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Who is Resil Mojares?

▪ He is a Filipino literature ambassador, historian,

and critic.
▪ He was founding director (1975-96) of University
of San Carlos’ (USC) Cebuano Studies Center, a
pioneering local studies center in the Philippines.
▪ He has authored books in Philippine history,
literature, and politics, including studies on three
eminent Filipino intellectuals (Pedro Paterno,
T.H. Pardo de Tavera, and Isabelo de los Reyes)
◤ Deciphering a Meal: Key points

▪ "Deciphering a Meal" is an essay that delves into the cultural

and historical aspects of Filipino cuisine.

▪ The essay explores how food in the Philippines is not just about
sustenance but also carries profound cultural significance.

▪ Resil Mojares discusses how various influences, such as

indigenous traditions, Spanish colonization, Chinese trade, and
American occupation, have shaped Filipino cuisine.

▪ Mojares emphasizes the role of food as a reflection of the

country's complex history and its connections to other cultures.

▪ He argues that deciphering a Filipino meal is like reading a

historical text, as it reveals the layers of influences that have
contributed to the unique flavors and culinary practices in the

Deciphering a Meal: Relevance today

▪ Cultural Awareness: The essay highlights the multicultural and

historical aspects of Filipino cuisine. In today's globalized world, it
is essential for individuals to understand the cultural diversity and
history of the food they consume. This knowledge can promote
cultural awareness and appreciation, leading to a more inclusive
and harmonious society.

▪ Culinary Heritage: Understanding the historical and cultural roots

of a society's cuisine can help preserve culinary traditions. It
encourages the preservation of traditional recipes, ingredients, and
cooking techniques, which are often at risk of being lost in the face
of modernization and globalization.

Deciphering a Meal: Relevance today

▪ Multiculturalism: "Deciphering a Meal" underscores the fusion of

various influences in Filipino cuisine. This mirrors the multicultural
nature of many contemporary societies. It serves as a reminder that
diversity and cultural exchange can enrich culinary traditions and
foster a deeper understanding and acceptance of different cultures.

▪ Food as a Social Connector: The essay discusses the importance

of food as a communal and social activity in Filipino society. Today,
communal eating and shared meals continue to be vital in connecting
people and fostering strong social bonds. Understanding the cultural
significance of food can promote the importance of these social

Deciphering a Meal: Relevance today

▪ Sustainable Food Practices: The essay touches on the use of local

ingredients and sustainable food practices in Filipino cuisine. In an era
of increasing concern about the environment and sustainable
agriculture, the knowledge of traditional and locally sourced ingredients
can contribute to more sustainable food choices and practices.

▪ Historical Perspective: "Deciphering a Meal" emphasizes the

historical context of Filipino cuisine. Understanding the historical
context of food can lead to a deeper appreciation of how societies have
evolved over time. This perspective can be valuable in making
informed decisions about contemporary issues related to food, such as
agriculture, trade, and culinary innovation.

 She was a noted Filipino teacher, writer, cultural historian, and scholar who wrote
extensively about Philippine theater and Filipino cuisine.
 She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in English and History in 1954 from St.
Scholastica’s College, Manila, and Master of Arts in English Literature and PhD in
Literature from the Ateneo de Manila University.

 In "Culture Ingested: Notes on the Indigenization of Philippine Food" can be summarized as an

exploration of the complex interplay between indigenous culinary traditions and external influences in
shaping Filipino cuisine.
 Fernandez delves into the historical, social, and cultural factors that have led to the indigenization of
Philippine food, highlighting the significance of indigenous ingredients, cooking techniques, and the
dynamic adaptation of foreign elements.
 The author also emphasizes the importance of understanding this culinary evolution in the broader
context of Filipino identity, cultural pride, and the ongoing dialogue between tradition and innovation
in the realm of food.

 Doreen Gamboa Fernandez's work, "Culture Ingested: Notes on the Indigenization of Philippine Food," remains
highly relevant today as it sheds light on the complex and dynamic processes through which Philippine cuisine has
evolved, incorporating indigenous ingredients and culinary traditions while also being influenced by external
 In a globalized world where cultural exchange and the commercialization of food are pervasive, Fernandez's
insights continue to emphasize the importance of preserving and celebrating the authenticity of Filipino cuisine,
raising awareness about the indigenous foodways and traditions that underpin it, and promoting sustainable
practices that respect local ecosystems and cultural heritage in the face of culinary globalization.
 This work serves as a valuable resource for those interested in the preservation, appreciation, and promotion of
indigenous food cultures and sustainable gastronomy in the Philippines and beyond.
Who is Paul Stoller?

 He is an anthropologist who has been in the field for at least 30

 In his early work on the religion of the Songhay people who live in
the Republics of Niger and Mali in West Africa, he focused
primarily on magic, sorcery, and spirit possession practices.
 He has also studied West African immigrants in New York City,
particularly the cultural dynamics of informal market economies
and the politics of immigration.
Key points

 "The Taste of Ethnographic Things" by Paul Stoller is an insightful exploration of the author's
experiences as an anthropologist in West Africa, particularly in Niger, and the ways in which the
senses, particularly taste, shape the practice of ethnography.
 Stoller highlights the importance of sensory engagement in understanding and interpreting
cultures, emphasizing the role of taste in evoking memories and emotions that contribute to a
deeper appreciation of cultural nuances.
 He discusses the significance of food and drink in social interactions, rituals, and identity,
shedding light on the complex interplay between sensory experiences and ethnographic research.
 Throughout the book, Stoller's personal anecdotes and reflections offer a unique perspective on
the art of ethnography, demonstrating the power of sensory perception in bridging cultural
divides and fostering a more profound understanding of the people he encountered during his
Relevance today

 Paul Stoller's book "The Taste of Ethnographic Things" remains relevant today as it delves
into the practice of ethnography, a crucial methodology in the field of anthropology.
 Stoller's exploration of the sensory and subjective aspects of fieldwork, as well as his
emphasis on the personal and emotional dimensions of ethnographic research, underscores
the importance of understanding and respecting diverse cultural perspectives and
 In an increasingly interconnected and multicultural world, the book continues to serve as a
reminder of the value of empathy, reflexivity, and holistic understanding in the study of
human societies and their intricate relationships with their environments, making it an
essential resource for contemporary anthropologists and researchers seeking to navigate
the complexities of our globalized society.
Eating Out: Reconstituting
the Philippines’ Public
 He is a former chair of the Filipino Department,
Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Schools.
 He earned his MA in creative Writing from the
University of the Philippines and PhD in
Sociology from La Trobe University in
Melbourne, Australia.
 His research interests include foodways,
cultural studies, and postcolonial studies.

 "Eating Out: Reconstituting the Philippines' Public Kitchens" by Joseph Salazar explores
the transformation of public kitchens in the Philippines, highlighting several key points.
1. The book delves into the historical and socio-cultural significance of these communal
dining spaces, emphasizing their role in fostering community, social bonds, and
Filipino identity.
2. Salazar examines how public kitchens have adapted and evolved in response to
changing social and economic dynamics, such as globalization, urbanization, and
3. Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of public kitchens as a reflection of
the country's culinary heritage and how they contribute to the preservation and
propagation of Filipino food culture.
4. Ultimately, "Eating Out" offers a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted role of
public kitchens in the Philippines, both as a culinary institution and as a vital aspect
of Filipino society.

 Joseph Salazar's work, "Eating out: Reconstituting the Philippines' Public

Kitchens," remains highly relevant today as it delves into the critical
issue of public dining spaces in the Philippines and how they reflect the
country's cultural, social, and economic dynamics.
 In a world where the role of food in identity, community, and public life
continues to evolve, Salazar's analysis sheds light on the importance of
preserving and adapting public kitchens to meet the changing needs and
challenges of contemporary society, making it a valuable resource for
understanding the broader context of culinary and communal traditions
in the Philippines and beyond.
• He was a French philosopher, historian of ideas, social theorist, philologist, and literary critic.
• His theories addressed the relationship between power and knowledge, and how they are used as a form
of social control through societal institutions.
• Regimen in General is part of Michel Foucault’s series The History of Sexuality:
The Use of Pleasure.
• Foucault confirmed that diet or food is a fundamental category through which
human behavior can be conceptualized.
• Diet characterized the way in which one managed his or her existence, and it
enabled a set of rules to be affixed to conduct; it was a problematization of
behavior that was indexed to a nature which had to be preserved and to which it
was right to conform.
• The practice of regimen as an art of living was more than a set of precautions designed to prevent
illnesses or complete cure.
• Regimen in General defined regimen as a circumstantial strategy involving the body and the elements
that surrounded it. It was a whole manner of forming oneself as a subject who had the proper, necessary,
and sufficient concern for the body.

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