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Underground Cable Fault Detection


in this project we describe a complete information about faraday low. first of all to take 220 voltage from ac terminal
and after that to give the input ac supply in step downed transformer which provide 220 to 6-0- 6voltage .this is the ac
output. And out to give in rectifier which provide ac to dc conversion .but during the rectification may be some harmonics
introduce, these harmonics reduce by l c filter after we want to check out power supply is completed therefore we use a
led with resistance.
The project work is intended to detect the location of fault in underground cable lines from the base station in km using a
PIC16F877A controller. To locate a fault in the cable, the cable must be tested for faults. This prototype uses the simple
concept of Ohms law.
Rectifier devices
Before the development of silicon semiconductor rectifiers, vacuum tube diodes and copper(I) oxide or selenium rectifier
stacks were used. With the introduction of semiconductor electronics, vacuum tube rectifiers became obsolete, except for
some enthusiasts of vacuum tube audio equipment. For power rectification from very low to very high current,
semiconductor diodes of various types (junction diodes, Schottky diodes, etc.) are widely used. Other devices which have
control electrodes as well as acting as unidirectional current valves are used where more than simple rectification is
required, e.g., where variable output voltage is needed. High power rectifiers, such as are used in
high-voltage direct current power transmission, employ silicon semiconductor devices of various types. These are
thyristors or other controlled switching solid-state switches which effectively function as diodes to pass current in only one

Type of rectifier
There are two type of rectifier
Half wave rectifier.
Full wave rectifier:
Center tape rectifier
Bridge rectifier
Arduino is a prototype platform (open-source) based on an easy-to-use hardware and
software. It consists of a circuit board, which can be programed (referred to as
a microcontroller) and a ready-made software called Arduino IDE (Integrated
Development Environment), which is used to write and upload the computer code to the
physical board.

The key features are:

· Arduino boards are able to read analog or digital input signals from different
sensors and turn it into an output such as activating a motor, turning LED on/off,
connect to the cloud and many other actions.
· You can control your board functions by sending a set of instructions to the
microcontroller on the board via Arduino IDE (referred to as uploading software).
· Unlike most previous programmable circuit boards, Arduino does not need an extra
piece of hardware (called a programmer) in order to load a new code onto the
board. You can simply use a USB cable.
· Additionally, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++, making it easier to
learn to program.
· Finally, Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks the functions of the
micro-controller into a more accessible package.
Hardware Specifications


3. PCB board

4.LCD 16by 2

5.7805 voltage regulator


9.Resistance (1 K-ohm)

10.Capacitor (10uF,27pF(2))

16.Connecting wires

17.Soldering iron

Npn pnp

Software Specifications
 Arduino IDE
 MC Programming Language: Embedded C

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