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SMB SEF Mansira Secondary School (160102053)

weekly Test chapter #6 structure of an Atom prepared by TSA


Subject: Science. Class : VII Time:40 mins.

Q#1 : shade the Correct option of the following:

i-Which is the simplest element? Hg. C

Hydrogen. A viii-What is the symbol of element carbon?

Oxygen. B C. A

Helium. C Ca. B

ii-Most common element found on earth is? Ce. C

Hydrogen. A ix-Which gas is used in advertisement balloons?

Oxygen. B Helium. A

Sulfur C Hydrogen. B

iii-Two are more atoms combine together to form? Clorine. C

Compound A x-Which are two important groups of elements on

earth? Metals and Non-metals. A
Mixt. B
Metals and metalloids. B
Molecule. C
Nonmetals only. C
iv-Two atoms of hydrogen element and one atom of
oxygen form? xi-Metals are usually?

Water. A Solid. A

Juice. B Liquid. B

Hydrogen peroxide C Gas. C

V-Which is the simplest particle of compound and Xii-Non-metals are often?

is made up of groups of atoms?
Gaseous. A
Molecule. A
Solid. B
Element. B
Liquid. C
Compound. C
XiiiHow many maximum number of atoms are v-
Which are the simplest form ofsubstance? present in M shell

Atom. A 8. A

Molecule. B 18. B

Element. C 32. C

vi- simplest hydrocarbon is: xiv- What are formed by combination of two or
more elements?
Methanol. A
Mixture. A
Methane. B
Compounds. B
Ethane. C
Element C
vii-What is the symbol of element Helium?

H. A

He. B
xv- Water is an example of? Carbon dioxide gas__________________________

Compound A Q#3.Given below is the structure of an atom.Find

the number of proton number of neutron And
Element. B mass number of following atom.
Atom. C

xvi-Common salt is chemical combination of?

NaCl. A

KCl. B

HCl. C

Xvii- Power of combining of an atom is called

Isotopes A

Ionization energy. B

Valency. C
(Marks 3)
Xviii-Cation carries _________ charge

Neutral A
Key. E= electron
Negative. B
P = proton
Positive. C
xix-The symbolic representation of molecules or
compound is called :

Emperical formula. A a)________________Neutron

Chemical formula. B b)________________Mass number

Molecular formula. C c)________________Proton

xx-The mass number of given atom is: Q#4. differentiate between Atomic number and
mass number.

( Marks4)

16. A

11. B

10. C

1. D Q#2 Write

down the chemical formula of the

following (3 marks)

Salt ________________________________

Hydrogen peroxide __________________

Hydrochloric acid___________________


Carban monoxide___________________

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