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Intellectual Revolution

Learning Outcomes:
1. Define the intellectual revolution
2. Identify the intellectual revolutions that define the society
3. Discuss/explain the paradigm shifts how the intellectual revolution
changed the way humans see the world
Intellectual Revolution
• Is used to refer to Greek speculation about the nature in the period
before Socrates
• It is also termed as “pre-socratic” or “non-theological” or first
• It is the period where paradigm shifts occurred. It is where the
scientific beliefs that have been widely embraced and accepted by the
people where challenged and opposed.
Nicolaus Copernicus
- An all-around Renaissance man
- An astronomer
- A mathematician
- A doctor and a clergy man
- Stated that planets, as well as the sun and the
moon move in a circular motion around the Earth.
- He believed that the center of the universe is the
Earth, where the sun, moon and planets revolved
around it
GEO means Earth and CENTRIC means center
Until Nicolaus Copernicus, a philosopher and
mathematician challenged this geocentric theory.
He stated that the center of the universe is not
really the Earth, but actually the Sun.
• HELIO means sun and CENTRIC means center
• This theory influences conceptual changes in cosmology, religion,
physics, and philosophy. It also answered issues that could not
explained using the geocentric model
• Other works that supported this model started to emerge as well. It
was eventually accepted by the people in a period which was called
the birth of the modern astronomy
• This era begin what was known as the scientific revolution which
resulted in transformation of society’s thoughts and beliefs
- An English naturalist, biologist and geologist
- He is well-known for his book entitled Origin of Species. In this book
Charles Darwin introduced the Theory of Evolution, which posited
that population pass through a process of natural selection in which
only the fittest would survive.
- His theory was very controversial as people perceived it to be
contradictory to church’s teaching that the source of life is a powerful
- The people were divided – some believed that the theory explained the
origin of life, but the religious and the faithful strongly refuted it.
- It even sparked a massive debate between science and religion. It was only
after some time that people came to understand that Darwin’s theory of
evolution as not in fact against the teaching of the church and both co-
• Sigmund Freud explains
that there are main
conscious and
unconscious factors that
could influence behavior
and emotions
• He also argued that
personality is a product of
three conflicting elements
which are the id, ego and
• Is the unconscious part of the mind
• Meets basic needs and seeks to bring us pleasure
• Is the most important in keeping us alive
• Is a conscious part of the mind (rational self)
• Is aware of reality
• Answers the question how do we get done what the ID wants
• The unconscious part of the mind that acts as our conscience
• Is concerned with morality
• ID says “I want chocolate”
• SUPEREGO says “you’re on a diet”
• EGO says “eat just a small bar of chocolate”

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