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Group 3 Economic Institutions:

SSDate: March 12, 2024

Purpose: Satisfy basic needs, influence societal complexity.
Level and Subject: Grade 11 UCSP Definition: Enduring organizations handling economic dilemmas.

Topic: Understanding Culture Society, and Politics. Forms of Redistribution and Exchange:
State and Non-State Institution.
Week number: WEEK 7
1. Reciprocity: is the exchange of goods or services with an expectation of something in
Philippine Government Structure: return.
Executive Branch:
•President and Vice President elected for six years. Generalized Reciprocity (1.1):
•President appoints Cabinet members, forming a significant part of the bureaucracy. Definition: Equal exchange between socially equal parties.
Example: Muslim groom's dowry to a bride.
Legislative Branch:
•Comprises the Senate and the House of Representatives. Balanced Reciprocity (1.2):
•Holds the power to make, alter, and reverse laws through the Philippine Congress. Definition: Expecting something back, not necessarily immediately.
Example: Eldest child's graduation support for siblings.
Judicial Branch:
•Supreme Court and lower courts. Negative Reciprocity (1.3):
•Resolves disputes on legally demandable and enforceable rights. Definition: Deceptive transaction for maximum gain, minimal payment.
•Empowered with Judicial Review. Example: Business deals with unknown individuals.

Types of Authority: 2. Redistribution:

•Central authority oversees storage, counting, and distribution of community-produced
1. Traditional Authority goods.
•Power based on long-standing cultural patterns.
2. Rational-Legal Authority (Bureaucratic) 3. Market Exchange:
•Power legitimized by rules and regulation •Transactions governed by supply and demand.
3. Charismatic Authority •Involves money for goods or services.
•Power based on extraordinary personal skills.
Non-State Institutions:

1. Banks:
• Commercial/Retail: Manage deposits, loans.
• Investment: Buys and resells shares.

2. Insurance Companies
• Offer policies directly or through employers.

3. Corporations:
•Legal entity distinct from owners, with rights to contracts, loans, etc.

4. Cooperatives:
•Jointly owned enterprises for mutual benefit.

Trade Unions:
Worker groups pursuing goals like better pay and safety standards.

Transnational Advocacy Groups:

Influence decisions across borders.

Development Agencies:
Aid economic growth, focusing on the poor.

International Organizations:
INGOs transcend borders for common causes.
IGOs based on treaties, with formal structures (e.g., UN peacekeeping forces).

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