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Unit (MCU)
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic.”
― Arthur C. Clarke
Describe the image being shown
What is an
Microcontroller is a small computer that is capable
of performing specific tasks
e.g. car alarm, Washing machine, headphones etc.
A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit
designed to govern a specific operation in an
embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes
a processor, memory and input/output (1/0)
peripherals on a single chip.
The history of MCU can be traced back to the invention of
MOSFET technology. In the early days, the MCU was a
primitive semiconductor IC with a processor unit and
memory modules.
Microcontroller is be a device that captures input, processes
it and generates output supported knowledge captured.

Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC

• Most often referred to as the
primary storage on a
computer, such as RAM.
• allows the microcontroller to
remember things. The
memory stores the programs
and any data it needs to do its

Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC


Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC

• is responsible for executing
instructions and performing
• Options range from simple
4-bit, 8-bit, or 16-bit
processors to more complex
32-bit or 64-bit processors.

Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC

Input/Output Pins
• the connectors that allow the
microcontroller to sense the
world. A digital input is a
signal that is received by an
electronic device, while a
digital output is a signal that
is sent by an electronic

Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC

• Peripherals in microcontroller units
are added hardware components
within the MCU chip, extending its
capabilities beyond basic processing.
These peripherals, such as ADCs,
and timers, allow the MCU to
connect with sensors, actuators, and
external devices, enabling diverse
applications in embedded systems

Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC

Serial Bus Interface
• Serial Bus Interface connects
Integrated Circuit Chips with
traces on the Printed Circuit
Board embedded within the

Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC

• Most controllers have at least
one and more Timers /
Counters. A timer is a type of
clock that is used to measure
time intervals. A counter is a
device that records the
number of times a specific
event or process occurred
about a clock signal.or

Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC

• An ADC (Analog-to-Digital
Converter) in a microcontroller
converts analog signals into digital
data, allowing the microcontroller
to interface with analog sensors
and input signals by converting
them into a format that can be
processed digitally.

Memory Processor Input/Output Peripherals

Serial Bus Interface Timer ADC DAC

• A DAC (Digital-to-Analog
Converter) in a microcontroller
does the opposite of an ADC. It
converts digital data into analog
signals. This allows the
microcontroller to generate analog
outputs, such as voltage levels or
waveforms, which can control
analog devices like speakers,
motors, or actuators
CREDITS: ThisKhryztian Ero
presentation S. was created by Slidesgo, and
MOSTRALES, Aaliyah Claudia &Rimages by Freepik
includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics
SORIANO, Andrija Jonyl V.
Morgate, Rheynzo Benedict M.
ORZAL, Nathaleen Ghail M

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