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Use of informative, persuasive, and

argumentative writing techniques

By the end of this lesson you will be able to:
1. Identify the different writing techniques, characteristics,
and uses.
2. Appreciate the techniques in developing an effective
3. Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and
argumentative writing techniques through essay.
Writing techniques - are specific strategies or methods used
by writers to convey their message effectively and engage to
the readers.

We use some methods to blend things easily. It is called

writing techniques.

Writing techniques make it essay for writers to present their

ideas and for readers to understand those ideas.
Writing techniques that writers majorly use:

1. Expository or Informative writing

2. Persuasive writing
3. Argumentative writing
Informative writing educates the readers by imparting
straightforward information, facts, and details on a certain topic.

Some useful tips on writing informative essay:

1. Make sure you know the difference between opinion and facts
2. Stick to the use of third person like she, he, it, or they.
3. Behave like a journalist
Persuasive writing is any piece of writing, and the type you use will
depend on your audience, your purpose, and the context of the situation.

Persuasive writing greets us at every corner, whether in the form of

advertisements, brochures, or media.

It is an invaluable tool in the business world and an influential tool that

calls to action.
To the 4th century BC, Aristotle set the foundations of persuasive writing
these foundations, or modes, are namely:

Comes from the Greek word “character” or “spirit”

Translate it to modern-day persuasive writing, it refers to the way

the writer presents themselves.

Is the credibility that a speaker or writer brings to the subject that

he or she is communicating about.
Pathos originates from ancient Greek, meaning “suffering” or

It represents the writers appeal to emotion.

If we put this in the business world, it is our emotions that trigger

our purchasing decisions.
Logic contrast to pathos

Persuasive writing means using logical arguments backed up by thorough

research and evidential data

It is also refer to how you put your arguments in the most effective way.
Argumentative writing

The writer makes a claim about a particular topic and then supports
that claim with evidence.

The goal is to convince the reader that the writer’s position is

correct and that the evidence provided supports claim.
Tips on how to write an Argumentative essay

1. Addressing counterarguments
2. Organize your essay effectively
3. Use credible sources and evidence
4. address the audience’s concerns and objections
5. Revise and edit your essay
Addressing counterarguments
Addressing counterarguments and opposing
viewpoints is crucial in building a strong and
convincing argument.
Organize your essay effectively
Organize your essay effectively a well-structured argumentative
essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs that
present and support your arguments, and a strong conclusion.
Use credible sources and evidence
Use credible sources and evidence. In order to make a
compelling argument, it is important to back up your claims with
reliable and relevant evidence. This can include statistics,
research studies, expert opinions, or examples from real-life
Address the audience’s concerns and objections

Address the audience's concerns and objections. Anticipate and address any
potential doubts, concerns, or objections that your readers may have.
Revise and edit your essay

Revise and edit your essay. After completing your first

draft, take the time to revise and edit your essay for
clarity, coherence, and effectiveness.
Thank you for listening

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