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MCQ 1-10
1. Somitomeres, paraxial mesoderm cranial to the somites, give rise to
much of the skeletal muscle in the head EXCEPT:

A.extrinsic muscles of the eye

B.temporalis tongue muscles
C.muscles of facial expression
D.muscles of mastication
2. The hypobranchial eminence contributes to formation of:

A.anterior portion of the tongue

B.posterior portion of the tongue
C.musculature of the tongue
E.palatine tonsil
3. The fact that general and special sensory information from the
posterior part of the tongue is carried by glossopharyngeal nerve
indicates that this part of tongue is from branchial arch .

4. Myoblasts from the occipital myotomes are believed to give rise to
the muscles of the:

D.jaw, for mastication
5. The foramen cecum of the adult tongue:

A.marks the point of embryonic evagination of the thymus gland

B.divides the tongue into two parts, an anterior one-third and a
posterior two-thirds
C.marks the point of embryonic evagination of the thyroid gland
D.develops into taste buds
E.has no embryologic significance
6. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ? Deep to

hyoglossus is the:

A) Middle constrictor

B) B) Lingual artery

C) Intermediate tendon of digastric

D) Genioglossus

E) Insertion of geniohyoid
7. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? The tongue:

A) Is attached to the hyoid bone

B) Forms part of the pharyngeal wall

C) Has striated muscle fibres forming its bulk

D)Has a sulcus terminalis marking the junction between its posterior two

thirds and anterior third

E) Has lymphoid nodules in its posterior part

8. Superficial to hyoglossus is the: (MARK TRUE OR FALSE)

A) Lingual nerve

B) Lingual artery

C) Hypoglossal nerve

D)Glossopharyngeal nerve
9. Lymphatic drainage of the tongue is:

A) To submental nodes from the tip

B) Bilateral from within 1 cm of the midline

C) To retropharyngeal nodes from its roots

D)To submandibular nodes from the edge of its anterior part

10. Which is an intrinsic muscle of the tongue?

a)superior longitudinal muscle

b)genioglossus muscle

c)hyoglossus muscle

d)styloglossus muscle

e)palatoglossus muscle
11. A median triangular elevation appears in the floor of the primordium

pharynx: state the

a. Site

b. Time of onset

c. Swellings
Short answer questions (SAQs)
12. State the formation of the posterior third of the tongue

13. State the formation of the papillae and taste buds

14. State the nerve supply of the tongue

15. State 5 congenital anomalies of the tongue

16. Explain the embryological basis of the 5 anomalies of the tongue

listed above.

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