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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD303 FINAL MAJOR PROJECT





Name: Chris van Niekerk Blog Address:


A practice focused on Editorial and Identity across print & web primarily for the creative sectors with a focus of stock and print finishes. I intend to produce a body of work that outlines my skills in editorial and publishing while exploring the impact of stock and print finishes on printed publications, I also intend to explore the relationship between print based layout translated onto web platforms. My overall practice will be linked together by an underlining focus on image heavy layout, photography and legible typography. As well as Editorial I will focus on producing Identities for individuals based in the creative sectors. I intend to explore more tradition printing methods like screen-printing, letterpress to show my range of printing skills. I will predominantly focus my practice across the educational and creative sectors of industry to show my interest in where I would like to work in the future. I plan to collaborate with other graphic designers whos skills do not necessarily compliment my own and cross course collaborations to expand my knowledge of new materials and formats to show my ability to work with others.
Subjects / Themes Fashion: My first brief is doing the fashion yearbook I will mainly focus on fashion as a theme in the form of publication and editorial design. Photography: I plan to keep photography as a running theme throughout my projects as I feel image heavy layout is a strength in my practise. As well as collaborating with photographers. Modernism: Due to dissertation research and my increasingly growing interest in modernism I plan to make it a running theme throughout my practise in the form of type and layout, keeping to the guidelines of legibility and clarity.

Technology: Due to changing industries I feel that the influence of technology will be a core theme throughout my FMP, I will attempt to produce online and screen applications with the majority of my projects while collaborating with DFGA students. Education: Design to inform and educate will also be a running theme throughout my FMP, I aim to produce concise design outcomes that promote user interactivity.

Design Disciplines / Creative Development Brand & Identity: Identity is something I am still exploring within my practice and since last module I plan on building on this more during my FMP. I plan to focus on logo development and brand guidelines (Colour, Type) much more this module to reflect a professional standard body of work for each brief. Editorial & Book Binding: Editorial is something, which drives my practice, apposed to last module I plan to take it further and send my books off to be professionally printed to show that I can work with printers and professional spec. printing. Web & Screen Web is a skill I have only touched on in the past and I am going to explore this further to attempt to keep up with changing technologies and allowing my print based editorial to have web platforms.

Practical Skills / Workshops what, why and when? Print & Stock Moving on from 2nd year I feel that Print and Stock are two key skills I can keep developing and pushing further, these are two key skills that I feel I need to keep utilizing across the whole of my print based practice. Editorial Since the end of 2nd year and the start of 3rd year Editorial is an area I feel much more confident in as it allows me to focus on my type and layout skills. This is the main overarching skill I want to develop throughout this module to show my interest what I want to do when I leave this course. Photography As an extension to last terms projects I want to keep utilizing my photography skills within my projects as it gives me a lot of flexibility within editorial if I have a hand in the photography. It is also a key skill in representing my own work and the work of others. Type & Layout: I feel that working with Type and Image based layout is a strength within my practice and this is something I will keep working on within my FMP to capitalise on this strength

Brief 1: Deadline 22nd of March Fashion Yearbook (Kirsty F. Sarah R. & Simon C. Rationale: Produce a yearbook for both Pathways of Fashion at Leeds College of Art. My roles will be touching on the Design and layout of the publication mainly. As a brief this will be testing my type and image layout skills while research areas will be the Fashion Industry.

Brief 2: Deadline 15th of March UK Greetings (Matthew C. & Dan Holroyd DFGA) YCN Rationale: Produce a Sub Brand for UK greetings called the Augmented range. Produce up to 10 greeting cards with a android and internet interface; while expanding the brief by proposing a physical shop dedicated to Augmented reality. This brief will focus on designing for digital and how to get an audience to interact with designs.

Brief 3: Deadline 20st of May Jake Coleman Furniture Branding Rationale: Produce a brand and Identity for a Jake Coleman who will be graduating this year, his needs are that of a freelance designer and needs a whole set of collateral to get him started. Also focus on his needs for End of year show. This project will focus on designing with raw materials like wood and applying a brand across a range of collateral.

Brief 4: Deadline 20st of May Creating The Field Rationale: Produce a range of educational publications based on Key Modernists who set the foundations of Graphic Design. Create a set of educational publications aimed to inform creative students about their modernist heritage. Expand the brief into a range of promotional material based on a series of lectures. This project will focus on designing to inform higher education students.

Brief 5: Deadline 20th of May Graphic Notebooks (Marty E.) Rationale: Produce a brand and a range of studio notebooks aimed at creative students and professionals. The designs should represent and cover all the needs of creative in the profession today without being the same as other notebooks already out there. This brief will focus on my branding skills as well as type and grid.

Contextual references / Designers / Studios / Companies (specific) Shewasonly (London) Influenced by their design ethos and clear concise style of layout and use of type and photography within their projects, which are mainly editorial and branding, based. Madebysix - (somewhere in Leicestershire) Influenced by their logo and branding guidelines/values and overall clear clean-cut design.

OK200 (Amsterdam) Influenced by their use in print and colour as well as theyre expressive use in typography and layout. MadebyShape (Manchester) Influenced by their printed editorial and screen based design more specifically the web design. Main Studio (Amsterdam) The heavily concept driven editorial work, after visiting Edwin and he took time to talk through his books I was fascinated in the build and layout of each of his editorial pieces. Qubik (Leeds) Influenced by the type & stock used in projects and his type of clients. As well as being a very print based studio theres also heavy emphasis on web design

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Deadline 7th of Feb Paper Chase / Clinton Cards / Fred Aldos Manchester Details The listed shops all contain retail products relevant to 2 of my projects, this will give me a good idea of point of sale as well as how to represent my final outcomes. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Deadline 1st of Feb Democracy lecture Craig Oldham Details Speaker Craig Oldham from music Manchester is hosting a talk at Leeds college of art.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline 21st Feb BCN:MCR Exhibition Details 4 Studios based in Spain are talking about their influences and practices this is a key talk I feel I would benefit from as a designer.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline TBC Team Impression Details A Visit to a professional printer will give me more insight into the printing process as well as build up future contacts.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline TBC Studio Visits Details After Portfolio surgeries I have compiled a strong body of work and my aim is to visit a range of studios to see how they run there practice to allow me to also build future contacts before I leave.

BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Refernced) Armstrong, J. (2009), Graphic Design Theory, New York, Princeton Architectural Press. Jury, D. (2001), Typographic Writing, Netherlands, Drukkerij Rosbeek. Murphy, C. (2009), HTML and CSS Web standard solutions, Marsgate, Amazon. Sassoon, R. (2002), Computers and Typography, Wiltshire, Cromwell press. Samara, T. (2005), Making or breaking the Grid, China, Rockport Publishers. Sood, R. (2012), Pro Android Augmented Reality, New York. Tschichold, J. (2006), The Penguin Years, Oak Knoll Press. Brook, T. (2009), Studio Culture, Unit Editions MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES (include publication date and details) Mark Architecture 39 Aug/Sep 2012 Foam Spring 2012 Hypebeast The impression Issue Aperture Summer 2011 Computer Arts Various Issues El Lissitzky Our Book Laszlo Moholy-Nagy Typophoto Jan Tschihold The New Typography Beatrice Warde The Crystal Goblet Herbert Bayer On Typography ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) Behance: Designspiration: Click Clk: Typophile: OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) Helvetica (2007) Typeface (2011)

ACTION PLAN use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in
order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? Fashion Yearbook 1 Full action plan pending on meeting with Fashion course leaders. Week 1: Research and collect context material. UK Greetings 2 Week 1: Research Augmented design and discuss limitations with Dan. Week 2: Do research of exiting cards and produces a simple tester mock up of a card fully augmented. Concept Refinement Week 3: Start fully designing a range of Cards Week 4: Finalise Cards and start focusing on interactive design platforms for android and web. Week 5: Finalise 2 ranges of Cards and platforms for YCN hand in. Week 6-7: Expand Brief and start on concept store and promotional collateral. Jake Coleman 3 Week 0: Meeting and work out creative boundaries and needs of Jake. Week 1: Research wood, materials & logo design Week 2: Logo Design, Concept Refinement Week 3: 2nd meeting and discuss logo development Week 4: Adaptations and start expanding onto collateral Week 5: Collateral and collect images for Look Book Week 6: Collateral and lookbook design 3rd meeting and discuss further work if Jake is happy with the development. Week 7 8: Print Week 9: End of year show extension work Creating The Field 4 Week 1: Hand in dissertation and collect research material Week 2: Filter through research and identity key texts relevant to students. Week 3: Concept development Week 4: Initial publication design Week 5: Publication and logo design Week 6: Design event collateral Week 7: Online Platform design & PDF Week 8: Finalise designs and start printing Graphic Notebooks 5 Week 1: Research print deliverables Week 2: Context and other designers research Week 3: Start producing possible Grids relating to design problems Week 4: Start producing the logo and brand guidelines for the range Week 5 8: Finalise Design Ready for printers Week 9: Send to printers and start online platforms 20th of May Deadline 22nd March

15th of March

20th of May

20th of May

Cheap Thrills Extension 6 Week 1: Start applying Logo and guidelines to print collateral Week 2: Finalise designs for collateral Week 3: Print collateral and start on web platforms Week 4: Finish brief. Ben Waterhouse Branding (Photographer) 7 Depending on time left. 20th of May

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