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Semester 1: Chemistry Final Study Guide

Elements Group/Family Period Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Halogens Malleable Mass Volume Noble Gases Electrons Protons Neutrons Metalloids/Semi-Metals Atomic Number Atomic Mass Metals and Non-Metals Elements 1-36 Significant Figures Rounding Percent Error Error Accuracy Precision Principle Quantum Number Study Guide Questions 1. What is the definition of every single vocabulary word given above? [Create flashcards] Check flashcards. 2. What is an atom? An atom is the smallest unit of matter that keeps its unique chemical and physical properites. 3. What is the difference between an element and an atom? An element is made up of only one type of atom. Every element is made up of a unique type of atoms. Every atom is unique in the number of protons. Dinh 1 Ions Ionization Energy Electronegativity Valence Electrons Lewis Dot Structure Orbitals Shielding Effect Atomic Radius Bohr Models Rutherford J.J. Thomson Compounds Ionic Bonds Octet Rule Ionic Compound Cation Anion Periodic Trends Chemical Property Physical Property Electroconductivity HCl Plum Pudding Model px, py, pz orbitals s orbitals

Semester 1: Chemistry Final Study Guide

4. Complete the Table: Periodic Trend Direction Left to Right Electronegativity Increase or Decrease Increase The Reason If proton number increases, then positive charge of nucleus increases. If there is more positive charge, then the nucleus will attract electrons more. If electrons fill energy levels that are larger and further from the nucleus, then attraction between the nucleus and outer electron is decreased. If proton number gets higher, then the nucleus attracts outer electrons more. If there is greater attraction, then electrons are closer to nucleus and the atom shrinks. If the number of protons increases, then the attraction between the nucleus and outer electron is increased. However, adding electrons to energy levels shield the attraction between outer electrons and the nucleus. Therefore, the atomic radius increases. If outer electrons are more attracted to the nucleus (see electronegativity), then it will take more energy to remove it from the atom and form an ion. If outer electrons are further away from the nucleus because they are filling higher energy levels, it will take less energy to remove that electron and form an ion.

Top to Bottom


Left to Right Atomic Radius


Top to Bottom


Left to Right Ionization Energy


Top to Bottom


5. Draw the Lewis Dot Structures for Elements 1-36.

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Semester 1: Chemistry Final Study Guide 6. Given each measurement below, 1) find the number significant figures, 2) round to the underlined digit, 3) add up specific heat capacity data and round the answer, and 4) calculate the error and percent error of the density data if the accepted value for density is 7.14 g/cm3.

Juans Data
Trial Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Density (g/cm3) 14.75098 0.79500 7.165980 Specific Heat Capacity (J/g C) 0.9050 0.00036 0.091618

7. Given the density data above, are these measurements accurate, precise, both, or neither? The density measurements are neither accurate nor precise. The measurements are really far away from the accepted value and very far away from each other. 8. Explain the shielding effect. The shielding effect is the interaction between the inner electrons and outer electrons. The inner electrons take away the attraction between the positive nucleus and the negative outer electrons. 9. Which atom experiences more shielding, Mg or I? As a result, which atom has a greater electronegativity? The outer electrons of the Iodine atoms are more shielded from the nucleus because there are more inner electrons in lower energy levels to take away the attraction between the negative outer electrons and positive nucleus. 10. Define an orbital. An orbital is a space where the electron is most likely to be found. 11. The ionization energy of an element indicates the energy it takes to remove an electron from the outermost level. As you move down a group in the periodic table, the ionization energy Dinh 3

Semester 1: Chemistry Final Study Guide

a. b. c. d.

Increases because the number of protons increases. Decreases because the number of neutrons increases. Increases because the size of the atom. Decreases because the electron is farther from the nucleus.

Answer is D. 12. Draw the 1s, 2px, 4s, and 3py orbitals using the graphs below. Draw them in the order provided. [16 points]

13. Predict the ionic compound formed between the O and the following metals: Count the number of ionic bonds. a. b. c. d. e. f. Mg MgO K K2O Na Na2O Al Al2O3 Zn (2 valence electrons) ZnO Fe (3 valence electrons) Fe2O3

14. Predict the ionic compound formed between Ga and the following nonmetals: Count the number of ionic bonds form. a. b. c. d. e. f. Se Ga2Se3 Cl GaCl3 O Ga2O3 N GaN I GaI3 P Ga1P1

15. Consider Cl and Mg. The atom of which element has a higher electronegativity and why? Cl is higher in electronegativity because Cl atoms have greater number of protons in the nucleus. If the nucleus is growing more positive and each electron added is in the same energy level, then the outer electrons feel a stronger attraction to the nucleus. Dinh 4

Semester 1: Chemistry Final Study Guide

16. Consider O and S. The atom of which element has a higher atomic radius and why? Sulfur has a higher atomic radius. If more electrons are added to higher energy levels that are further away from the nucleus, then the distance from the outer electron to the nucleus increases. 17. Consider Al and Cl. The atom of which element has a higher ionization energy and why? Cl has a higher ionization energy. If the outer electrons in Cl are more attracted to the nucleus because the positive nucleus increases with a greater number of protons, then it will take more energy to remove the outer electron from Cl and form an ion. 18. Elements in the same period of the periodic table have similar chemical properties because they have a. b. c. d. The same number of valence electrons. Atomic numbers that are multiples of each other. Different principle quantum numbers. The same number of orbitals.

Answer is D. 19. Elements in Group 13 have all the following in common except: a. b. c. d. They all have the same number of valence electrons. They all have similar chemical properties. They all have the same atomic radius. They all have the same group members.

Answer is C. 20. Draw a line from the element to its group: Element Se (Metalloids) Cl (Halogens) U (Actinides) K (Alkali Metals) Group Halogens Noble Gases Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals

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Semester 1: Chemistry Final Study Guide Be (Alkaline Earth Metal) Mg (Alkaline Earth Metal) Kr (Noble Gas) Au (Transition Metal) Lanthanides Actinides Metalloids Transition Metals

Challenge Questions 1. How do electron configuration and orbitals relate to atomic radius? Electron configurations are a language to tell chemists where the electrons can be found. For any given atom, the electron configuration tells a scientist what orbitals they can find electrons. As the electron configuration includes higher energy levels (or principal quantum numbers), the greater in size the orbitals are. The greater the size of the orbitals, the greater the atomic radius of the atom. 2. Why do electrons have such a large space to travel around? The nucleus is TINY compared to the size of the atom. If the nucleus were the size of a nickel (5 cents) and we placed it on the 50-yard line of a football stadium, the edge of the atom would be the edge of the football stadium. If the nucleus is extremely small, then the electron has a huge amount of space to run around. That is why orbitals are so important in chemistry. 3. How do protons and electrons stay near each other but never come in contact? Protons attract electrons. Electrons attract protons. They never come in contact with each other because electrons also repel other electrons. This balance between an electron and its attraction to the nucleus and its repulsion to other electrons ensures that protons and neutrons never touch. 4. What is the process of science? The process of science is to give explanations about the world around us. Scientists follow the scientific method to standardize how we go about explaining the world. Thomson gained knowledge of the atom. Rutherford used Thomsons knowledge to gain more knowledge of the atom. Bohr used Thomsons and Rutherfords knowledge to gain more knowledge of the atom. In conclusion, the process of science is the gradual explanation of the mysteries in our world.

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Semester 1: Chemistry Final Study Guide 5. Why are the Halogens known to be more reactive with other elements than the Noble Gases? Halogens only need one more electron to achieve a full octet. They want that last electron so badly that they will react with almost anything to get it. The atoms of the Halogens also are extremely high in Electronegativity so they will try to get even more electrons. This makes them extremely reactive.

Dear Student (You), As you can tell, weve come a long way since we first met back in August. There are a lot of problems to do, and there is so much still needed to get done. My best piece of advice for you is to break these questions up into parts. Try concentrating on 5 questions a day. After 5 days, you will have completed all the questions! On the second day, go back and review what you learned on the first day. That way, by the time you finish all the questions, you will have reviewed most of the concepts I expect you to know. At the beginning of this class, I showed you all a video of a paratrooper who didnt give up. This is your time to show me you have not lost faith in yourself, in this class, or in me. I believe in you. You can do this. Just take this task one day at a time. Your teacher, Mr. Dinh

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