage of resources or technological

tools, lack of technical support, poor
ICT preparation for teachers and lack of
encouragement for teachers.

➢ According to Becta (2004), the issue of

training is certainly complex because it
is important to consider several
components to ensure training

2.2 Teachers’ Perceptions on Using ICT tools

Perceptions means one’s personal judgement from individual understanding,

which derives a personal decision or behaviour (Merriam Webster, 2015)

According to Bolton’s description (1997) as applied to this research work,

teachers’ perceptions can be referred to the attitudes, behavior, self ‐beliefs,
views and the understanding that teachers hold toward the use of ICT in

Most of the teachers from developing countries including Myanmar can

encounter some barriers according to the situation of their country, if they
have positive perceptions on ICT tools that can lead to integrate ICT in the
Silviyanti (2015) argued that using ICT tools can highly motivate
students because it is important in teaching as it makes learning
enjoyable, interesting, and effective, among other constructive outcomes.

Gebremedhin and Fenta (2015) observe that the majority of the

teachers from their college have the strong positive perception on
using ICT in teaching process.

Callum and Jeffrey (2014) revealed teachers perceived usefulness, ease

of use or effort needed to learn to use the modern technology, the
teachers’ skills to use digital technology or literacy, ICT teaching self-
efficacy and ICT anxiety are some of the factors that can influence a
teacher’s use and perception of new technologies in teaching.
Table 1. Barriers encountered by teachers in using ICT tools in classroom

No. Statements Mean S.D

1 I have a lack of knowledge about using ICTs in teaching process. 2.58 0.85

2 I know that many forms of the ICT tools and techniques at schools are accessible to use in teaching 3.83 0.65

3 I have the lack of technical support from school administration. 3.48 1.03

4 The lack of genuine ICT Software at school. 3.46 1.00

5 In my view, unstable and unreliable internet connection at school and home 3.83 0.97

6 I have limited time of using ICT in the classroom teaching. 3.97 0.8

7 The lack of confidence in using ICT in the classroom. 2.74 1

8 I have enough experience and training of using ICT in the classroom teaching. 3.25 0.69

9 The lack of interest in the teacher of using ICT in the classroom. 2.79 0.94

Average 3.32 0.88

➢ According to the results as shown Figure 1, this study includes nine barriers of
university teachers in using ICT tools in classroom. Among them, Accessible
ICT tools and techniques, Inadequate technical support, Lack of genuine
software, Unreliable internet connection and Time limitation are supposed to
be the barriers by the participants.
➢ The results of this study are consistency with the recent studies conducted by
Hufaker(2004), Hennessy, Harrison, and Wamakote (2010), Marshall (2000),
Raman and Yamat (2014), Becta (2004) and Gebremedhin and Fenta (2015)
which revealed time limitation, lack of training, insufficient ICT tools and
infrastructure, lack of technical support are the major barriers in using ICT
tools in the classroom.
➢ However, lack of knowledge, lack of confidence in using ICT and lack of
interest cannot be assumed as barriers by the respondents in this study.
Table.2 Teachers’ Perceptions on using ICT tools in classroom

Statements Mean S.D

1 In my view, using ICTs are more powerful tools of teaching than without the use of ICTs. 4.02 0.93

2 I know that, using ICTs enhances my learners’ critical thinking. 4.04 0.81

3 ICTs can be used as advanced instructional tools in teaching to my students. 4.18 0.73

4 In my view, ICTs can replace teachers’ role in teaching 2.81 1.07

5 As far as I know, ICTs can be used to effectively manipulate instructional contents and materials. 4.04 0.57

6 Using ICTs enhance collaborative learning among learners and teachers. 4.27 0.5

7 Using ICTs help to ensure quality education. 4.30 0.63

8 The lack of ICTs makes it difficult for teachers to keep up with the current trends in education. 4.20 0.83

9 In my view, the use of ICTs in teaching and learning is a time- consuming process. 2.78 1.25

Average 3.84 0.81

➢ Average mean score in Figure.2, Teachers’ Perceptions on using ICT tools is
M= 3.84 and Standard Deviation is 0.81. Therefore, most of the participants
have the positive perceptions on using ICT tools in the classroom.
➢ These results are reliable with the previous studies revealed by Bolton’s
description (1997), Gebremedhin and Fenta (2015), Mac-Callum and Jeffrey
(2014), Silviyanti (2015) and Bansa and Asrini (2020), which showed the
teachers have a strong positive perceptions and teachers also received that
using ICT tools in classroom is ease of use, needed to learn new technologies
more and highly-motivated to students.
➢ In contrast, the participants agreed to deny ICT tools can be replaced teachers’
role in teaching and they conducted their negative perceptions on using ICT
tools is time-consuming.

4.Discussion (cont; )
▸ In 21st century, education system of the world is emerging
and it leads to student-centered approach.
▸ Flipped classroom, virtual classroom and educational
tools transform from traditional teachers and classrooms
into active, motivated and innovative teachers and
▸ Talking of ICT education, universities are platform for
career development worldwide; where individuals are
guided towards their interests and various fields of
endeavor by lecturers and professionals engaged in
▸ In accordance with the infrastructure of each country,
barrier can be different also. 28
4.Discussion (cont;)
 Most of the developing countries including Myanmar face
with some barriers such as insufficient technical support,
inconsistency of electricity and internet access,
inadequate technicalproject
experts and trainings for using ICT
tools, lack of adequate facilities which can prevent
teachers’Show and explain
deployment your
in ICT tools in the classroom.
 Accordingweb,to app
the or software
results of this study, the barriers of
university teachers
using theseare not because of lack of
their interest, knowledge and confidence in using ICT
gadget templates.
tools in classroom but because of inaccessible ICT tools,
insufficient technical support from school administration
which can influence teachers’ enthusiasm using ICT tools
in the classroom.
4.Discussion (cont;)
➢ Because of these barriers, teachers want to use ICT
tools in their teaching process, they cannot overcome
some types of barriers.
➢ Most of tools are high in expense so both teachers
and students cannot afford on them.
➢ The teachers sometimes use some ICT devices to
attract the interest of the students and try to
overcome the barriers as much as they can although
ICT tools are insufficient.
➢ Moreover, without the internet access, teachers
cannot integrate modern class or flipped classroom.
4.Discussion (cont;)

▸ As they accept that ICT is still perceived as a tool to

support the existing curriculum rather than a tool to
transform the curriculum although ICT tools cannot
replace teachers’ role in teaching completely.
▸ When it comes to the transformation stage, ICT is
used by teachers for most of their personal and
professional tasks and activities.
▸ Both teachers and students from most of the
developing countries including Myanmar are still
using commercial services for all their official cases.

➢ In the developed countries, office devices such as
computer, printer and copier can be supported
appropriately but essential tools and training
cannot be provided very well and in developing
➢ According to the results of the study, the
researchers found out that most of the respondents
or Myanmar university teachers have positive
perceptions on using ICT tools in classroom.
➢ If they have a chance to be able to use reliable
internet access and electricity, effective training
and sufficient technical support, they can lead to
efficient classroom and effective teaching process.

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