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Teacher :Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: Thales8 Date:21/11/11 Number of pupils: 28 Subject: Spreadsheet Lesson 1 Learning Objectives (WALT): Refresh our basic spreadsheet skills. Know why we use spreadsheets Become familiar with spreadsheet formulae.

Time/Period: 2 Scheme of Work:

Room: 26 Level:5

Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: Format a spreadsheet without help Most must be able to: Say why we use spreadsheets and models and use basic formula. Some must be able to: Use advanced formulae. Keywords: Active Cells, Formula Bar, Row, Column, Sheet Tabs Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Mathematics Entry ( 2.5 mins) Resources Starter.swf Starter (5 mins) : Flash card activity Main ( 45 mins) Explain WILF Objectives Recap: What is a spreadsheet? What is it made up of? What is a model? Why do we use models?

L6 Formatting.xls L6 Formula.xls

Excel keywords (Active Cell, Formula Bar, Rows, Columns, Sheet Tabs) Prep Look on Moodle to check out link to Teach-ICT for help with Excel) Formatting Task Quick Demonstration of sheet formatting - demo Task 1: Create a folder in your called Spreadsheets under ICT. Save L6 Formatting into Spreadsheets Folder. Complete the formatting exercise within 15 minutes Formula Task 1) What is formulae? 2) Why should we use formulae? 3) Quick Demo: Using basic formula: + / - * Average Task 2: 4) Save L6 Formula into Spreadsheets Folder. 5) Complete the formula activity within 15 minutes Plenary ( 5 mins): Moodle Spreadsheet Lesson 1 Plenary Dunkin Teacher Game Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) G & T: Watch videos at Special Education Needs: Other adult support/roles: Homework return, feedback and setting: No homework, feedback given through markbook Assessment including WILF: Markbook in Dropbox Evaluation of the lesson Informal observations made by curriculum mentor[x] Plenary.swf

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