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Lewin's Topological and Vector Theory

by: Donnavie Cabaral

Key Terms
• Life Space
• Internal Force
• External Force
• Topology
• Vector
Guide Questions

1. What is Lewin's Topological and Vector Theory?

2. Is S-R bond has a big factor in the behaviorial change of
an individual?
3. What is the implication of Lewin's theory in education?
Kurt Zadek Lewin
• Born September 9, 1890-
Died February 12, 1947
• Father of Modern Social
• B=f(P/E)
• “If you truly want to
understand something, try to
change it” -Lewin, K. 1890
• “experience alone does not
create knowledge” -Lewin,
K. 1890
• Topology- it is a non- • Vector- it is a force that is
metrical geometry which influencing psychological
includes concepts such as movement towards or
inside, outside and away from a goal
Lewin's Topological and Vector Theory
• His basic premise is that, every object exists in a “Field of
forces” that move it, change it, define it or give it a degree
of stability and substance.
• The behavior of an individual at a given moment is the
result of forces operating simultaenously in his life space.
2 forces in Lewin's Theory
• Internal Forces- expectations, ideas, feelings attitudes
and need of an individual.
• External Forces- it is everything in the physical world
including other human beings.
• a person is motivated by psychological tension produced
by the interaction of a psychological self with a
psychological environment.
• for him no amount of S-R bond will fix a particular
response so that its automatic continuation will be
• the behavior of an individual is the result of the interaction
of an himself into the enivornment.
Always Remember
• Your interaction with your environment will be the result of
your behavior.
– each individual child has his own psychological field apart from
each others; the teacher, therefore, must try to suit the goals
and activities of the lesson's to the learner's needs.

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