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Cells which have no

nucleus such as bacteria

Prokaryotes have no Mitochondria and no rough

endoplasmic reticulum
The main characteristics of prokaryotes

1- have no nucleus and no organelles except ribosomes .

2- unicellular
3-have cell walls not made of cellulose
4- have no mitochondria
Characteristics of protoctista

1- multicellular or unicellular

2- cells have a nucleus.

3- cells may or may not have cell wall and chloroplasts

4- some of them feed by photosynthesis and others feed on organic substances

made by other organisms.
Characteristics of plant kingdom

1- multicellular

2-cells have a nucleus ,cell walls made of cellulose and often

contain chloroplasts.

3-feed by photosynthesis

4- may have roots , stems and leaves

Kingdom fungi
Characteristics :
1- usually multicellular.
2-have nuclei
3-have cell walls not made of cellulose.
4-Don’t have chlorophyll .
5-feed by saprophytic or parasitic nutrition.
Characteristics of animal kingdom

1- multicellular.

2-cells have a nucleus , but no cell walls or chloroplasts.

3- feed on organic substances made by other living

Viruses are not considered to be alive ?

Because they cannot do anything other than just

exist , until they get inside a living cell they
take over all cell’s machinery to make multiples
copies of themselves .

They can’t do any thing on their own

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