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Welcome to our presentation on emergency procedures for unexpected

situations. Learn how to handle surprises with confidence and safety.

by Novatarigan Nova
Surprise Passenger

Baggage Inspection Animal Encounter

Stay calm and follow security personnel Notify airport staff immediately and allow them
instructions when a surprise passenger is to handle the situation when an unexpected
detected during baggage inspection. animal enters the airport premises.

Assist unaccompanied minors in locating their

guardian and inform airline staff of the situation
for proper handling.
Emergency Helpline Information
Calling for Help Language Assistance

Know the emergency hotline numbers for Ensure you have a translation app or access
police, ambulance, and fire department in to a translator to communicate with
your destination. Keep them easily emergency services in case of language
accessible. barriers.

Provide Details Stay Calm

Be prepared to provide your location, nature Keep a clear mind and follow the instructions
of emergency, any injuries, and other key given by emergency operators to ensure your
details when calling for help. safety and the safety of others.
Poster Vocabulary (First Aid)
1 Bleeding Control

Learn the signs and appropriate first aid actions for different types of bleeding, such as
direct pressure and elevation.

2 Basic Life Support

Understand CPR techniques, rescue breathing, chest compressions, and the use of an
automated external defibrillator (AED).

3 Wound Care

Know how to clean and dress wounds to prevent infection, remove foreign objects, and
promote healing.
Sebutan Pertolongan Pertama
1 Pernapasan Buatan

Lakukan pernafasan buatan ketika seseorang tidak bernapas atau memiliki napas
yang tidak normal.

2 Penekanan Dada

Bantu melancarkan aliran darah dengan melakukan penekanan dada pada

seseorang yang tidak sadarkan diri.

3 Lakukan pijatan dan pemulihan jantung pada korban henti jantung untuk
mempercepat detak jantung.
Prosedur Pertolongan Pertama

Pengecekan Kondisi Sediakan perban steril dan berlakukan desinfeksi

pada luka sebelum melakukan pembalutan.
Periksa tanda-tanda kehidupan seperti napas,
denyut nadi, dan respons terhadap rangsangan.

Berikan obat yang sesuai berdasarkan indikasi Gunakan kantung es atau handuk dingin untuk
dan dosis yang tepat. mengurangi bengkak atau nyeri pada area
Nomor Kontak Darurat
Police Emergency 911

Ambulance 123

Fire Department 987

By familiarizing yourself with emergency procedures, surprise passengers, and important helpline
information, you can handle unexpected situations with confidence and ensure your safety and the safety
of others. Remember to stay calm and follow instructions from authorities.

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