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Social 20 International Organization Research Project By: Nadine and Casey

Albania Belgium,
Latvia, Lithuania,

Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic,

Netherlands, Norway, Poland,

Estonia, France,

Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Slovenia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States



Hungary Iceland Italy

Basics and Details

o Purpose: NATO was first created as a military alliance and has since been involved in many military operations to act as peace keepers and at times peacemakers. o Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium o Means/ability to enforce its resolutions: Although the NATO does serve as a governmental organization, it still relies heavily on its military structure to enforce its resolutions. In most cases, once the NATO has made a decision, troops are sent in to a certain nation or area to solve the problem that NATO has made their mission.

Basics and Details

Bodies and Branches: The NATO is separated into a number of levels, the main three being; Civilian Structure, Military Structure, and Organizations and Agencies. o Civilian Structure: Private Office, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, Operations Division, Emerging Security Challenges Division, Defense Policy and Planning Division, Defense Investment Division, Public Diplomacy Division, Executive Management, NATO Offices of Resources, NATO Offices of Security. o Military Structure: The Military Committee, Allied Command Operations, Allied Command Transformation. o Organizations and Agencies: Support, Communications and Information, Science and Technology, Programed Offices, Civil Emergency Planning, Air Traffic Management (air defense), Air Born Early Warning, Electronic Warfare, Meteorology, Military Oceanography, Education and Training, Project Steering Committees/Project Offices.

NATO has clearly established worthwhile goals.

When the NATO was first established on April 4 th, 1949, the main goals of the organization had been to keep Russians out, Americans in, and the Germans down. Following the period of the Cold War, the NATO began to focus more on international concerns having to do with peace and security. From Bosnia to Afghanistan the NATO has played a major political and military role in many conflicts al over the world. Their goals are very clear when it comes to improving the world, in the ways they attempt to create effective, stable Governments and reduce poverty. Although the NATO was created as a military alliance, today it acts as a global support organization. We agree that the NATO has clearly established goals, however in the past and even up to 2012, these goals are not always worthwhile, such as their idea of Anti-Communism and the weakening of Germany after the Second World War.

The NATO ensures that all member nations are treated equally
The 28 members of the NATO may not be equal in power and strength, but are all equal in position. Every nation has one vote when it comes to decision making, and any nation can veto the idea in discussion. Every two years a large meeting is held to establish future goals. These meetings are held in a different member nation each gathering. If an outside nation threatens a NATO member, the remaining nations come to its defense, putting the military alliance into play. An example of this would be on September 11 th, 2001, when the terrorist attack occurred in the United States. The organization considered this not only an act of aggression towards the United States, but the rest of the NATO members as well. This led the NATO to send in their troops into Afghanistan to begin one of their largest missions. These examples lead us to strongly agree that all member nations of the NATO are treated equally.

The NATO responds effectively to its goals, mandates,

and/ or resolutions in the international community.

One of the first goals of the NATO was to prevent communism from spreading even further. Their active political and military participation in the Cold War against Russia was one way they attempted to do this. When the organization began to focus more on global safety and prosperity, their goals changed and their responses to many international situations became more effective and more significant. From 1991-1995, the NATO deployed around 60,000 soldiers in Bosnia to help establish and preserve peace during and after the Bosnia War. Concerning Afghanistan, the NATO created the ISAF ( International Security Assistance Force) after the 911 attacks. This group was established to train the Afghan National Security Forces and help Afghanistan rebuild its government. In 2011 during the Libyan Civil War, the NATO played a major role in removing the then Prime Minister, Muammar Gaddafi, and his supporters from power. There were many more missions in which the NATO was involved and although they were not always successful we see the NATO taking a part in a number of international situations that have to do with their goal of establishing and preserving peace and security. Therefore, we strongly agree that this organization does respond effectively to its goals and mandates.

The NATO promotes internationalism effectively....

The NATO effectively responds to international concerns in a number of ways, some positive ,some negative. Their history portrays that they are an organization that attempts to promote and establish peace and stability although at times their actions are harmful to certain groups of people. The NATO allows their alliance to overlook outside nations. After the 9/11 attacks, when the NATO sent in troops into Afghanistan, their main goal was to remove the Taliban from power and improve the lives of the people , showing one of the better decisions of the NATO. The NATO intervention in Bosnia was for similar reasons. The intentions of the organization are positive, however they tend to resort to violence to accomplish their goals. We recognize this during the Cold Wars, in Bosnia in Kosovo in 1999 and in Libya. The outcome of the NATOs intervention in these situations was usually a death occurrence of many. We conclude that the intentions of the NATO may be positive, but they are not always promoting internationalism effectively.

Speech: Smart Support

The research of this particular organization has informed us of the importance of the NATO and the role it plays in international affairs and concerns. We Canadians should be proud to take part in a group that is so dedicated to establishing peace, security, and stability worldwide. The NATO has proved to be a strong and reliable body, but we must be aware of the consequences their our actions can result in. We want our troops to stop fighting a war that is not theirs and adding to the violence that already exists in our world, but instead let them create understanding between nations and other cultures. We want equality, but not by using aggression to establish it. Our future depends on these organizations to make the right decisions. NATO has taken positive and negative actions and although they had good intentions, the group could improve their tactics, and the ways they attempt to accomplish their goals. Therefor we should support our alliance with the NATO, but we must be aware of the downsides and recognize the room for change.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) | Treaties & Regimes | NTI ." Nuclear Threat Initiative . N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. <>. "About ISAF." Www.isaf.nato. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2012. <>.Amadeo, Kimberly. "What Is NATO - Purpose and History." US Economy and Business - US Economic Indicators - US Economic News. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. <>. "NATO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <>. "NATO Chicago Summit meets it's goals." N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>. "NATO Organisation." N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. <>. "NATO'S Member's Rights - Simcountry." Simcountry. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <'S_Member's_Rights>. MLA formatting by

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