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Emelt érettségi felkészítés


1) What creative or sporting activities are important to you? How would you feel if you
couldn’t do them anymore? Answer in 3 sentences.
2) Which creative or sporting activities would be particularly difficult if you were blind?
What problems do you think a blind person would have? Answer in 3 sentences.
3) Do you think drawings and paintings are copies of what we see in world? Why/why
not? Answer in 3 sentences.
Watch the DVD. Answer the questions.
◦ What does Sargy use to help him paint?
◦ What do you think of his paintings?

DVD view ◦ Why is he inspiring?

Write 1 example sentence with each word.
◦ to get an award = díjat kapni
◦ to encourage = bátorítani valakit
◦ to perform exceptionally = kivételesen teljesíteni
◦ to praise = dicsérni valakit
◦ to accommodate needs = to cater to needs =
igényeket kielégíteni

Words ◦ to obtain = to get = megkapni vmit

◦ to arrange something = elrendezni/megszervezni
◦ to perceive the environment = érzékelni a
◦ to pursue a career = karriert csinálni
◦ to get a funding = anyagi támogatást kapni
Note: the text mentions 3
Listening institutions: where she works
now, where she worked
before and where she sends
her students after!
Read the transcript
and try to correct
your answers.

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