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Conventional Energy Technologies and

A conventional source of energy is a natural
resource which cannot be produced , growth,
generated or used on a scale which can sustain
it’s consumption rate , once depleted there is
no more available for future needs. Also
considered non renewable are resources that
are consumed much faster than nature can
create them. Fossil fuel (coal, petroleum and
natural gas ) firewood, nuclear power
(Uranium)and certain aquifers are examples.
Energy resources removed from the earth’s crust
include: oil, natural gas, coal, and uranium
• Fossil Fuels- Fossil fuels are fuel formed by
natural processes such as anaerobic
decomposition of buried dead organisms.
• The fossil fuels which contains high percentage of
carbon include coal, petroleum and natural gas.
• Fossil fuel range from volatile material with low
carbon : hydrogen ratio like methane to liquid
petroleum to non volatile materials composed of
almost pure carbon ,like anthracite coal.
• Coal is a fossil fuel that is made by carbonized vegetable
material. It is a black brown sedimentary rock. Coal is
composed primarily of carbon along with variable quantities
of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen and
• Coal formed when dead plant material is converted into peat
which in turn is converted into lignite , then anthracite. This
involves biological and geological processes that takes place
over a long period of time.
• Most abundant fossil fuel and could easily last at least 200
• Produces 62% of world’s electricity
• About 68% of world's proven coal reserves and 85% of
the estimated undiscovered coal deposits are located in
U.S.A., C.I.S. and China. About 55% of U.S. coal reserves
are found west of Mississippi River. Coal is the most
abundant conventional fossil fuel in the world. Identified
world reserves of coal should last about 210 years at the
current rate of usage and just 65 years, if the rate, of
usage increases by 2% per year. The world unidentified
coal reserves are however, projected to last about 900
years at current rate and 150 years, if usage rate
increases by 2%.
Depletion of Coal
• Many industries contribute to the depletion
of coal because they use large amount to
power their machines. Eg. steel,
Transportation industries.
• Individual citizen also contribute to the
depletion of coal. The use of electricity ,
driving engines and heating purposes
World Coal Extraction Projection
• Petroleum is a fossil fuel and is an oil that is
found underground . Oil can be as thick and
black as tar or as thin as water. Petroleum has
a lot of energy we can turn it into different
forms like gasoline, kerosene and heating oil.
Petroleum is buried in underground in tiny
pockets in rocks.
• Thirteen countries of the world make up the
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC), which have 67% of these reserves.
About one fourth of the oil reserves are
located in Saudi Arabia. It is further estimated
that the undiscovered oil will also be just
located in Middle East Thus, the world oil
supplies and prices are likely to be controlled
by OPEC over a long period of time.
Depletion of Petroleum
• Increased efficiencies in the use of higher and
better concentration of energies in petroleum
allows human to participate in takedowns
which is the consumption of energy at greater
rate than it is being replaced.
• United States of America is the world's largest
consumer of oil using 30% of global total,
whereas it has only 4% of the world's oil
World’s Crude Oil Extraction Project
• Natural gas is a fuel that is used to heat
buildings , cook food, dry clothes, heat water,
and even to help produce electricity .In fact
natural gas is really a mixture of gases that
formed from the fossils remains of ancient
plants and animals buried deep in the
earth .The main ingredient is natural gas is
• About 40% of the world's natural gas reserves
are in CIS countries. Other countries with
proven natural gas reserves are Iran (14%),
United States (5%), Qatar (4%), Saudi Arabia
(3%) and Nigeria (3%). Geologists expect to
find more natural gas, especially in unexplored
LDCs (less developed countries). Most of the
natural gas reserves are located in same area
as crude oil.
• Probably, the next generation would witness a
sharp depletion of oil and natural gas in their
lifetime and alternate fuels will have to be
Natural Gas
Natural Gas
Depletion of Natural Gas
• This is seen as depletion because gas is burned
much more quickly than it is formed. There
are limited natural gas reserves .
• The gas equivalent of almost 60 billion tonnes
of oil is used up
• The territories that use most of the gas are the
United States, the Russian Federation, the
Ukraine and Canada
World’s Natural Gas Extraction Projection
Effects of Fossil Fuels

• Burning of fossil fuels release gases and harmful

particles which causes air pollution.
• Burning of fossil fuels release acidic oxides of sulfur and
nitrogen which causes acid rain which is harmful for
living organisms, affects soil and water, causes damage
to buildings, corrosion of metals etc.
• Burning of fossil fuels release a large amount of carbon
dioxide gas which increases the temperature of the
atmosphere and causes global warming (green house
Effects of Fossil Fuels

Severe Air Pollution

Effects of Fossil Fuels
• Green House Effect
Effects of Fossil Fuels
Severe Damage to Environment
Firewood is any wooden material
that is gathered and used for fuel.
Generally firewood is not highly
processed and is in some sort of
recognizable log or branch form .
• It harnesses the heat of radioactive materials
to produce steam for power generation
• Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear
fission to generate heat and electricity .
• Nuclear power plants provide 6% of total
world’s energy and 13-14 % of world
• Fission of uranium to produce energy.
• The fission of 1 kg (2.2 lb) of uranium-235
releases 18.7 million kilowatt-hours as heat.
Heat is used to boil water and activate steam
• Requires massive amounts of water for cooling
the reactor
Advantages & Disadvantages of Using
Conventional Energy as Resources
-Coal can be found in lots of places in the world
-Coal can be easily transported to the power
-Coal is a relatively cheap energy source
-To dig up coal we have to create mines which may be dangerous and
not very nice to look at
-Transporting coal by lorry or train from the mines to power stations
cause pollution
-Burning coal produces polluting gases like sulfur dioxide which causes
acid rain
-Of all the energy sources burning coal releases the most green house
gases which may add to global warming
-Coal is a non- renewable source
-Coal miners can be affected by black lung diseases or
pneumoconiosis and also emphysema
- Oil is found in lots of places in the world
- We can transport oil in pipes, and by using tankers or ships
-Environmental damage can be caused when building the rig
and by accidental oil spillages
-Oil is non renewable so once the supplies are used it will run
- Burning these fuels releases green house gases in the air
which causes global warming
Natural Gas
• Advantages
-Natural gas is more environmentally friendly
-Composed of methane which has just one carbon
producing very low carbon emissions
-Major source of energy for most consumers
-It is conveniently pumped at homes through a
network of underground pipeline
-Provided through a local providers and local
utilities companies
Natural Gas
-Due to its make up natural gas is combustible
and easily explosive if handed improperly
-Natural gas is toxic if inhaled leading to severe
health risk or even death
Nuclear Power
-Nuclear fuel does not make harmful green house gases
-Only a small amount of nuclear fuel is needed to make a lot of energy

-The waste produced while using nuclear fuel is radioactive which is
very harmful
-Nuclear power stations are at risk from accidents and sabotage
-World uranium supplies may run out in about 50 years
-Requirements of long-term storage in a geologically stable area
-Problem of nuclear waste disposal; radioactivity
Uranium is highly dangerous

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