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True( )
Argumentative writing is
Argumentative writing is
Argumentative and
writing both have a
topic and
a side to support
Argumentative and
writing both have a
topic and
a side to support
Persuasive writing
ignores counterclaims
Persuasive writing
ignores counterclaims
Persuasive writing
makes claims even
without evidence.
Persuasive writing
makes claims even
without evidence.
Argumentative writing presents
multiple sides, but it is clear which is
the author's side
Argumentative writing presents
multiple sides, but it is clear which is
the author's side
Persuasive writing has a calmer tone
than argumentative wibing as it tries
only to get the reader acknowledge
that the
author's side is worthy of
Persuasive writing has a calmer tone
than argumentative wibing as it tries
only to get the reader acknowledge
that the
author's side is worthy of
Persuasive writing acknowledges the
opposing claims
Persuasive writing acknowledges the
opposing claims
Persuasive writing presents only one side,
the author's side.
Choose the Best Answer
Persuasive writing presents only one side,
the author's side.
Choose the Best Answer
The best
What gives a step-by-step explanation on how something
works or how to do something?

A.Cause & Effect C.Opposing side essay

B.Definition essay D.Process essay
What gives a step-by-step explanation on how something
works or how to do something?

A.Cause & Effect C.Opposing side essay

B.Definition essay D.Process essay

What explains the connection of
an event that results to another occurrence?

A.Cause & Effect C.Opposing side essay

B.Definition essay D.Process essay
What explains the connection of
an event that results to another occurrence?

A.Cause & Effect C.Opposing side essay

B.Definition essay D.Process essay

What type of essay can have this titte, "The Pros and
Cons of Notetaling?

A.Cause & Effect C.Opposing side essay

B.Definition essay D.Process essay
What type of essay can have this titte, "The Pros and
Cons of Notetaking?

A.Cause & Effect C.Opposing side essay

B.Definition essay D.Process essay

What educates the readers by
imparting straightforward facts, and
details on a certain topic?
What educates the readers by
imparting straightforward facts, and
details on a certain topic?

Informative writing
What contains body paragraphs where
you must support your opinion,
present the opposing point of view,
and tell why that viewpoint is wrong?
What contains body paragraphs where
you must support your opinion,
present the opposing point of view,
and tell why that viewpoint is wrong?

Cause & Effect

What convinces the readers that the
author's side is right by ending with an
invitation or call to action?
What convinces the readers that the
author's side is right by ending with an
invitation or call to action?

Persuasive writing
What gives new understanding of
some topic which one might be
What gives new understanding of
some topic which one might be

Informative writing
What contains the following parts:
Introduction, Body (with at least 3
Reasons), and Conclusion?
What contains the following parts:
Introduction, Body (with at least 3
Reasons), and Conclusion?

Persuasive writing
What contains the following parts
Introduction, Body (Evidence/Pros +
Counterargument/Cons Rebuttal), and
What contains the following parts
Introduction, Body (Evidence/Pros +
Counterargument/Cons Rebuttal), and

Argumentative writing
The reading problem is a national issue, so there has to be an
immediate evaluation of the curriculum. Also, the government must
consider allocating more funds to the education sector to make
possible the training of teachers, as well as the creation and
evaluation of teaching and leaming materials. What part of a
persuasive text is this?

A. call to action B. introduction C.

evidence D. thesis
The reading problem is a national issue, so there has to be an
immediate evaluation of the curriculum. Also, the government must
consider allocating more funds to the education sector to make
possible the training of teachers, as well as the creation and
evaluation of teaching and leaming materials. What part of a
persuasive text is this?

call to action B. introduction C. evidence D.

Filipinos spend about 100 milion pesos each year on disposable
plastic and paper plates. Filipinos spend nearly 29 milion pesos each
year on disposable diapers Other disposable items, such as pena,
lightera, and razors, cost another 18 million pesos What part of an
informative text is this?

A. call to action introduction B.

C. evidence D. thesis
Filipinos spend about 100 milion pesos each year on disposable
plastic and paper plates. Filipinos spend nearly 29 milion pesos each
year on disposable diapers Other disposable items, such as pena,
lightera, and razors, cost another 18 million pesos What part of an
informative text is this?

A. call to action B introduction

C. evidence D. thesis
You might think that I am not responsible enough to have a pet dog
However, I have demonstrated responsibility by making my bed
every rupming and doing my homework every afternoon, I know
that I would be uld be responsible for welking our pet dog and
cleansing up after it What part of an argumentative text is the
underlined sentence?

A. call to action B. introduction C.

evidence D. thesis
You might think that I am not responsible enough to have a pet dog
However, I have demonstrated responsibility by making my bed
every rupming and doing my homework every afternoon, I know
that I would be uld be responsible for welking our pet dog and
cleansing up after it What part of an argumentative text is the
underlined sentence?

A. call to action B. introduction C.

evidence D. thesis
Identify the part of the movie review presented.
I finally understood why my peers were so dedicated to Leonardo
DiCaprio. It's not just his looks, though boyish cham never hurt
anyone (he was 22 when he shot the film, and Kate Winslet was 21).
Watching him uct is pure pleasure. He's natural and unaffected, and
his grin says everything I also understood why Titanic launched
Winslet into stardom. In an over-the-top role, she was equal parts
heroine, rebel, and action star all at once, and her laugh was
infechous I went into Titanic with trepidation, it is being hailed as
one of
I finally understood why my peers were so dedicated to Leonardo
DiCaprio. It's not just his looks, though boyish cham never hurt
anyone (he was 22 when he shot the film, and Kate Winslet was 21).
Watching him uct is pure pleasure. He's natural and unaffected, and
his grin says everything I also understood why Titanic launched
Winslet into stardom. In an over-the-top role, she was equal parts
heroine, rebel, and action star all at once, and her laugh was
infechous I went into Titanic with trepidation, it is being hailed as
one of

Character limelight
the best love stories depicted on film. Cynical as I am,
I don't think much of movies with a romantic theme
to them. However, I was curious to see the spectacle
that director James Cameron had created
the best love stories depicted on film. Cynical as I am,
I don't think much of movies with a romantic theme
to them. However, I was curious to see the spectacle
that director James Cameron had created

Film intro
Titanic: A Spectacle as
Sweeping as the Sea
Titanic: A Spectacle as Sweeping as
the Sea

To the romantics and those who are passionate
about loving. experience Titanic's 25th
Anniversary in breathtaking 3D in theatres
everywhere now. Just make store to bring
To the romantics and those who are passionate
about loving. experience Titanic's 25th Anniversary
in breathtaking 3D in theatres everywhere now. Just
make store to bring tissues.

The recreation of the ship, both the exterior and the
interior are impeccable. The dialogue is witty and brilliant.
The movie is slow at times but reaches its climax when the
ship begins to sink. The fact that Cameron takes his time in
telling the story makes it even more tense. Cameron
could've skamped in any of these areas (dialogue,
cinematography, effects, authenticity) and still come out
with a great movie, but he doesn't. He sticks to the formula
that has worked in other great epic movies, and he pulls it
off one hundred percent
The recreation of the ship, both the exterior and the interior are
impeccable. The dialogue is witty and brilliant. The movie is slow at
times but reaches its climax when the ship begins to sink. The fact
that Cameron takes his time in telling the story makes it even more
tense. Cameron could've skamped in any of these areas (dialogue,
cinematography, effects, authenticity) and still come out with a great
movie, but he doesn't. He sticks to the formula that has worked in
other great epic movies, and he pulls it off one hundred percent

One of the biggest takeaways I thought about
after watching the film is to value your
relationships and live every moment to the fullest.
You don't know if tomorrow is guaranteed, and
that alone gives you a reason to treasure every
moment you can and the people that mean the
most to you.
One of the biggest takeaways I thought about after
watching the film is to value your relationships and live
every moment to the fullest. You don't know if tomorrow is
guaranteed, and that alone gives you a reason to treasure
every moment you can and the people that mean the most to

Lesson learned
Searching for a lost diamond aboard
the wreckage of the great, ill-fated ship, a
diver finds a sketch of a young woman
wearing the jewel. Amazingly, she is still
alive, and recounts the tale of her time on
the luxury liner a tale of grand romance
Searching for a lost diamond aboard the wreckage
of the great, ill-fated ship, a diver finds a sketch of a
young woman wearing the jewel. Amazingly, she is
still alive, and recounts the tale of her time on the
luxury liner a tale of grand romance

Plot summary
" Identify the literary
device/sound device, figure of
speech or element used in the
I'm like a bird, I want to fly away
I'm like a bird, I want to fly away

And that's why he's spinning
round in my head comes back
to me, burning red
And that's why he's spinning Yound in
my head Comes back to me, buming

You shoot me down but I
won't fall, I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall, I
am titanium

Identify the "Sound Device" used in
the example
And I think to myself what a
wonderful wold!
And I think to myself what a
wonderful wold!
Bang on the door, baby! I can't hear
Bang on the door, baby! I can't hear
The rain in Spain stays
mainly in the plain
The rain in Spain stays
mainly in the plain
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the
Fandango? Thunderball and lightning very very
frightening me Galilen, Galilee, Galileo Galileo
Galileo, Figaro, magnifice
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the
Fandango? Thunderball and lightning very very
frightening me Galilen, Galilee, Galileo Galileo
Galileo, Figaro, magnifice

Choose the best answer
There was a deafening silence when i entered the room.

A apostrophe
B. hyperbole
D. personification
There was a deafening silence when i entered the room.

A apostrophe

B. hyperbole


D. personification
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles if i could just see
you tonight

A apostrophe

B. hyperbole

C. oxymoron

D. personification
Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles if i coold just see
you tonight

A apostrophe

○ B. hyperbole


D. personification
I'm never gonna dance again. Guilty foot have got no rhythm

A apostrophe

B. hyperbole


D. personification
I'm never gonna dance again. Guilty foot have got no rhythm

A apostrophe

B. hyperbole


D. personification

Hey there, Delilah, I know times are getting hand. But just believe
me, girl, someday 1 pay the bills with this guitar.

A apostrophe

B. hyperbole


D. personification
Hey there, Delilah, I know times are getting hand. But just believe
me, girl, someday 1 pay the bills with this guitar.

A apostrophe

B. hyperbole


D. personification
It is used to determine whether a work conveys a lesson
or message and whether it can help readers lead better
lives and improve their understanding of the world

A ferminist B. formalist
C. Marxist D. moralist
It is used to determine whether a work conveys a lesson
or message and whether it can help readers lead better
lives and improve their understanding of the world

A ferminist B. formalist
C. Marxist D. moralist

The film Titanic conveys the inequality between first class
and third-class passengers. During the Titanic collides
with an iceberg, the crew lock the steel doors below to
block the way if the third class, who want to get onto

A ferminist B. formalist
C. Marxist D. moralist
The film Titanic conveys the inequality between first class
and third-class passengers. During the Titanic collides
with an iceberg, the crew lock the steel doors below to
block the way if the third class, who want to get onto life

A feminist B. formalist

○ C. Marxist D. moralist
How did the setting establish the mood
in the story?

A ferminist. B. formalist
C. Marxist. D. moralist
How did the setting establish the mood
in the story?

A ferminist. B. formalist
C. Marxist. D. moralist
It is apparent in the movie Tifanic that Rose's mother,
who is the spitting image of a conventional female
figure, strictly believes that women who attend
university are solely there to find a potent husband
A ferminist B. formalist
C. Marxist. D. moralist
It is apparent in the movie Tifanic that Rose's mother,
who is the spitting image of a conventional female
figure, strictly believes that women who attend
university are solely there to find a potent husband
A ferminist B. formalist

○ C. Marxist. D. moralist
This approach explains how the text itself
has no meaning until it is read by a reader.
The reader creates the meaning.

A historical B. moralist
C. reader-response D. structuralist
This approach explains how the text itself
has no meaning until it is read by a reader.
The reader creates the meaning.

A historical B. moralist
C. reader-response D. structuralist
What is the moral lesson being taught in the

A historical B. moralist
C. reader-response D. structuralist
What is the moral lesson being taught in the

A historical B. moralist
C. reader-response D. structuralist
Titanic, which sail on its maiden voyage on April 10,
1912 represents the hardship and struggle faced by marry
versgrands during the period as they set off across the
Atlantic Ocean is hopes brighter future for themselves
and their families for a better life and

A historical B. moralist
C. reader-response D. structuralist
Titanic, which sail on its maiden voyage on April 10,
1912 represents the hardship and struggle faced by marry
vergrands during the period as they set off across the
Atlantic Ocean is hopes brighter future for themselves
and their families for a better life and

A historical B. moralist

C. reader-response D. structuralist
Read and analyze the following poem.
Choose the latter of the best answer
INVICTUS By William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole,
thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul
What is the rhyme scheme in the first
What is the rhyme scheme in the first

What type of imagery is used in the first two lines of the

A auditory imagery C olfactory amagery

B. gustatory imagery D. visual imagery

What type of imagery is used in the first two lines of the

A auditory imagery C olfactory amagery

B. gustatory imagery D. visual imagery
In Stanze 1 Line 1-2, what figure of
speech is used?

A. hyperbole C. personification
B. metaphor D simile
In Stanze 1 Line 1-2, what figure of speech
is used?
A. hyperbole C. personification
B. metaphor D simile

In the last two lines of the poem, what
figure of speech is used?

A. metaphor. C. paradox
B. oxymoron D. simile
In the last two lines of the poem, what
figure of speech is used?

A. metaphor. C. paradox
B. oxymoron D. simile
What is the overall theme of the poem?

A. A man has no control over his life, so being courageous is useless as he is

bound to experience defent

B. Humans have the power to find his inner strength to overcome even the most
difficult trials and sufferings

C. Problems are punishments for mankind's wrongdoings

D. When sufferings are extreme, people must surrender to fate instead of fighting
against it
B What is the overall theme of the poem?

A. A man has no control over his life, so being courageous is useless as he is

bound to experience defent

B. Humans have the power to find his inner strength to overcome even the most
difficult trials and sufferings

C. Problems are punishments for mankind's wrongdoings

D. When sufferings are extreme, people must surrender to fate instead of fighting
against it

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