Ethics Midterm Quiz

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1. What factors can influence a person's

degree of autonomy or heteronomy?
A. Age, cognitive development, cultural background, and personal
B. Gender, social status, political beliefs, and education level
C. Physical appearance, fashion choices, musical preferences, and travel
D. Geographic location, language proficiency, dietary habits, and
2. What is the definition of autonomy?

A. The capacity to make informed, independent decisions based on

one's own values
B. The reliance on external factors to guide decision-making
C. The pursuit of societal norms and traditions
D. The rejection of personal beliefs
3. What is the definition of heteronomy?

A. The pursuit of societal norms and traditions

B. The rejection of personal beliefs
C. The reliance on external factors to guide decision-making
D. The capacity to make informed, independent decisions based on
one's own values
4. In what way do autonomy and
heteronomy play a role in shaping human
agency and moral decision-making?
A. They shape individual freedom and rationality
B. They limit personal choices and beliefs
C. They have no impact on human behavior
D. They encourage conformity and obedience
5. Which term refers to a state in which an
individual's actions and choices are guided
by external factors?
A. Heteronomy
B. Autonomy
C. Conformity
D. Independence
6. How can age, cognitive development,
cultural background, and personal
experiences influence a person's degree of
autonomy or heteronomy?
A. They determine an individual's level of education
B. They have no impact on autonomy or heteronomy
C. They only affect physical appearance
D. They can shape an individual's degree of autonomy or heteronomy
7. Why is it important to understand autonomy
and heteronomy in ethical decision-making?

A. To promote conformity and obedience to authority

B. To limit personal choices and beliefs
C. To appreciate the role of individual freedom and self-determination
D. To discourage critical thinking and independent judgment
8. How do autonomy and heteronomy play a
role in human agency and moral decision-
A. They limit personal choices and beliefs
B. They shape individual freedom and rationality
C. They encourage conformity and obedience
D. They have no impact on human behavior
9. What are the key characteristics of
heteronomous individuals?
A. Acting against societal norms
B. Exercising self-governance and self-determination
C. Relying on external factors to dictate behavior
D. Making decisions independently based on personal beliefs
10. What are the key characteristics of
autonomous individuals?
A. Following societal norms blindly
B. Avoiding personal responsibility
C. Reliance on external influences
D. Making decisions based on personal values and beliefs
11. According to Kant, what distinguishes
humans from mere animals?
A. Autonomous reason
B. Physical strength
C. Emotional intelligence
D. Instinctual behavior
12. What is defined by Kant as the will to
do what is morally right simply because it
is the right thing to do?
A. Personal gain
B. Goodwill
C. Social approval
D. Self-interest
13. What is the driving force behind moral
actions that are in accordance with duty?
A. Self-interest
B. Social approval
C. Goodwill
D. Personal gain
14. What concept allows individuals to
deliberate and determine moral duties
based on universal principles
A. Social conformity
B. Instinctual behavior
C. Emotional intuition
D. Autonomous reason
15. What drives moral actions that are in
accordance with duty, according to Kant?
A. Goodwill
B. Personal gain
C. Social approval
D. Self-interest
16. What is the moral obligation to act in
accordance with universal moral
A. Conditional obligation
B. Duty
C. Selective duty
D. Personal preference
17. According to Kant, what is the only
intrinsic good?
A. Fame
B. Goodwill
C. Power
D. Wealth

Ethical Dillema (8pts.)

A teenage guy found a pocketbook with a large amount of money inside while
strolling along the street. The child's younger brother is ill and need
immediate medical treatment, but he has no money. NOW FOR THE
QUESTION: How would you respond if you were the adolescent boy? Justify
using the Kantian theory.

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