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How do the earthquakes in New Zealand and

Nepal compare?
What comparisons can we make?

Geographical location
Tectonic location
 Geographical B
 Tectonic location

 Description of cause
Primary and
secondary effects

Immediate and
long term

How do the earthquakes in New Zealand and Nepal compare?
New Zealand Nepal






Long Term
Exam technique-Possible exam questions where comparison is the skill (8marks)
 Compare the immediate and
long term responses to Level Foundation Higher Description/ Quality of written
marks marks Explanation communication
earthquakes in rich and poor
parts of the world 0 0 Responses not sufficient to reach level 1

Success Criteria
 Name and locate the examples 1 mark 1-2 Gives basic, generic Communication is

marks descriptive or weak unclear
 Compare x2 immediate

explanation points
 Compare x2 long term responses 2-3 3-5 Case study is named Communication is
marks marks but is not integrated. fairly clear and
Gives basic, generic information is

Similarities:- descriptive and/or communicated by
What connectives can we
use to show comparison?

• Also explanation points brief statements.

There is some
• Similarly accuracy of spelling.
4-6 6-8 Appropriate case Communication is
marks marks study is named, articulate. Effective
• Compared to located and use of geographical
• In contrast to incorporated terms. There is

• On the other hand effectively. clear accuracy of

• Whereas Description/explanati spelling, punctuation
on is specific and and grammar.
• However accurate
Green pen improvement points
Model answer
VF1=which mountain range does
I have studied the 2015 earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal sit in the foothills of?
and the 2011 earthquake in Christchurch New Zealand.
VF2=Which type of plate boundary
or name the tectonic plates involved. The LEDC country of Nepal sits in the foothills of the Asian
VF3=Use time more effectively-this Himalayas at the destructive collision zone of the Eurasian
needs completing please. and Indo – Australian plates. The MEDC of New Zealand, in
VF4= Improve literacy-spellings; the continent of Oceania off the SE coast of Australia,
capitals; paragraphs. differs from this as it sits on a conservative plate margin as
VF5=Write the question as the title the Pacific and Philippine plate move side by side. The
VF6= Develop your description of similarity between these 2 earthquakes lies in the fact that
cause. it is plate movement that generated the friction that
VF7=To compare you need to look at caused the earthquake.
the same factor e.g. number of One primary effect of the earthquakes was loss of life. In
deaths against number of deaths. New Zealand 181 People lost their life in contrast to Nepal
VF8=Look at the structure of your where the death toll was over 8500. Another primary
work-you have not used the success effect if the destruction of infrastructure. In New
criteria Zealand many city centre buildings were severely damaged
with the cathedral losing its central spire. However, in
To finish-stick things in Nepal over half the countries public and private schools
Underline titles!!! were damaged (16,000).

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