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Origin of Love

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Origin of Love
Does the word love come from the skt word lubh (meaning desire)?


Yes! *leubh is also the first part of "libido" and the second part of "believe". It also means to be bewildered or perplexed in Sanskrit.
Curiously, the root does not appear in the Vedas, despite having an Indo-European origin.


I hope this is a general topic on etymology of 'love'. I read in a Kannada dictionary(by Shivarama Karanta?) that the letter 'O' means
love. Can somebody confirm this? I have not come across a single sentence that uses this word.


what is the etymology of olavu


Just found out that PD root is 'ol'. I am not sure how 'O' made into the dictionary.

11:27 (7 hours ago)


రవ వరర

உழவல uḻuval

, n. cf. உழ¹-. [K. uḻge.] 1. Quality, temper, disposition characteristic of a person or thing: கணம. (திவா.) 2. Love; அனப.
பழதத வழவலமரர (விநாயகப. 72, 54).

ul->உழ( uḻu)->உழவல uḻuval->Love (O.E. lufu "love, affection, friendliness," from P.Gmc. *lubo (cf. O.Fris. liaf, Ger. lieb, Goth.
liufs "dear, beloved;" not found elsewhere as a noun, except O.H.G. luba, Ger. Liebe)

In Skt, लोभः lōbhḥ means not (two heart's) love,affection, friendliness but Covetousness, avarice, greed, cupidity, crave, long for, and
desire of Single person.

11:47 (7 hours ago)


there is a possibility because there are innumerable words which got reversed and used in other languages.

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