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Judith Angwech & Male Emmanuel

February 2024

Area calculation for irregular figures
 Give and take method
 Graphical method
 Planimeter
 Mathematical/Ordinate method based on the Principles or
theories like Trapezoidal and Simpson’s method mean ordinate
rule etc.
 Field surveys
Why Calculate Area
The standard area units a area square kilometers (km), the
hectare (ha) and the square meter (m2)
• To establish the acreage of land for apportioning the land
into parcels or plots
• Carry out engineering projects
• Calculation of earth works i.e. volume calculations of cross-
sections for roads and trenches
• Calculation of water capacities of dams, and others
• Calculation of perimeters.
Simpson’s Method

Total Area = A1 + A2 + A3
= d/3(O1+4O2 + O3) + d/3(O3 + 4O4 + O5) + d/3(O5 + 4O6 + O7)
= d/3(O1+ O7 + 2(O3 + O5) + 4(O2 + O4 + O6)
In General:
Total Area = d/3(O1 + On + 2∑odd offsets + 4∑even offsets)
Cross sectional areas
Thank You

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